June 20, 2017 Meeting Minutes

The Board of Supervisors of Upper Mifflin Township met Tuesday,

June 20, 2017 at the Township Building, 455 Whiskey Run Road, Newville, PA 17241. Heidi Clevenger called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M.

Present: Heidi Clevenger; Adam Cohick, Todd Chestnut; Sean Shultz, Solicitor, and Stephanie L. Bitner, Secretary.

Approval of Minutes: Adam motioned to approve the May 17, 2017 Meeting minutes, Heidi seconded, all were in favor.

Treasurer’s Report: Adam motioned to approve the May 17, 2017 Meeting Treasurer’s Report, Heidi seconded; all were in favor.

Visitors: Dale Bailey, Steve Wiser, and Bob Shively

Correspondence: Kids letters from school

Old Business:

A.  Gameland Road Nuisance – Nothing has been done in a while. Progress stopped. Need to have hearing at July meeting.

B. Turnpike Bridge – graffiti has been covered.

New Business

A.  Planning Module – Todd motioned to approve contingent on confirmation from Vince. Adam seconded. All were in favor. Not to be mailed until after July meeting.

B.  John Sullivan - Any calls regarding Mifflin Gym, direct to any of the three supervisors.

C. Granny Flats – Only two in the township, Fisher & Esh. Their occupancy permits need to be renewed every twelve months.

Solicitor’s Report: Sean Shultz’s had nothing further.

Road Master Report: Dale reported that Gameland Road Grant was finished. Tar and chip bids were high.

Permit Report: There was one new building permit, it was denied and will have to be re-applied for.

Emergency Management: Bob Shively reported he attended the Hazmat Class on April 24, 2017 and Emergency services on May 10, 2017. The Recycling Center for the County is at Claremont. Their hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Approval of bills for payment: Adam motioned to approve the bills for payment, Todd seconded; all were in favor.

Adjournment: Todd motioned to adjourn the meeting, Heidi seconded, all were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 P.M.


Stephanie L. Bitner