# - fracture

#NOF – fracture neck of femur

2/12 – two months

2/52 – two weeks

2/7 – two days


A|W – awaiting

AAA – aortic aneurism

ABG - Arterial Blood gas

ADLS– activities of daily living

Adv – advised

AF – atrial fibrillation

AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

AKI – acute kidney injury

AND – allow natural death

Appt - appointment

ASAP - as soon as possible

AxR - abdominal x-ray


Ba - barium

BCG - bacillecalmette- guerin

BD – twice daily

BIPAP – bilevel positive airway pressure

BLO – bowls last open

BMI - body mass index

BNO – bowels not opened

BO – bowels open

BP - blood pressure

BPH – Benign prostatic hyperplasia


C diff – clostridium difficile

C&S - culture and sensitivity

C/O – care of

Ca – cancer

Cath – catheter

CCF – chronic cardiac Failure

CCF - congestive cardiac failure

CCU – coronary care unit

CD - controlled drug

CKD – chronic kidney disease

CNS - central nervous system

COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

CPAP – continuous positive airway pressure

CPN - community psychiatric nurse

CPR - cardio pulmonary rescscitation

CSF - cerebro-spinal fluid

CSU – catheter specimen urine

CT – type of scan

CTG - cardiotochograph

CTSCAN - computerised tomography

CVA - cerebro-vascular accident

CVP - central venous pressure

CxR – chest x-ray

CY – cyanosis


D&C - dilatation and curettage

D|C – discharge

DNA - did not attend

DNAR – do not attempt resuscitation

DNR – do not resuscitate

DOB - date of birth

DVT – deep vein thrombosis


ECG - electro cardiogram

EEG - electro encephalogram

ENT - ear nose and throat

ET - tube endotracheal tube

EVAR – endovascular aneurism repair

Ext - external use


FB – Fluid Balance

FBC - full blood count

FFP - fresh frozen plasma

FG - french gauge

FI – fecal incontinent/feeding intolerance

FSH - follicle stimulating hormone

FU – follow up

FU OP – follow up outpatient


GI - gastro intestinal

GP - general practitioner

GYNAE - gynaecology


H/O - history of

HB - haemoglobin

HDU - high dependency unit

HF – heart failure

HIV - human immunodeficiency virus

HO - house officer

HOH – hard of hearing

Ht - height

HTN – high blood pressure

HTN – hypertension

HV - health visitor

HVS - high vaginal swab


IDC – Indwelling catheter

IDDM – insulin dependent diabetes

IgA - fraction of immunoglobulin

IgG - fraction of immunoglobulin

IgM. - fraction of immunoglobulin

IHD – ischemic heart disease

IKKS – liver, kidney, kidney, spleen

IM - intra muscular

IM canulla – intra-muscularcanulla

Inh - inhalation

ITU/ICU – intensivecareunit

IUCD - intrauterinecontraceptivedevice

IV - intravenous


IVI - intravenousinfusion


J – jaundice


K – potassium


LA - local anaesthetic

LP - lumbar puncture

LRTI – low respiratory tract infection

LSW – left side weak

LTOT – long term oxygen therapy

LVF – left ventricular failure


MANE - morning

Maxfax – maxillofacial (department)

MC&S - microscopy culture and sensitivity

MCA – middle cerebral artery

MDT – multi-disciplinary team

Mets – metastatic

MFFD – medical fit for discharge

M-h – medical history

MI – myocardialinfection

ML – moisture lesion

MMSE – mini mental state examination

MRI - magnetic resonance imaging

MRSA – methicillin resistant staph. Aureus

MS – multiple sclerosis

MSU – maple syrup urine

MSU – midstream urine


Na - sodium

NAD - no abnormality detected

NBI - no bony injury

NBM – nil by mouth

ND/NF – normal diet/ normal fluids

Neb - nebulisation

NFR – not for resuscitation

NGT - naso gastric tube

NIB –nursed in bed

NIDDM – non insulin dependent diabetes

NIV mask – nun-invasion ventilation mask

NMFFD – non-medical fit for discharge

NNU - neonatal unit

NOCTE - night

NOK - next of kin

NPU – not passed urine

NPU’d – not passed urine


O - oral

OA – osteoarthritis

OABX – oral antibiotics

Obs – observations

OD – once daily

OGD – oesophageal/gastro duoenoscopy

OM - each morning

ON - each night

OP/OPD – outpatients/outpatients department

OT - occupational therapy


PAEDS - paediatrics

PCA – patient controlled analgesia

PCV - packed cell volume

PD – Parkinson disease

PE - pulmonary embolus

PEG - percutaneous endoscopic gastroscopy

PO - by mouth

POC – package of care

POST OP – after operation

PPM – permanent pacemaker

PR - per rectal

PRE OP - before operation

PRN – as required

PRN - Given as required

PT - prothrombin time

PU’d – passed urine

PV - per vagina

PVD – peripheral vascular disease

Px- prescribe


QDS - four times daily

QE – qualification examine

QE – queen Elizabeth hospital (Birmingham)


R|V – review

RA – rheumatoid arthritis

RCA – root cause analysis

REG - registrar

Rh - rhesus factor

RMO - resident medical officer

ROC – removal of clips

ROS - removal of sutures

RSO - resident surgical officer

RSW – right-sided weakness

RTA - road traffic accident

RV – review


S/A - same address

S/B - seen by

S/L - sub lingual

S/M - staff midwife

S/N - staff nurse

S|W – social worker

SALT - speech and language therapist

SB – skin bundle

SC - sub cutaneous

SHDU – surgical night dependent diabetes

SHO - senior house officer

SOB - shortness of breath

SOBOE – shortness of breath on exercise

SOS - see if in trouble

SPR - specialist registrar

SR - sister

ST/M - student midwife

ST/N - student nurse

STAPH - staphyloccus


T2RF – type two respiratory failure

TB - tuberculosis

TBA – to be advised/advised

TCI - to come in

TDS - three times daily

TED’S - thrombo embolic deterrents

TENS - trans cutaneous electro nerve stimulation

TF – thick fluids

THR – total hip replacement

TIA – transient ischemic attack

TKR – total knee replacement

TLC – (FOR) tender loving care

Top – topical

TPN - total parenteral nutrition

TPR - temperature pulse respiration

TTO - to take home (drugs)

TWOC – trial without catheter

Tx- treatment


U/E - urea and electrolytes

U/S – ultrasound

USS – ultrasound scan

UTI - urinary tract infection

UV - ultra violet


VE - vaginal examination


W|L – waterlow

w+s – wait and see

WCC - white cell count

Wt – weight


X-MATCH - cross match