AP World History: Study Sheet for the Final Exam

Your final exam will be based on material from the following chapters in your text. A word of study advice – get an AP World History review book – you’ll use it now to study for this final, and also again to study for the final exam in May.

This study sheet consists of two parts: content and vocabulary. The content is specific enough to guide you into thinking about the major concepts of the time period. The vocabulary is taken from what you will encounter on the multiple choice part of the exam and is meant to help you become familiar with college-level terms that might confuse in the questions. You might want to make a separate study sheet or flashcards of the terms you don’t know.

Foundations Period (10,000 BCE – 600 CE)

Chapters 1 – 5 Stearns Textbook (Strayer Chapters 2 – 7)

·  Neolithic Revolution

·  World Religions: Explain basic beliefs, important people and founders, rise and spread: Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, and Christianity.

·  Philosophical Systems: Explain basic beliefs, important people and founders: Daoism, Confucianism, Greek philosophy - Aristotle

·  Mandate of Heaven

·  Basic PERSIA-G knowledge of the three classical empires: Han China, Gupta India, Rome with a particular emphasis on social hierarchies, government systems, and policies in each empire and basic dates of these empires

·  Reasons for the fall of the Roman, Gupta, and Han Empires and effects on the populations

Postclassical Period (600 CE – 1450 CE)

Chapters 6 – 15 Stearns Textbook (Strayer Chapters 7 – 13)

·  Islam: important people, rise, spread and basic beliefs; Islamic preservation of Greek learning

·  Islamic Trade – especially Indian Ocean, interaction with East Africa, spread throughout SE Asia

·  Indian Ocean Trade – participants

·  Nomadic migrations and their impacts: Arabs, Turks, Vikings, Mongols

·  Portuguese role in maritime trade vs. Chinese maritime voyages with Zheng He

·  Aztec and Inca – process of empire building

·  Feudalism in Japan and Europe – basic comparisons

·  Various political structures of the time period: Western Europe, Byzantium, Abbasids, Tang – Song China, Japan, Delhi Sultanate, Sub-Saharan Africa, Aztecs, Inca

Early Modern Period – Connecting Hemispheres (1450 – 1750)

Selections from Chapters 16 – 22 Stearns Textbook (Strayer Chapter 14)

·  Empire building in Russia, Ottomans, Spain, Safavids, Mughals, Songhay, Ming/Qing China– pay attention to the role of religion, methods of conquest and expansion, and motivations.


This is not a list of terms to look up in your textbook – although you may find some of them in your glossary and that should be the first place to look since you want to apply them historically. Alternately, you could go to an online or hard copy of a good dictionary. Whatever definition you find, check with your instructor to make sure it addresses historical concepts. You will run across these words on the multiple choice test – in both the answer choices and the questions.

  1. Alliance
  2. Bureaucracy
  3. Chastity
  4. Covenant
  5. Domestic
  6. Filial
  7. Hierarchy
  8. Immolation
  9. Indigenous
  10. Maritime
  11. Matriarchal
  12. Migratory
  13. Mobility
  14. Monogamy
  15. Monotheism
  16. Patriarchal
  17. Precedence
  18. Propaganda
  19. Regulation
  20. Secularism
  21. Sedentary
  22. Serfdom
  23. Succession
  24. Tenet
  25. Urban