Document Control
Version / Date / Author / Change DescriptionDRAFT / 12 Oct 2012 / Peter Nicklin / DRAFT Created.
Title / EPaCCS - UC06 Send full EoLCC record for a patient specified in a request message
EoLCC = End of Life Care Coordination,
EPaCCS = Electronic Palliative Care Coordination System
Relation with other use cases (if applicable) / Related to:
UC02 Notify appropriate people of new or updated EoLCC record
UC05 Request an EoLCC record for a specified patient
This use case is a response to a record request (UC05), which in turn has been prompted by a notification (UC02).
Description / This Use Case sends an End of Life Care Coordination document to a requester. The document includes:
· details of patient and carers (formal and informal), including contact information,
· lasting power of attorney,
· medical details: EoL & other diagnoses, allergies and adverse reactions,
· locations of important documents and “just-in-case” medications,
· preferred place of death information,
· advance statement and DNR information (if any),
· EoL tool that is being used, and,
· other relevant information (free text).
Dates and provenance are given where required.
Some of the information will be coded (approx 30%), although in the first iteration a limited set of information will be coded.
Scope / Content of the message is based on:
ISB 1580 End of Life Care Co-ordination: Core Content Standard Specification
Actors / Actors are the main types of users who will interact with this message; this may include systems as well as people or organizations.
Patient: giving preferences for care and advance directives.
Clinicians: Responsible for the patient’s End of Life Care. E.g. General Practitioner, palliative care specialists, McMillan nurses, senior responsible clinician etc.
Informal Carers: family, friends
LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney)
Minimal Guarantees / <end state of the world if the use case is not completed successfully>
Transmission failure: The receiving system will notify the sender of the failure to deliver the message
Success Guarantees / <actor interests that are satisfied upon successful completion of use case>
Patient: End of Life Care is properly coordinated
Clinician: better informed about the current status of the patient, their care and their preferences.
Informal Carer: greater confidence in the coordination of the care of their relative / friend.
Trigger / <the event that initiates the use case>
Request (UC05): a system or person requests that the EoL record for this patient be sent.
Steps of Basic Flow
(Include flow descriptions from multiple actor perspectives, if applicable) / The End of Life Care Coordination details for a patient are either entered or updated on the system that is designated as the EPaCCS.
A Notification of the new or updated record is sent to systems and/or people which have subscribed to EoL information about this patient (UC02).
A Request for the EoLCC record is sent to the EPaCCS system (UC05).
The EPaCCS sends the full EoLCC record to the Requester (this Use Case).
Failure Modes / <identify scenarios that would cause a success scenario (or flow) to fail>
<optionally, identify steps or workarounds to handle the potential failure>
The Requested record is not recorded as being received by the requesting system. If this happens, a failure notification should be sent to the sender.
(optional) /