SCHOOL YEAR 2007 – 2008


Instructor: Mrs. B. Gumataotao / Room ______

Office Tel. #s: 735-3110/3111


This one year course is designed to assist students in preparing for higher level mathematic skills. The course will focus on systematic arithmetic operations, problem-solving techniques, graphing, measurement skills, geometry, data handling, simple statistics and the use of algebraic expressions to solve problems.

The course and lessons are designed for students to work independently, interactively and as a team. Students will learn to apply algebraic mathematics to the problems presented in their textbook, practice worksheets, quizzes/tests, and their everyday lives. Students will also learn to communicate their skills to their fellow classmates through oral presentations, group work and daily class participation.


Pre-Algebra, McDougal Littell. (provided to students)

Textbook Support @ (Provides instruction, practice & learning support.)

Practice Worksheets will be provided as class assignments, Reviews, Quiz & Test preparations.


Students must provide the following:

1.  A Composition notebook for each semester

2.  2 Pocket Folder and a package of 150 college rule loose leaf paper.

3.  Writing instruments - Pencils and Pens. You MUST have something to write with.

4.  Calculator – Please try and get a SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR if possible. If not, a regular calculator will do. It must have the basic functions (+, - , ×, ÷)

5.  Graph Paper at least 10 sheets.

6.  Ruler – 12 inch with a standard and metric measurement (i.e. inches and centimeters, etc.)

7.  Standard Poster Board for class project. Teacher will inform the student accordingly.

8.  COPY PAPER donations will be accepted in this class. Please donate if you can.


1.  In-class lessons, worksheets and direct instruction.

2.  Cooperative learning & team activities (group work)

3.  Guest speakers as it pertains to the class lesson based on availability and schedule.

4.  Project and project presentation (students will get project details in advance)

GRADING: (school grading scale is standard for this class)

·  Student composition notebook, attendance & class participation 30%

·  Student Quizzes 15%

·  Student Tests 30% (Final Quarter Exams account for 15% of the final grade)

·  Math Class Project 15%

·  Student Supplies 10%

Grading Scale: A = 100 – 90 B = 89 – 80 C = 79 – 70 D = 69 – 60 F = 59 – 0


1.  Upon entry into this classroom, SEAT in your ASSIGNED SEATING. You must take your seat BEFORE the tardy bell rings and be ready for instructions. Textbook, workbooks, notebook should be already set on your desk to include your writing instrument.

2.  A sign-in sheet OR role call will be our way of keeping track of attendance. BE ON TIME FOR ROLE CALL! Be sure to sit in your assigned seat unless instructed to sit elsewhere by the teacher.

3.  Those who are not in their seats will be considered tardy once the tardy bell has rung.

4.  Late/Tardy – follows standard school tardiness policies, 3 unexcused tardy will require a signed note from your parents or it will be considered an absence.

5.  Late Work - Student work that is turned in late will have points deducted for each day it is late. It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of what assignments are due, and when they are due. Parents MUST sign late assignments before the instructor will accept them.

6.  Absences MUST have an approved note from your parents. You will be given 3 days to make up work for those days you have EXCUSED absences.

7.  Work turned in with unexcused absences will be considered LATE. Late Work rules will be enforced which includes point deductions.

8.  Respect others as you would like to be respected. All school handbook rules and any amendments will be strictly enforced and applied fairly to each student.

9.  RAISE YOUR HAND if you have a question or comment. There should be only one speaker at a time. There should be NO SHOUTING or profanity (cussing) in class.

10.  No eating or drinking in the student desk areas. Please do this OUTSIDE of the classroom with your teacher’s permission.

11.  Appropriate classroom behavior is expected at all times. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Immediate and appropriate consequences will be given for unacceptable behavior(s). Please remember represent this school and your family.

12.  Students & Parents must sign this syllabus and turn it in timely for credit to the student.

I/We understand the course syllabus as outlined above. Students and Parents reserve the right to ask questions regarding any part of this syllabus.

(Please sign and tear off the dotted line and turn in for your extra credit of 10 points!)


Student’s Name: ______Date: ______, 2007

Student’s Signature: ______Grade ______Summer 2007 Session

Parent(s) Signature: ______

Name of Parent(s): ______

Parent(s) contact #s: (H): ______(W): ______(C): ______

Date Parent(s) Signed: ______, 2007 Emergency Contact(s): ______


Class Syllabus – Mrs. B. Gumataotao

8th Grade Math

L.P. Untalan Middle School Year 2008

* Instructor reserves the right to make changes to this course syllabus at any time.