Council Proceedings
April 15, 2013
The City Council of Lake City, Iowa met in regular session on Monday, April 15, 2013 at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Mayor Fahan presided with the following members present: Bellinghausen, Green, Himes, and Kramer*. Absent - Ringgenberg. Department heads/staff present: Michele Deluhery, Jim Janssen, Melvin Alcox. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion by Green, second by Bellinghausen, to approve the consent agenda consisting of the agenda, April 1st minutes, summary of claims (with the addition of Electronic Engineering for $6,660.75 for the purchase of new ambulance radios), March Treasurer and Cash Reports, and Top Rail Saddle Club Beer Permit renewal (pending DRAM), unanimous.
Dave Mills, owner of Sprockets Famous Hot Dogs in Gowrie, requested permission to set up in the Town Square on Wednesdays, selling hot dogs for lunch. (*Kramer arrived.) After much discussion, motion by Bellinghausen, second by Himes, approving set up on the vacant lot at 203 E Main Street for the month of May, and temporarily waiving the $25 peddler permit fee until revisited in May, unanimous.
Motion by Himes, second by Kramer, to approve (1) closing Washington Street north of the town square on Tuesday, May 14 for a tractor display in conjunction with Jazz in the Park, and (2) closing one block of Michigan Street in front of Union Church on Saturday, May 11 (approx. 3 PM until noon on the 12th) for a Senior High Youth Campout/Sleepover, unanimous.
Motion by Bellinghausen, second by Green, authorizing the Farmers’ Market to block off parking spaces on the north side of the square on Tuesdays from May 21st to September 10th, unanimous.
Motion by Green, second by Bellinghausen, approving the CDBG Payables as follows, unanimous:
Company Service Total Cost CDBG City
Grundman-Hicks Pay Request #2 $21,211.05 $10,262.00 $10,949.05
FOX Engineering Engineering Services thru 3/30/13 $10,446.45 $5,053.00 $5,393.45
MIDAS Administration (March 2013 $533.00 $533.00 $0.00
Totals $32,190.50 $15,848.00 $16,342.50
Administrator Kelly reported Iowa Economic Development Authority has approved incorporating the well project into the filter project to allow use of any remaining CDBG funds towards the new well. The bid letting for the well project will be set as soon as SHPO clearance has been received.
The City’s application for housing rehabilitation funds has unfortunately been denied. Sixty-one applications were submitted, requesting nearly $16.8 million, with only $4.2 million available for grants. Will plan to re-apply next year.
Calhoun County Community Foundation grants have been awarded to the Lake City Municipal Pool, Lake City Public Library, and Top Rail Saddle Club (funds pass through the City). After discussion on the types of lifts available for the pool, motion by Himes, second by Bellinghausen, approving purchase of the Ranger Pool Lift, with one-half of the cost funded by CCCF, unanimous.
The vacant lot at 203 E Main Street is cleared for the City to sell, if the opportunity arises.
Presented for council consideration were Building Permits for Jim Dick, 300 N. Garfield Street (chicken coop), Steve Gorden, 215 W Jackson (deck – pending variance approval), Mike & Karla Peterson, 1101 N. Garfield Street (front porch), and Steve and Kerri Shipley, 304 S. Center Street (house addition). After review, a motion was made by Bellinghausen, second by Kramer, to approve the Building Permits subject to City Code and Zoning requirements. Unanimous.
Motion by Bellinghausen, second by Kramer, approving Resolution 2013-10 Granting Prior Approval for an Application for the Lake City, Iowa Tax Abatement Program for Mike and Karla Peterson, 1101 N Garfield St. Ayes – Green, Bellinghausen, Kramer, Himes. Nays – None. Approved.
Quotes were obtained from two asphalt companies for restoring approximately six and a half blocks of asphalt streets due to their current deteriorated condition. After much discussion, motion by Green, second by Bellinghausen to proceed with the repairs to the six and half blocks, along with the addition of a block of North Street, unanimous.
Administrator reviewed the proposed FY13 budget amendment items, noting the public hearing will be May 20th at 6:30 PM.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Kramer and seconded by Bellinghausen to adjourn at 8:24 PM, unanimous.
Gary Fahan
Kimberly Kelly
City Administrator