Door Prize Drawing Slip

(Please answer ALL questions to be eligible!)

Your Name______Today’s Host______Date______

Cell (_____)______Home Phone (_____)______Do you Text? ______

E-mail: ______£ Receive Free monthly e-newsletter!

Thinking of you and your friends, circle one of NEW DATE ME THEMES:

Salsa, Guac & Margaritas! Sliders! Chocolate Lovers Dessert Night

Kid’s in the Kitchen French Fries Your Way! Bridal/Baby Shower Perfect Pasta Night!

Walking Taco Night! Office Party Other______

I want to treat myself to Tupperware’s Host Gifts & get it FREE! £ Yes £ No £ Bribe me!

What did you enjoy most about today’s party? ______

I would love to hear how to add income to my budget with Tupperware! £ Yes £ No £ Maybe later

I’m interested in… £ Home party sales £ Fundraising sales £ Friends & Family sales £ Personal discount

Referral: Is there someone you know that could use additional income? or would be great at Tupperware? If yes, name & phone: ______*It could be YOU? Referral bonus gift!

I’m interested in a Tupperware Fundraiser? Enjoy 40% profit on our exclusive fundraiser line! Would you like more information on Tupperware’s Fundraiser program? £ yes £ no

Door Prize Drawing Slip

(Please answer ALL questions to be eligible!)

Your Name______Today’s Host______Date______

Cell (_____)______Home Phone (_____)______Do you Text? ______

E-mail: ______£ Receive Free monthly e-newsletter!

Thinking of you and your friends, circle one of NEW DATE ME THEMES:

Salsa, Guac & Margaritas! Sliders! Chocolate Lovers Dessert Night

Kid’s in the Kitchen French Fries Your Way! Bridal/Baby Shower Perfect Pasta Night!

Walking Taco Night! Office Party Other______

I want to treat myself to Tupperware’s Host Gifts & get it FREE! £ Yes £ No £ Bribe me!

What did you enjoy most about today’s party? ______

I would love to hear how to add income to my budget with Tupperware! £ Yes £ No £ Maybe later

I’m interested in… £ Home party sales £ Fundraising sales £ Friends & Family sales £ Personal discount

Referral: Is there someone you know that could use additional income? or would be great at Tupperware? If yes, name & phone: ______*It could be YOU? Referral bonus gift!

I’m interested in a Tupperware Fundraiser? Enjoy 40% profit on our exclusive fundraiser line! Would you like more information on Tupperware’s Fundraiser program? £ yes £ no