CARE Sierra Leone Bid Document

Bid Document

For Supply of


1.1 Introduction

CARE-Sierra Leone hereby invites tender in sealed cover from registered/authentic firms/manufacturers/company/vendors to submit bids for the supply of 3,000,000 Pre-packed condoms to be delivered to CARE Sierra Leone, 35 & 35A Wilkinson Road Freetown.

1.2 Requirement

Potential suppliers should prove that they are capable to supply quality condoms according to standards set by International Organization for Standards (ISO), The Comite Europeen de Normalisation (CEN) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

1.3 International Vendors

For International vendors; you are required to please make all responses to the attention of ‘Finance & Administration Coordinator or Executive Secretary, CARE Sierra Leone’ and send to: before 12:00 noon on October 24th, 2007.

1.4 Local Vendors

For Local vendors; you are required to collect pre-numbered Brown envelops from CARE Office and must use this envelops while submitting quotes. CARE will not accept bids, if vendors failed to use CARE supplied pre-numbered envelopes. Please make all responses to the attention of ‘Finance & Administration Coordinator or Executive Secretary, CARE Sierra Leone’ and drop in the tender box placed at reception of CARE Sierra Leone Office, 35 & 35A Wilkinson Road, Freetown before 12:00 noon on October 24th, 2007

2.1  Specification and Schedule

Item No. / Item Description / Technical Specification
1 / Male latex Condoms
/ Flavoured condoms; assortment of Banana, strawberry, vanilla & mint
750 Pieces of each flavour
Coloured according to flavouring colours.
Head width 1.75”
Shaft width 1.75”
Thickness 0.0024”
Length 7.5”
Headroom 2.125”
Lubrication-Water based
Reservoir tip condom
Branding: Protector plus printed on the packing
Expiry date; December 2012
2 / Small boxes- to contain 3pieces of condoms
/ As per sample design attached
3 / Dispensers-to contain 12 small boxes
/ As per sample designed attached
4 / Instruction slip
/ The message on the instruction slip , is a direction as how to use the condom

2.2 The 3,000,000 condoms should be packed in the following manner:

Three pieces of condoms and one instruction slip should be packed in one small box

Twelve small boxes should be packed in one dispenser

Twenty dispensers in one transparent plastic pack

2.3 Delivery

Consignment should be delivered to CARE Sierra Leone condom store at 35 & 35A Wilkinson Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone.

It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that the consignment is cleared from the port and delivered to CARE Sierra Leone premises.

The consignment shall remain at the vendor’s risk until delivered to CARE at the place of delivery indicated above.

Supplier should take all required safety and precautionary measures to ensure that consignment is shipped under conditions that will guaranty the quality of the product.

Delivery Time: Within Ten weeks after receiving Contract Purchase Order from CARE

2.2. Bid Schedule

Bidder should bid for everything as specified in the bid schedule. However, CARE reserves the right to purchase all/any/none of the specified items in any quantity. Bid should be submitted as per following proforma:


Name of group: A

Item Serial / Item Name & specification / Unit / Unit price / Total Price
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5


Total bid price should reflect cost of packing the condoms into the packages as indicated above, shipment, clearing and delivery of final product to CARE Sierra Leone 35 & 35A Wilkinson Road, Freetown.

3. Papers to be submitted

3.1 Proof of Experience:

The bidders should have at least 2 (Two) years experience in the supply similar items and should submit proof.

4. Terms and General Conditions:

4.1 The bids should be submitted in sealed cover as supplied by CARE for local vendors and via email for International vendors

4.2 The price should be clearly specified in Leones (SLL) USD$ or any other currencies. Any overwriting or erasing shall not be accepted.

4.3 The validity of offer should be at least 45 days from the date of the offer.

4.4 The bid shall be straightway rejected:

4.4.1 Validity of the tender is not sufficient (45days)

4.4.2 The offer has not been duly signed.

4.5 Successful bidder (s) shall have to enter into an agreement with CARE as per specified Contract Purchased Order (CPO) to be supplied by CARE Sierra Leone Procurement Department.

4.6 After successful completion of the supply and upon receiving original invoice, the payment will be made upon thirty days in the form of Bank transfer / crossed cheque after deducting Tax as applicable. No advance payment shall be made.

