In attendance / Apologies
Ian Shaw / Chair
Peter Primrose / SQA
Gavin Hay / SBATC
Alistair Mitchell / Dundee College
Michael Swan / Angus College
Andrew Morrison / Carnegie College
John Mellon / Adam Smith College
Graham Chatham / Queenslie Training Centre
Mark Mitchell / Inverness College
David Cuthbert / CITB
Charlie Murnin / Edinburgh College
Robert Wilson / SBATC

Notes of the Meeting of the Painting & Decorating and Plastering Qualifications Support Team held in the Optima Building, Friday 31 May 2013 at 1030

Agenda Point / Notes / Action
Welcome and Introductions / Everyone around the table introduced themselves and explained which centre and subject they were there to represent.
Remit of the QST / PP briefly explained the purpose of the group that it was a forum for centres and SQA to discuss issues which are affecting centres and as a means of making sure that qualifications and support materials are maintained and are fit for purpose. This can be done as a group or as subject specific sub groups separate from the main QST.
Peter then explained the role of the chair and asked for nominations for the chair or if the members wanted to rotate the chair, IS & GH were duly nominated GH declined and IS accepted the chair for subsequent meetings.
Review of QST Subject Split / PP asked the group to confirm if they were happy with the fit of Subjects on the all the group confirmed that they were satisfied that the subjects could sit together.
A Mitchell was the only Plastering representative, PP advised that he would recirculate he invite for Plasterers in the hope that more would attend. / PP
Centre Updates / All centres were in agreement on issues which were common, i.e. Uptake and retention, PP explained that this was common ground across all Construction qualifications and not just within Crafts. There was also a great deal of discussion around different funding which was available across the country, and lack of support from employers it was suggested that Stephen Sheridan be invited to the next QST to explore the possibility of CITB being able to promote awards with the colleges, discuss funding issues and anything else. PP will invite Stephen the next meeting.
There was also a general group discussion on the use of TAP’s PP explained that the TAP’s were written on a Unit by Unit basis to enable single Unit delivery and to enable quick review when NOS change, PP also advised that if being delivered as part of a group award that holistic assessment should be used and evidence cross referenced from Unit to Unit where applicable. PP suggested that this be covered in the forthcoming Quality Network on the 14 June and that subgroups could be set up from the QST and other interested parties to review the TAPs and give guidance on mapping of evidence, it was agreed that these should commence in August 2013, PP to arrange.
PP was asked about the format of the PP explained that all recording sheets had been removed from the PDF format to enable centres to use the documents more efficiently as PFD’s had been found to be restrictive to some centres and PP had already been asked by a centre to provide these so they could use them on their e-portfolio. PP also explained that SQA can only deliver materials in a format which all centres can use, if centres then wish to use the materials electronically etc. the centre was free to do so.
There was a discussion around the use of CREW’s, generic Units, Science Experiments etc., all of which PP advised would be covered by John Carr in the forthcoming Quality Work. / PP
SQA update / There was no further update other than what had already been discussed in the group conversation.
Comments Feedback Forms / PP advised that comment and feedback forms should be completed and sent to the email address these will be review by SQA and the relevant QST Chair to decide if it is something which needs dealt with quickly or via the QST.
AOCB / None
Next Meeting / PP explained that SQA would like these meetings to take place at other venues so ensure that it is not always the same people who have to travel or miss the meetings due to location. PP asked for a volunteer to hold the next QST. JM advised that he may be able to host the next meeting in and will confirm with PP date etc. PP will advise the group where and when the next meeting will take place asap. / JM/PP