Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D)
Advance Weekly Planner (2017)
Department: Basic Medical Sciences Reference No.: LPC-AWP/5501/05/17
Day / Date / Prof. / Subject / Teacher / Topic / RemarksMonday / 8-05-17 / 1st / Physiology / Dr. Rabia / Muscle physiology continued (Morning + Evening Class) / Theory
Ms. Irsa / Determination of Red Blood Cell Count. ( Morning Group B) / Practical
2nd / Pharmacology& therapeutics - I / Dr. Rabia / Basics of Adrenoceptor agonists,classes / Theory
Dr. Rabia / Practical
3rd / Pharmacology& therapeutics - II / Ms. Irsa / Lectures Suspended. / Theory
Ms. Asma / Lectures Suspended. / Practical
Tuesday / 9-05-17 / 1st / Physiology / Dr. Rabia / Regulation of plasma cholesterol (Morning + Evening Class) / Theory
Ms. Irsa / Determination of Red Blood Cell Count. (Morning Group A) / Practical
2nd / Pharmacology& therapeutics - I / Dr. Rabia / Basics of Adrenoceptor agonists,classes / Theory
Dr. Rabia / Practical
3rd / Pharmacology& therapeutics - II / Ms. Irsa / Lectures Suspended. / Theory
Ms. Asma / Lectures Suspended. / Practical
Wednesday / 10-05-17 / 1st / Physiology / Dr. Rabia / Revision of completed syllabus (Morning + Evening Class) / Theory
2nd / Pharmacology& therapeutics - I / Dr. Rabia / Adrenergic agonists / Theory
Dr. Rabia / Practical
3rd / Pharmacology& therapeutics - II / Ms. Irsa / Lectures Suspended. / Theory
Ms. Asma / Lectures Suspended. / Practical
Thursday / 11-05-17 / 1st / Physiology / Ms. Asma / Introduction to endocrinology and its disorder (Morning Class) / Theory
2nd / Pharmacology& therapeutics - I / Dr. Rabia / Continued / Theory
Dr. Rabia / Demonstration and repetition of practical classes / Practical
3rd / Pharmacology& therapeutics - II / Ms. Irsa / Lectures Suspended / Theory
Ms. Asma / Lectures Suspended. / Practical
Friday / 12-05-17 / 1st / Physiology / Ms. Asma / Introduction to endocrinology and its disorder (Evening Class) / Theory
Ms. Irsa / Determination of Blood Indices. (Evening Class) / Practical
2nd / Pharmacology& therapeutics - I / Dr. Rabia / Adrenergic antagonists / Theory
Dr. Rabia / Practical
3rd / Pharmacology& therapeutics - II / Ms. Irsa / Lectures Suspended. / Theory
Ms. Asma / Lectures Suspended. / Practical
Department: Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Day / Date / Prof. / Subject / Teacher / Topic / RemarksMonday / 08-05-17 / 1st / Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I (Organic) / Mr. Ejaz Ali / Factors affecting SN1 Reactions. / Theory
Ms. Freeha Rafique / Identification of unknown organic compound / Practical
Pharmaceutical Chemistry II (Biochemistry) / Dr. Tariq Javed / Techniques for separation of plasma Lipids / Theory
Dr. Tariq Javed / Techniques for separation of plasma Lipids / Theory
3rd / Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Pharmaceutical Analysis) / Mr. Ejaz Ali / N/A
Ms. Freeha Rafique / N/A
5th / Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Medicinal) / Dr. Tariq Javed / Introduction to Alkaloids / Theory
Mr. Nasir Ali / N/A
Tuesday / 09-05-17 / 1st / Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I (Organic) / Mr. Ejaz Ali / Chemical Reactions of SN1 / Theory
Ms. Freeha Rafique / Identification of unknown organic compound / Practical
Pharmaceutical Chemistry II (Biochemistry) / Dr. Tariq Javed / Introduction to Metabolism of Lipids & Fatty Acids / Theory
Dr. Tariq Javed / Introduction to Metabolism of Lipids & Fatty Acids / Theory
3rd / Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Pharmaceutical Analysis) / Mr. Ejaz Ali / N/A
Ms. Freeha Rafique / N/A
5th / Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Medicinal) / Dr. Tariq Javed / SAR of Alkaloids / Theory
Mr. Nasir Ali / N/A
