Lost Sheep Ministry News–September 2016--

The Great Commission: Matthew 28: 18 - 20 is a commission for all Christians to go, make Disciples, and teach them to OBEY all that I have commanded you. LSM is dedicated to evangelizing the lost and making disciples of Christ that make Disciples of Christ according to II Timothy 2:2.

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Notes from Brother Bob: I am writing this newsletter from Nicaragua.

Jon Friesen is with me again having recently helped me in Nigeria, West Africa. On this trip, I was able to license Jon to Preach the Gospel Ministry. He is a wonderful fellow solder for Jesus Christ

SEPTEMBER 2016, I left Houston, TXon Thursday September 8, 2016 a day earlier than Jon Friesen’s flight from Florida on Friday. The flight to Managua, Nicaragua was fully booked but I was upgraded to first class. I found a hotel near the airport in Managua for $15.21. It had no air conditioning but was clean with a fan. I had a good night’s sleep and after breakfast I took a taxi back to the airport and waited 12 hours for Jon’s flight to arrive from Houston. I had the honor to lead two sisters to the Lord while waiting. Hassell & Jacqueline who were working at the Movil internet booth at the airport received Christ. I love those wet births when they cry while praying to receive Christ!

Jon arrived a little late at about 9:40 pm but my friend Eli Simeon was there with me with a car to take us to San Marcos just south of Managua.

We got to The Inn San Marcos about midnight. There was no air-conditioning but an overhead fan and a floor fan was most adequate.

On Saturday Jon & I visited some old friends then we drove to the Hodera (drug rehabilitation facility) where we will be ministering this week. We got to go fishing with Jesus at the La Cosonia Coffee Shop, my favorite place in San Marcos I had the opportunity to lead Claudia Vigil the owner’s wife to the Lord. She is a schoolteacher and speaks excellent English and yes, she was another “wet birth”. Maybe it’s a lady thing but I don’t think so because I was a waterfall of tears, and sobbing on Palm Sunday 1973 when I received Jesus at Bethany Baptist Church in Clawson, Michigan. I daily thank God for Pastors Fred & Brian Harrison, Robert Hoyt, Toby Bowles, Carl Sugden, Harry Goldman, John Morgan, and Steven Yoes, themen of God that have equipped me for ministry.

Sunday we visited LaRoca (The Rock) church in Fatima. Jairo Sanchez is the Pastor there. Jimmy Gifford and I ordained him to the gospel ministry 10 years ago. This is a young vibrant church, which keeps growing. I am always humbled to witness him manifest the gifts the Holy Spirit has given him. During the afternoon, we visited Palabra de Vida, which is the first church I visited on my first trip to Nicaragua.

Tuesday 2 pm We began our ministry schedule for the Hodera. 9 – 11:30 am, 2 – 4:30 afternoons and 7 – 9 pm movie time. We have about 40 men and 8 ladies to minister to. PTL!

I am waiting for a ride to Managua this morning to meet with Francisco Lopez. Francisco, he was the treasurer for the Sandinista Party in Central America when I first met him. I led him to Christ in 1992 at Palabra de Vida (Word of Life) church in San Marcos. He is President Daniel Ortega’s right hand man. I have had the honor to be with three presidents; Aleman, Bolinas, and Daniel Ortega. I had the honor to lead Rafael Ortega (Daniel’s son) to the Lord many years ago,

I requested a meeting with Francisco as a result of my wife Carol’s stay in the hospital at Methodist ICU in Houston, TX. Dr. Abraham Thomas, the head neurologist at Methodist, was her neurologist. He is a Christian and during our visits, he mentioned that he and another Doctor were interested in visiting Nicaragua and perhaps starting a clinic here.

Wednesday 7 am. Yesterday we had an opportunity to lead Amelee a 29 year old single momand her son to the Lord. We have had many saved at the Hodera and Spiritual Birth Certificates and Baptism Certificates are being prepared for them. We will baptize this coming Friday.

Last night we viewed God is Not Deadfilm and after the movie I was answering questions for Juan who is 20 years old and he too prayed to receive Christ as his Lord and Savior.

Surely the “harvest is plentiful” oh Lord send more laborers into your harvest field. The Holy Spirit is touching hearts at the Hodera.

Pastor Jairo and his church, La Roca, shared prayers, praise & worship, and preaching at Hodera this morning.

Saturday 8:30 amIslept in this morning. After a HOT shower, I discovered that we have internet service and PTL Gallopinto is on the table with toast and eggs. As always yesterday was like Jesus putting the whip cream and cherry on the hot fudge sundae. We went to the Hodera to distribute the Spiritual Birth Certificates and then baptize. Pastor Jairo had his team with us again and it was awesome to experience God in our midst. The baptismal was in a little duck pond that they cleaned up a little. Not deep enough so I used a bucket to completely cover them with water. We then took some group photos and tearfully said our good byes. Margarita closed in powerful prayer. How I thank God for the co-laborers here in San Marcos to help Jon, Lillian, and meto minister at the Hodera.

