Section 1: Overview
1.1Please tick box as appropriate: / WFOEMNC:
(SME: less than 250 employees worldwide)
1.2For how many years has your company been engaged in China - related business (please tick box)?
More than10 / Between 5-10 / 1 to5 / Less than 1 year or intending to enter China
1.3Which market segments does your China business operate in?
Construction engineering (design, planning and management of construction projects) / :
Execution of construction work (on-site engagement of trades, workers and equipment) / :
Other please specify:
1.4Please describe the main scope of your business with China: Tick one or more
Export of / design services /
planning and managing construction services /
construction execution, such as trades, workers, and equipment /
construction materials, elements, and modules /
Import of / design services /
planning and managing construction services
construction execution, such as trades, workers, and equipment /
construction materials, elements, and modules /
Others, please specify:
Section 2: Chinaconstruction Market opportunities
Please answer the following questions which place emphasis on the current situation and mid-term future outlook.
Note: 1 = little importance, 3 = moderate importance 5 = utmost importance (please mark as appropriate)
2.1How important is the China market for your business?12345
Today / 12345
In 5 years
2.2What is the percentage of your company’s turnover in Chinatoday compared to overall/ global turnover in revenue and market share?
ii)Market share:
2.3Over the next 5 years, how do you expect business opportunities to evolve in the construction sector in China? How will this likely impact on your sales/ market share figures?
i) Revenue:
ii) Market share:
2.4How important is China as an investment destination (both in terms of development for industry and services)?
Today / 12345
In 5 years
2.5How much of a problem (threat) would you rate China-specific operating practices for your business in China (e.g. market access, national treatment)?
Today / 12345
In 5 years
2.6What are the main current obstacles preventing you from expanding further in the Chinese market? Please list in terms of priority (e.g. market access constraints, IP protection, Chinese standards/ operating practices, etc.).
2.7How will this situation likely evolve in the next 5 years?
2.8What are the quantitative costs or impacts resulting from these obstacles on your business today? This can be indicated as a percentage ofturnover, revenues etc. Please specify.
2.9How is this situation likely to change in the next 5 years?
2.10How does the European Construction sector plan to maximise the opportunities brought about by the Chinese market (e.g. outsourcing and exporting to home markets/ investment in China, etc.)?
2.11China’s 11th 5-year programme (2006 to 2011) sets ambitious targets and priorities for rural development, environmental protection (rural and urban), energy efficiency (rural and urban context) as well as the need for a home grown innovation society, affecting all sectors. This direction would represent a major step change in China’s approach to sustainable development.
- Please consider how the direction of China’s sustainable development as described above provides opportunities and challenges within your own sector and business units (e.g. new markets, new investment opportunities, partnerships, etc.)?
- What will likely be the challenges and constraints of realising these opportunities?
SECTION 3 Chinese construction competition
Note: 1 = little importance, 3 = moderate importance 5 = utmost importance (please mark as appropriate)
3.1How significant is the competitive threat of Chinese enterprises operating in your core sectors in the Chinese market?12345
Today / 12345
In 5 years
3.2Please describe the nature of this threat. Include the role of SOE’s in your description. How is the threat evolving?
3.3What are the main advantages your company has in China compared to Chinese competitors? Please list in terms of priority (e.g. Product/ innovation, brand, service/ maintenance, people etc.).
3.4How significant is the competitive threat of Chinese enterprises operating in the sector construction in the US market?
Today / 12345
In 5 years
3.5Please describe the nature of this threat and its likely future evolution (5yrs)?
3.6How significant is the competitive threat of Chinese enterprises operating in the sector construction in the ASEAN market?
Today / 12345
In 5 years
3.7Please describe the nature of this threat and its likely future evolution (5yrs)?
3.8To what extent does the infringement on IPR affect your business with China?
Today / 12345
In 5 years
3.9How will this situation likely evolve in the next 5 years?
3.10What is your priority in dealing with the challenge posed by the emergence of China/ Chinese industry as competitors? Please list and specify (e.g. improving your competitiveness, improving market access, seeking improvement inoverall issues of commercial transparency).
3.11Please highlight ideas for acceptable investment scenarios in China outside those currently permitted by the Chinese government? Please be creative in considering EU-China win-win approaches to investment and cooperation.