Wednesday / 10-05-17 / 1st / Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I (Organic) / Mr. Ejaz Ali / Properties and mechanism of SN1 Reactions. / Theory
Ms. Freeha Rafique / Group viva / Practical
Pharmaceutical Chemistry II (Biochemistry) / Dr. Tariq Javed / Metabolism of Fatty Acids by β-OXIDATION / Theory
Dr. Tariq Javed / Metabolism of Fatty Acids by β-OXIDATION / Theory
3rd / Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Pharmaceutical Analysis) / Mr. Ejaz Ali / N/A
Ms. Freeha Rafique / N/A
5th / Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Medicinal) / Dr. Tariq Javed / N/A
Mr. Nasir Ali / Sulphonamides: Prontosil / Theory
Thursday / 11-05-17 / 1st / Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I (Organic) / Mr. Ejaz Ali / N/A
Ms. Freeha Rafique / N/A
Pharmaceutical Chemistry II (Biochemistry) / Dr. Tariq Javed / Viva Voce (Carbohydrate, Protein and Lipids) / Practical
Dr. Tariq Javed / Viva Voce (Carbohydrate, Protein and Lipids) / Practical
3rd / Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Pharmaceutical Analysis) / Mr. Ejaz Ali / N/A
Ms. Freeha Rafique / N/A
5th / Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Medicinal) / Dr. Tariq Javed / N/A
Mr. Nasir Ali / Sulphonamides: Sulphanilamide / Theory
Friday / 12-05-17 / 1st / Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I (Organic) / Mr. Ejaz Ali / Properties and mechanism of SN1 Reactions. / Theory
Ms. Freeha Rafique / Practical
Pharmaceutical Chemistry II (Biochemistry) / Dr. Tariq Javed / Viva Voce (Carbohydrate, Protein and Lipids) / Practical
Dr. Tariq Javed / N/A
3rd / Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Pharmaceutical Analysis) / Mr. Ejaz Ali / N/A
Ms. Freeha Rafique / N/A
5th / Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Medicinal) / Dr. Tariq Javed / N/A
Mr. Nasir Ali / Table Viva voce / Practical
Department: Pharmaceutics
Day / Date / Prof. / Subject / Teacher / Topic / RemarksMonday / 8-05-17 / 1st / Pharmaceutics-I (Physical Pharmacy) / Ms. Rabia Khokhar / Class TEST (Rheology) / Theory
2nd / Pharmaceutics-I I(Dosage form science) / Ms. Sana Javed / Topical gel and topical tincture, Topical solution and topical powder / Theory
Ms Huma Hameed/ Ms kanwal Mazhar / Preparation of Iodine Tincture (BP) / Practical
Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Immunology / Ms. Kanwal Ashiq / Amoebiasis: Structure, Amoebic Dysentery, life cycle, Signs and symptoms and treatment / Theory
Determination pf Bacteria Size
Motility Testing of Bacteria by Hanging Drop Method
(Group A) / Practical
4th / Biopharmaceutics / Ms Farah Qureshi / Activity no: 14 To understand method of residual & compute pharmacokinetic parameters for a data of 1 compartment model after extravascular administration. / Practical
Biopharmaceutics / Ms Farah Qureshi / One compartment open model after extravascular administration / Theory
Pharmaceutics-VI (Pharmaceutical Quality Control Management) / Dr Khurram Rehman / Introduction to Alkalodial Drug Assay
Extraction of Drugs
Maceration, Percolation, Continuous Extraction / Theory
Pharmaceutics-IV (Industrial Pharmacy) / Mr. GM / Packaging materials: Glass and Plastics / Theory
5th / Pharmaceutical Technology / Ms. Sadia Urooj / Class TEST ( Niosomes & Targeted drug delivery system) / Theory
Ms Sadia Urooj / Preparation of Microparticles by temperature change method. / Practical
Tuesday / 9-05-17 / 1st / Pharmaceutics-I (Physical Pharmacy) / Ms. Rabia Khokhar / Extraction processes: Percolation- Purpose and Process / Theory
2nd / Pharmaceutics-I I(Dosage form science) / Ms. Sana Javed / Emulsions,types, preparation,theories,stability / Theory
Ms Huma Hameed/ Ms kanwal Mazhar / Preparation of Iodine Tincture (BP) / Practical
Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Immunology / Ms. Kanwal Ashiq / Trichomoniasis: Source of transmission, Signs and symptoms, treatment
Giardiasis: Signs and symptoms, life cycle, treatment / Theory
Determination pf Bacteria Size
Motility Testing of Bacteria by Hanging Drop Method
(Group B) / Practical
4th / Biopharmaceutics / Ms Farah Qureshi / One compartment open model after IV infusion / Theory
Pharmaceutics-IV (Industrial Pharmacy) / Mr. GM / Packaging materials: Glass and Plastics / Theory
Introduction to single punch compression machine / Practical
5th / Pharmaceutical Technology / Prof. Dr. Nasira / Theory
Wednesday / 10-05-17 / 1st / Pharmaceutics-I (Physical Pharmacy) / Ms. Huma Hameed / Adsorption techniques: mechanism, types of adsorption / Theory
2nd / Pharmaceutics-I I(Dosage form science) / Ms. Sana Javed / Suspensions, Suspensions Reasons for suspensions Sedimentation rate of the particles of a suspension,Dispersed phase of suspensions &Dispersion medium / Theory
Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Immunology / Ms. Kanwal Ashiq / Malaria: Causative agent, Life cycle of plasmodium, Drug therapy / Theory
4th / Pharmaceutics-VI (Pharmaceutical Quality Control Management) / Dr Khurram Rehman / Pharmaceutical application of maceration and percolation. / Theory
Thursday / 11-05-17 / 1st / Pharmaceutics-I (Physical Pharmacy) / Ms. Huma Hameed / Adsorption processes: isotherms / Theory
Ms. Rabia Khokhar / Preparation of 0.1 Molar (M) and 0.1 Normal (N) Sulphuric acid Solution / Practical
4th / Biopharmaceutics / Ms Farah Qureshi / One compartment open model after IV infusion / Theory
Pharmaceutics-VI (Pharmaceutical Quality Control Management) / Dr Khurram Rehman / Determination of alkaloids by Gravimetric & Volumetric Method / Theory
Pharmaceutics-IV (Industrial Pharmacy) / Mr. GM / Packaging materials: Glass and Plastics / Theory
Packaging materials: Glass and Plastics / Theory
5th / Pharmaceutical Technology / Ms. Sadia Urooj / Evaluation of Floating Drug delivery System / Theory
Friday / 12-05-17 / 1st / Pharmaceutics-I (Physical Pharmacy) / Ms. Rabia Khokhar / Preparation of 0.1 Molar (M) and 0.1 Normal (N) Sulphuric acid Solution / Practical
2nd / Pharmaceutics-I I(Dosage form science) / Ms. Sana Javed / Gels, magmas and collodions / Theory
Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Immunology / Ms. Kanwal Ashiq / Trypanosomiasis: Two diseases of Trypanosomiasis
Human African sleeping sickness and Chagas disease. / Theory
4th / Biopharmaceutics / Ms Farah Qureshi / One compartment open model after IV infusion / Theory
Pharmaceutics-VI (Pharmaceutical Quality Control Management) / Dr Khurram Rehman / Class Test / Theory
Assay of Paracetamol tablets using HPLC according to USP / practical
5th / Pharmaceutical Technology / Ms. Sadia Urooj / Colon Targeted Drug Delivery System ( Introduction) / Theory
Department: Pharmacognosy
Day / Date / Prof. / Subject / Teacher / Topic / RemarksMonday / 08-05-17 / 2nd / Pharmacognosy -I / Ms Hira Ijaz / Pesticides / Theory
3rd / Pharmacognosy-II / Ms.SaimaRubab
Ms.HiraIjaz / Theory
Tuesday / 09-05-17 / 2nd / Pharmacognosy -I / Ms Hira Ijaz
Ms.SaimaRubab / Adulteration (continued) / Theory
3rd / Pharmacognosy-II / Ms.SaimaRubab
Ms Hira Ijaz
Wednesday / 10-05-17 / 2nd / Pharmacognosy -I / Ms Hira Ijaz
Ms.SaimaRubab / Identification of crude drugs / Practical
3rd / Pharmacognosy-II / Ms.SaimaRubab
Ms Hira Ijaz
Thursday / 11-05-17 / 2nd / Pharmacognosy -I / Ms Hira Ijaz / Class Test on topic “ Biologics” / Theory
MsSaimaRubab / Identification of crude drugs / Practical
3rd / Pharmacognosy-II / Ms. SaimaRubab
Ms Hira Ijaz
Friday / 12-05-17 / 2nd / Pharmacognosy -I / Ms Hira Ijaz
Ms. SaimaRubab
3rd / Pharmacognosy-II / Ms. SaimaRubab
Ms Hira Ijaz