Management Information

2nd Floor Invicta House

Sessions House Square

Maidstone ME14 1XX

Tel: 03000 41 21 21

Date: 9th September 2016

Dear Colleague,

Primary Attainment Analysis 2016

Management Information have now uploaded the 2016 primary attainment analysis on to Perspective Lite.

The following files are available now to download (where applicable):

·  EY FSP 2016 Making Figures Speak for Themselves

·  KS1 2016 Attainment Reports

·  KS2 2016 Attainment Reports

·  School Summary Sheet 2016

As previously notified, we have not created a Making Figures Speak for Themselves profile for KS1 or KS2 this year. This is due to the uncertainty surrounding what data we would receive from the new curriculum tests and teacher assessments and the fact that no meaningful trend data is possible in 2016 for either key stage.

Instead we have exported reports from the system that is used to process the data received from yourselves and the DfE. These are the reports included in the KS1 and KS2 Attainment Reports and include information which is usually on Making Figures such as attainment by vulnerable group. Unfortunately, we have no control over the formatting of these reports, some of which leave something to be desired and are certainly not of the standard that we would normally release to schools.

We would like your feedback on the KS1 and KS2 reports so we can incorporate the analysis you find most useful into the new and fully re-designed Making Figures Speak profiles for 2017. If you would like to comment, please email

Continued overleaf

As the reports and curriculum are new this year, we have arranged 3 courses in October and November entitled; “Life After Levels – Primary”. The courses are designed for Primary school headteachers and senior leadership team. The session will run through the new reports as well those from RAISEonline. We will explore what they mean and how they might be used within school. The courses are currently able to be booked on CPD Online:
The codes for the courses are SCH 16/1216; SCH 16/1217 and SCH 16/1218.

If you have any questions about any of the data contained in the 2016 reports, please email

Yours sincerely,

Wendy Murray

Performance & Information Manager