4.7 The unit prices and amounts set down by the bidders against the items in the Bid Schedule are to be full inclusive value of the supply and delivery goods described there under and shall cover profit and all obligations of every kind including all types of taxes, which under the contract are to be borne by the bidder.

4.8 When a discrepancy exists between the unit price and the extended total cost, the unit price shall be taken as correct and the total amount shall be adjusted accordingly.

4.9 The presentation of a tender implies full acceptance on the part of the bidder of these Instructions and all other conditions set forth in the Tender Documents.

4.10 The Instructions, Specifications, Conditions, Schedules and Drawings all noted as Tender Documents that form the basis of any tender will be considered as a part thereof and will form a part of the Contract Documents.

4.11 Tenders will be received at the time fixed in the “Tender Notice” and will be securely kept unopened. The officer (herein Procurement Committee members) whose duty is to open them will decide when the specified time has arrived and no tender received thereafter will be considered. No responsibility will be attached to any officer for premature opening of a tender not properly addressed and identified. Late tenders will not be considered but will be held unopened until the time of award and then returned to the vendors.

4.11 At the time fixed for the opening of Tenders, their contents will be made public for the information of bidders and others interested, which may be present either in person or be represented.

4.12 When CARE has arrived at a decision regarding the award of the contract, CARE, procurement Department will issue to the successful bidder a Contract Purchase order to proceed. The date of acceptance shall be the date of the commencement of the contract time. CARE will issue a caveat to contract purchase order for the supply of goods to vendors with penalty clause (see attachment), if failed to supply items with within contract agreement period. Partial delivery will not be accepted.

4.13 In the event of failure of the bidder in execution of contract agreement within the stipulated period, CARE may at its sole discretion, cancel the CPO and forfeit the Tender Security Money and award the contract to such other bidder(s) as it may deem fit.

4.14 Alternative proposal/offer will not be accepted.

4.15 CARE Sierra Leone shall not be under any obligation to accept the lowest quotation.

4.16 CARE Sierra Leone authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers in part or full without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

Abu Bakarr Fofana

Finance & Administrative Coordinator

Phone: 234227

CARE International in Sierra Leone

P. O. Box 744, Freetown

35 & 35A Wilkinson Road

Tel: 232-22-234-227/228/246/257

Fax: 232-22-234-280



The under mentioned conditions are an integral part of the above Contract Purchase Order number ------1 signed by the vendor.

1.  The vendor agrees that all the above specifications as per sample submitted to CARE Sierra Leone and are part of the bid and this contract.

2.  Notwithstanding condition No. 2 (see back page of CPO), if the delivery of the entire consignment described in this contract exceeds the agreed upon delivery date, CARE Sierra Leone reserves the right to make the following deduction in the contractual agreed price:

0.5% for the first three (3) days

0.75% for the following four (4) days

1.00% for the following 14 days

After twenty-one (21) days, CARE Sierra Leone reserves the right to cancel the contract completely and will be entitled to 5% of the remaining value of the contract as penalty for not fulfilling the contract.

Note: Incremental or installment delivery does not fulfill the terms and conditions of this agreement and therefore subjects the total contractual agreed price for each item ordered under the contract to the application of penalty as outlined above.

3.  Force Majeure:

Notwithstanding other provisions contained in this Contract Purchase Order, the Vendor shall not be liable for any penalty deduction from the value of this contract by default, if such penalty is a result of and event of Force Majeure. Conversely, CARE Sierra Leone shall not be liable for any liquidated damages arising under this contract by default, if such damages are a result and event of Force Majeure.

Force Majeure shall mean any event, which is beyond the control of the parties and which makes the parties performance of their obligations contained in this contract impossible or so impractical as reason to be considered impossible in the circumstances, and shall include, but shall not be limited to the following:

Ø  [a] Government prohibition action.

Ø  [b] Blockade, hostilities or other consequences of war, strikes, civil unrest.

Ø  [c] Natural disasters such as floods, cyclones, fire.

Ø  [d] Delays by the carrier or vessel from the port of shipment or at sea to the port of delivery. In this case the onus of proof of such delays through documented evidence beyond all reasonable doubts rests upon the Vendor.

However, default occasioned by negligence on the part of the Vendor shall not form part of the above, and the Vendor shall be liable for any delays beyond the delivery date.

Signed: ______Signed: ______

For and behalf of CARE Vendor

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