2009 to 2011

November 2009

Teacher Housing Authority of New South Wales

Disability Action Plan 2009 to 2011


Policy Statement 1

Overview of Agency Functions and Services 3

Characteristics of current and potential clients, and staff with a disability 5

Consultation Process 6

Major outcomes achieved from previous disability action plan 6

Monitoring and review 6

Disability Action Plan 7

Teacher Housing Authority of New South Wales

Disability Action Plan 2009 to 2011

Policy Statement

The Teacher Housing Authority (THA) is aware that disability is an issue that affects a significant proportion of the NSW population and that the NSW Government wants to ensure that, as far as possible, the needs of people with a disability are met through services that are available to the whole population.

The THA is also aware of the commitments of the NSW Government to the achievement of key social objectives for people with a disability and that there is an increase in the level of customer satisfaction with Government services.

Through carrying out its functions, the THA can contribute to meeting State policy objectives and targets contained in the NSW State Plan.

The THA is committed to considering any application from a potential tenant for any special accommodation needs or requirements. The THA will endeavour to facilitate the allocation and/or making of reasonable adjustments to accommodation for current tenants with a permanent or temporary disability on a case by case basis.

As an employer, the THA will also ensure all human resources management practices accommodate the needs of people with a disability

The THA Disability Action Plan (DAP) sets out the specific priorities for the THA for the period 2009 to 2011 and the key priorities are to:

§  Commence the collection of data required to monitor the allocation policy and consider whether people with a disability receive equitable service.

§  Monitor complaints received concerning people with a disability and to identify record and resolve any complaints.

§  Communicate and make accessible the DAP with Policy Statement to staff and clients.

§  Adjust key corporate documents and agreements to include reference to the THA Policy in regard to disability issues.

§  Adjust existing documents related to employment matters to incorporate rights and policy issues in regards to employees with a disability.

§  Improve the current Application Housing Form to capture data on clients and their family members who may have a disability that requires specific accommodation needs.

§  Ensure the THA website is in accordance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG1.0.

§  Include wording in all publications that advises that publications can be made available in alternative formats for people with a disability.

§  Assess the current protocols on the assessment and data contained on properties managed by the THA so that the THA can facilitate occupancy by people with a disability; collect and store the data required and promote accessibility to property information.

§  Assess the Capital Program and identify opportunities to acquire, construct and upgrade properties that facilitate occupancy or which can be easily and cost effectively modified for clients and their dependents with a disability.

Resources of the THA are committed to successful implementing our priorities and demonstrating the contribution our services can achieve.

The THA and its staff are also aware of both State and Commonwealth legislation in regard to people with a disability and in particular Section 25 of the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination 1992 which makes it illegal for accommodation providers to discriminate against a person because of a disability. This means that providers of accommodation cannot:

§  Refuse an application for accommodation from a person with a disability.

§  Provide a person with a disability with accommodation on less favourable terms and conditions.

§  Give an application of a person with a disability a lower priority.

People with a disability have the same right to rent accommodation on the same terms as people who do not have a disability and the THA aims to ensure this right is observed through its functions, policies and delivery of services.

Any confidential information concerning clients and members of staff will be managed in accordance with the THA’s existing Privacy Management Plan (revised July 2007).

Overview of Agency Functions and Services

The THA is a statutory corporation constituted under the NSW Teacher Housing Authority Act 1975 (THA Act). The THA operates under the direction of the Minister for Commerce.

The principle object of the THA is to provide and maintain suitable and adequate housing accommodation for teachers employed in NSW Government schools and TAFE facilities. In providing this service the THA supports the Department of Education and Training (DET) in the provision of educational services. The availability of suitable housing is an incentive for teachers to live and work in rural and remote NSW. As such, the services of the THA are essential to schools and colleges, in towns that do not have a private rental market, or where the supply of suitable residential accommodation is inadequate.

Quality service to clients is an integral feature of the THA’s strategic planning. The following vision, mission and business objectives clearly enunciate this emphasis.


To support the delivery of educational services in New South Wales by providing quality housing service for teachers.


To provide an economic, effective and efficient housing service to teachers in areas where the private rental market does not meet their needs.


To provide:

·  a responsive, dependable, empathetic, consistent and competent service;

·  a high standard of housing stock;

·  a relevant and efficient organisation covering all aspects of tenancy and asset management; and

·  an organisation that engenders a learning and continuous improvement culture, with appropriate resourcing and informed decision making.

As at 30 June 2009 the THA owned 1,258 dwellings (712 units and 546 houses) and 35 parcels of vacant land with a market value of around $141 million. In addition, the THA manages 235 residences owned by the DET that are located on school sites. Properties owned and/or managed by the THA are located in over 350 different localities across the state.

The DET does not find accommodation for teachers. The DET advise teachers to contact the THA. The THA’s Housing and Eligibility and Allocation Policy outlines procedures used for the allocation of accommodation. The Policy is needs based and the following matters are taken into account when considering the allocation of housing[1]:

(i)  Applications for housing from newly appointed teachers to the locality.

(ii)  The standard and size of the applicant’s existing accommodation, together with security of tenure and distance from the locality in which they teach.

(iii)  The number of dependants maintained (if any).

(iv) The appropriateness of available THA accommodation to the applicant’s needs.

(iv)  The time that has elapsed since the Application for Housing was lodged.

(v)  Any special circumstances which constitute a need for accommodation.

Characteristics of current and potential clients, and staff with a disability


The THA’s clients are members of the education and TAFE teaching services. In addition, the THA has to take into account any specific needs of their dependent family members who might have a disability.

In accordance with the Department of Education and Training the percentage of staff in 2008 with a disability and the percentage requiring adjustment in the workplace are outlined below. The percentage in 2008 is at a similar level to the percentage in 2004.

