Monday mornings at 7:30 am in the Art room
Eligible students:
Ø 4th & 5th grade students with an interest in art
Ø Maintain a C or better average in all courses
Ø Demonstrate acceptable classroom behaviors on campus
(last year’s behavior will be used to determine initial criteria)
Ø Want to learn more about and create more arts & crafts
Ø Pay $10.00 material fee
Ø Be one of the first 20 students to apply
ART CLUB will meet every Monday morning before school, from 7:30-8:10 am in the art room with Mrs. Tyson. The 1st meeting will be Sept. 19 and we will meet through the end of April. The club will work on art/craft projects and complete several fundraising projects to earn money to buy additional art supplies for the student body.
To become and remain an art club member you must:
Ø Complete and return an information card and $10.00 material fee.
Ø Attend Monday morning meetings – if you have 3 unexcused absences you will be released from the club and cannot return until next school year. Students on the waiting list will take your spot.
Monday mornings at 7:30 am in the Art room
Eligible students:
Ø 4th & 5th grade students with an interest in art
Ø Maintain a C or better average in all courses
Ø Demonstrate acceptable classroom behaviors on campus
(last year’s behavior will be used to determine initial criteria)
Ø Want to learn more about and create more arts & crafts
Ø Pay $10.00 material fee
Ø Be one of the first 20 students to apply
ART CLUB will meet every Monday morning before school, from 7:30-8:10 am in the art room with Mrs. Tyson. The 1st meeting will be Sept. 19 and we will meet through the end of April. The club will work on art/craft projects and complete several fundraising projects to earn money to buy additional art supplies for the student body.
To become and remain an art club member you must:
Ø Complete and return an information card and $10.00 material fee.
Ø Attend Monday morning meetings – if you have 3 unexcused absences you will be released from the club and cannot return until next school year. Students on the waiting list will take your spot.
Monday mornings at 7:30-8:10 am in the Art room
9/19/16 until the end of April 2017
To remain eligible students:
Ø Must maintain a C or better average in all course
Ø Must demonstrate acceptable classroom behaviors on campus
Ø Want to learn more about and create more arts & crafts
Ø Be in the art room by 7:40 and remain until room has been cleaned up
Ø Be willing to help raise funds for the art club (candy grams).
Please fill out this section and return card* to Mrs. Tyson
Name of Student ______
Homeroom Teacher ______
Parent/Guardian Name ______
Address ______
Home Phone Number ______Cell Phone Number ______
Work Phone Number ______
Emergency Contact ______Emergency Phone Number ______
I will be available in the following areas to help out if needed:
_____ providing refreshments
_____ helping get artwork ready for display
_____ helping students work on art/crafts
_____ Other ______
I consider my child to be well mannered, and I am supportive of his or her removal from the art club if he or she is disrespectful to a teacher or to other students. A student will be placed on probation and parent will be contacted prior to removal. My child understands if the occasion arrives, that he or she must make up any missed work from class in order to participate in the club. My child knows that good attendance and grades of a “C’ or better are required of art club members.
Parent signature ______Date ______
_____ $10.00 enclosed (cash)