

Please complete and return to OPITO (one award application per form)

Please return to: OPITO International FZ LLC, PO Box 500726, Block 11 Room F12, Knowledge Park, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Marked for the attention of Llewellyn Atienza Del Rosario – Approvals Coordinator, Middle East and Africa

Telephone: +971 4 4458482

Fax: +971 4 4458481


Name of Centre: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……

(Please note that this is the name which will appear on your Approval certificate)

Address of Centre: …………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………


GPS Coordinates: Latitude:..…………………………………….. Longitude:…….……………….……………………….

Telephone Number: …………………………………. E-mail Address: …………………….…………………………………

*I/We apply for approval by OPITO as an Approved Training & Assessment Centre for the delivery of:

Standard Title & Code......

(Title of Initial/Further Training and Standard Code must be clearly indicated)

*I/We currently hold OPITO Approval for the delivery of the following OPITO Standards:

Title(s)………………………………………………… …………………….………………………………………………………


(Please complete if applicable)

Note: Proof of non-refundable initial payment of 50% covering the standard titles in this application will be required prior to any desktop audit work being undertaken. The remaining costs associated with the initial audit we aim to invoice 30 days before the scheduled initial site audit and this payment should be received 10 days prior to site audits. Further audit, if required, will be subject to a separate quotation. For instances where no further updates are received from the applicant by the 11th month of an on-going desktop, the applicant may be required to submit further evidence within a month from last contact, failing which the application may be rejected and resubmission of entire desktop submission is required.

Proof of Payment (IBAN/EG/Cheque No/)

In support of your application, please complete this OPITO Application Form and the Approval Criteria Guidance Matrix then submit them to OPITO with all supporting evidence and documentation in paper format clearly referenced and indexed.

Senior contact: …………………….………………………………… Position: …………………………………………

(Senior Management e.g. CEO/MD/Director)

Coordinator contact: ...………….………..………………………… Position: …………………………………………

(for operational business)

Accounts contact: ...……….…………………….………………….. Position: …………………………………………

(for financial business)

Signed (Senior contact): ……………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………..


Date Received: ……………………

FORMOPITO004.01 (Application Form - Training and Assessment Centres) Rev 4 (21/2/2018)