Equal Employment
Opportunity Groups / The Department[2] / Government Benchmark
2004 / 2008
People with a disability / 5% / 4% / 12%
People with a disability requiring work related adjustments / 1.5% / 1.2% / 7%

Note: These statistics have been weighted to estimate the representation of Equal Employment Opportunity groups in the workforce where Equal Employment Opportunity survey response rates were less than 100% (Department of Premier and Cabinet methodology).


The THA is a small agency within the NSW public sector and it currently employs 21 staff.

Equal Employment
Opportunity Groups / THA / Government Benchmark
2004 / 2009
People with a disability / 0% / 0.5% / 12%
People with a disability requiring work related adjustments / 0% / 0% / 7%

Consultation Process

In the development of this DAP the THA has consulted with the NSW DET and with the staff of the Authority.

Major outcomes achieved from previous disability action plan

The THA has not previously developed a DAP and a report on the major outcomes achieved in relationship to this DAP will be included in future Annual Reports.

Monitoring and review

The implementation of the DAP will be reported on in each future Annual Report in accordance with the NSW Annual Reports (Statutory) Regulation 1995 and a formal review on the DAP will be conducted before its expiration in 2011.

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Teacher Housing Authority of New South Wales

Disability Action Plan 2009 to 2011

Disability Action Plan

Outcome 1: People with a disability are able to receive equitable service from all government agencies, and to make complaints if required.

Situation / Action
Measures / Timeframes for Action / Resources & Responsibilities / Performance
Indicators /
At present the THA Application for Housing Form does not capture any data on whether potential tenants or a member of their family who will reside with them has a disability which requires specific accommodation needs. / Improve current Application Housing Form. / November 2009 / General Manager & TSM / Application Form adjusted to capture desired information.
The THA can identify what percentage of the number of overall applicants requires specific accommodation needs because of their own or dependant disabilities.
The THA captures relevant information on the needs of people with a disability at the initial application stage.
The THA does not have a process in place to collect data on:
·  New clients or members of their family applying for accommodation who have a disability who have specific accommodation needs.
·  Existing clients requesting an adjustment to their accommodation for themselves or a member of their family because of a disability issue.
·  Whether such requests from new or existing clients were delivered and the circumstances of each case. / The THA will commence collecting data required to monitor if people with a disability receive equitable service. / Ongoing / General Manager / Complete records of requests are kept on a database.
The THA can demonstrate it takes action to address the needs of new and existing clients or members of their family who have a disability.
The THA can demonstrate it will arrange reasonable adjustment to accommodation if required.
The THA has an existing complaints procedure. / To monitor complaints received and to identify, record and resolve any complaints. / Ongoing / All THA Managers / Minimal complaints are received concerning people with disabilities and delivery of THA services.
If a complaint was received involving a person with a disability the complaint would be successfully resolved.
There was no existing DAP which includes a Policy Statement prior to November 2009. As there is now a new Policy Statement the position of the THA needs to be documented, communicated and made accessible to staff and clients. / The approved DAP with Policy Statement be included on the THA website.
All staff be advised of the THA Policy Statement and contents of the DAP. / December 2009 / General Manager / DAP has been communicated to staff and a copy is available on the THA website and intranet.
As there was no existing Policy Statement prior to November 2009 other key corporate documents do not include any references to the THA policy concerning disability issues. Other key documents include but are not limited to:
·  Housing Eligibility and Allocation Policy, last reviewed in Feb 08
·  Guarantee of Service.
·  Tenant Handbook 2007 edition to be updated.
·  Tenancy Liaison Service and Property Management Agent to review in 2012. Agreements with real estate agents.
·  Agreements with tenants being reviewed.
·  Staff handbook
·  TAM plan / Key corporate documents, be adjusted to include reference to the THA Policy in regard to:
·  New clients if they require specific accommodation needs because of disabilities.
·  Adjustment to accommodation if required by a client or member of their family.
·  An existing client requiring an adjustment for a permanent or temporary disability. / December 2009 and ongoing / General Manager, Manager Tenancy Services and Asset Manager / All key documents contain references to disability obligations and policy commitments.
As there was no existing Policy Statement prior to November 2009 other key corporate documents relating to employment do not include any references to policy issues concerning disability issues for new or existing staff. / The existing Staff Handbook be adjusted to include:
·  A statement that staff members have a right to reasonable adjustment in the workplace as a result of a permanent or temporary disability.
·  The process to be followed if an adjustment is required.
Letters of offer to new employees to advise if an adjustment in the workplace is required as a result of a disability they should contact a nominated staff member to discuss and resolve any issue prior to commencing duty. / Ongoing / General Manager / Staff Handbook is adjusted.
All letters of offer contain recommended statement.

Outcome 2: Government information is provided in a range of formats that are accessible to people with a disability.

Situation / Action
Measures / Timeframes for Action / Resources Responsibilities / Performance Indicators
It is not known if the THA complies with best practice web site usability and accessibility practices. / To assess the THA website in accordance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG1.0.
Identify any gaps with the THA website and Guidelines and take corrective action to address any gaps. / February 2010 / Manager Strategy and Finance and Systems Administrator / THA website conforms at least to a Level AA of WCAG1.0 which is the minimum conformance recommended by the Australian Human Rights Commission.
The THA currently does not promote the availability of publications in alternative formats in publications. / Include wording in all publications which states:
“This publication is available on request via email, in large print and/or computer disk for people with a disability. To obtain copies of this publication in either of these formats, please contact (insert name and contact number). Other formats, such as Braille and audio (cassette tape), will be considered on a case by case basis.” / Ongoing / All Managers / Publications contain appropriate comment in regards to availability in alternative formats.

Outcome 3: Government buildings and facilities are physically accessible to people with a disability.