Last night we shared with the women's group at La Roca church. There were about 100 or so women with some men sprinkled in. Tonight we will meet with the youth. We started at 6:30 and ended just before 10 pm. Marcos the owner of the Pizza Shop was our translator. He is a big man with a powerful voice.

Jon, Lillian and I shared messages from our hearts; Jon shared the 10 commandments and the importance of basking in the “fullness of God”. I first shared on the events we all live in eternity; Life, death (doorway to our destination), heaven (eternity with Jesus in heaven), hell (eternal separation from God), Bema Seat Judgment (reward ceremony in heaven, Great White Throne Judgment (punishment in hell).

I then shared Isaiah 6:1-7 where Isaiah recognized his creator, recognized his malady (sin), received God’s mercy (forgiveness), and responded to God’s mandate (Who will go for us?).

The entire church came forward to respond to God’s asking who will go for us. I mean the entire church was on their knees at the altar. I prayed that God the Father would place His agape love in each heart. I asked Jesus to put His mind in each mind. I asked the Holy Spirit to pour out His gifts on them for service to Jesus our King of kings.

Lillian has the gift of prophecy and for more than 1 hour the Holy Spirit used her gift to minister to His children here at La Roca church. Wow, wow, wow, wow! What can I say? Heaven came down and glory filled their souls! Healing, deliverance, forgiving others, forgiving self all occurred before our eyes!

We then went to the Pizza shop to meet Marcos’ children and 8-year-old daughter and 6-year-old son. He is divorced and gets his children on the weekend. God is really working on Marcos; He has been saved since age 21. He is about 35 now. He left the church when his wife divorced him. However, he knows that God has called him to full time service. I have known him for more than 3 years now and I am going to License him, Jon,Lillian Brown and three others to preach the gospel.

Sunday 7 amYesterday Jon and I returned to the Hodera to pass out the Baptism Certificates. Some of the men were working in the field but we were able to pass about 10 of them.

We travelled with Marcos, his son & daughter, and Sandra and her daughter to Dariamba, Marcos’s favorite restaurant to partake of real Nicaraguan food. Folks we had a delicious dinner of shrimp, beefsteak, red snapper, drinks and desert for $74 for eight people. We started with a bowl of tomato soup and it was so big that I could not eat my rice & shrimp. No problem we will take it back to Marianna at the hotel. We then drove to Jinotepe to show the movie God is Not Dead at La Roco church.

I was laying down behind the screen during the movie kind of pouting. There might only be 50 people here to watch the movie. I could have stayed back in bed at the hotel. Then God scolded me and reminded me that He can handle the numbers. I just need to be obedient. He reminded me that the Holy Spirit had told me on Thursday to call Pastor Rudy Palacios and ask to minister at La Roca church on Friday and Saturday night. Friday was to be preaching and Saturday we would show the movie.

So I agreed with God. You are right and I was wrong if only one person gains salvation or strength in his Christian walk this was worth it. After the movie, a young man came up to me with a huge smile and hugged me. He is the man that last night during prayer time Jon and I held as he wept for about 20 minutes. He has tattoos all over his body including the tear drop under his eye. He shared with me that after hearing my message last night God has called him to bring the gospel message to the gang members. Okay, God another Nicky Cruz former gang member saved under Dave Wilkerson’s ministry in NYC many years ago. I had Jon get his contact information and I gave him mine.

As we were walking to the car Sandra said to me let’s give him the food. We did along with some financial help, prayed again, and sent him on his way. Folks you never know who God is going to reach through your witness. Somebody led Billy Graham to the Lord!

The return home in Houston, TX was uneventful and I was ready for some rest. It is always good to return home to family and be grandpa again. I am blessed and highly favored to have a family that supports my calling to take the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the world. Pastor Bob

I'm drinking from my saucer 'cause my cup runneth over!

Recommended Reading:Hearing God by: Dallas Willard. Being close to God means communicating with Him - telling Him what is on our hearts in prayer and hearing and understanding what He is saying to us.

Tax Deductable Donations to LSM: Lost Sheep Ministries is a 501(c) non-profit organization. Funds are needed for travel, materials, and equipment to be provided to new converts and needy churches.

Donations may be made to LSM, 2951 Marina Bay Drive, Suite 130-144, League City, TX 77573. We seek funds to travel, equip, and commission others to take the Gospel of Christ to all nations.

This monthly newsletter will be distributed by email only. Email addresses may be removed or added to distribution by notifying John Overton at .

Note: All of our Newsletters and Power point discipleship presentations along with student manuals are available free from our web:

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