Introduction to ActivInspire

Session 2


Participants will use the majors tool and menu bars of ActivInspire

Participants will use basic editing tools (Editing objects, Text, using the resource library)

Participants will use a shared flipchart to download one from Promethean Planet to edit.

Editing Objects

• One click on the objects opens the toolbar

and displays pickup boxes.

• Right Click displays

Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete and other tools

Editing Text

To begin, click on the flipchart and start typing.

Or if you prefer to see the text tool,

select AUTHORING or LANGUAGES in the profile menu

Text edit tools are located across the top of the flipchart.

A feature of the text is the use of the handwriting recognition tool.

In ActivInspire, the handwriting recognition tool can be used with OR without the board.

Handwriting Recognition and Shape Recognition

• The formatting of text when the Handwriting Recognition Tool is used is determined by the last format used with the Text Tool. This applies to the color of the text as well.

• The color of the pen will determine the color of the shape object.

• Settings for the wait time are located in Edit Profiles>Settings>User Input.

Resource Browsers

• Resources are accessed through the Browser Window. Display the Browser Window and choose

Resource Browser. (Under the VIEW MENU, select BROWSERS)

• The My Resources/Shared Resources are available. The top section of the Resource Browser will display the folders within each of the locations. The bottom section of the Resource Browser will display the contents of the folders.

• Add objects with a Drag and Drop or choose to Rubber Stamp.

• Access any available resources on your computer or network through the Other Resources Folder option.

• Open files displayed in the Resource Browser with a double click.

• The Search option will RE-INDEX the first time it is used. This may take some time.

Downloading Flipcharts

Create a free account. Pick a username and create your own password.


Use the search box

Scroll down to see free resources.

Click DOWNLOAD to save the flipchart.

Create a new folder or save in MY FLIPCHARTS.