1 CORINTHIANS chapter 16


Summary verse 1

  1. Believers in Jerusalem and Judean churches faced a living grace test.
  2. The background to economically depressed conditions in Jerusalemand Judea:
  1. The second commonwealth was under national discipline.
  2. Afamine predicted by the Christianprophet Agabus (ACTS 11:27,28;

44 A.D.) hit.

  1. The famine occurred in the reign of emperor Claudius (41-54 A.D.).
  2. By 47 A.D., the Gentilebelieversof Antioch had sent a gift to believersin Judea (ACTS 11:29,30; GALATIANS2:1-10 especiallyverse10).
  3. The famine, brought on by poor wheat harvests in Egypt, lasted from

44 A.D.to 48 A.D.(47 was theworst year).

  1. But the nation continued to sufferchronic economic depression until

70 A.D.

  1. Believerswere especiallyhard hit since they were under economic persecution for their faith (HEBREWS11:32-34).
  2. From 47 A.D.on, Paulwas calling on Gentilechurchesto help the poor believersof Jerusalem(First, Antioch: ACTS 11:29,30; 47 A.D.; then the Galatian churches1 CORINTHIANS16:1; spring 56 A.D.; also the Macedonian churches2 CORINTHIANS8:10; ROMANS15:25-28, winter 56/57 A.D.)
  1. The local churchesin addition to their financial response were under a test to sustain believersin Jerusalembetween 47 A.D.and 70 A.D.

instructions on the offering


  1. Paulissues policy on taking this offering.
  2. The need is great, so the procedure is accordingly.
  3. Procedure:
  1. On Sunday each believerwas to lay aside a sum for the Jerusalemrelief fund.
  2. The sum was to be kept at home until Paularrived.
  3. The weekly amountwas to vary as the Lord prospered.
  1. Paulwanted the matter settled when he visited them.
  2. So his presence would not place pressure on them (of necessity).
  3. He wanted no collections to be made while he was with them.
  4. Giving must be free from coercion, gimmicks, etc.
  5. Each believerwas to be tested to give to assist the poor saints.
  6. Each was free to do as he pleased; yet it was God'sdirective will for each to give.
  7. Pauldid not want his presence to be a factor.
  8. Believerswere tested to make the weekly sacrificeof giving, including increasing the amountas Godprospered.
  9. Plus avoiding covetousness by using the “set aside portion” for personal use at some point.
  10. Versetwo contains a general standard operating procedurefor present giving”
  1. Sunday offerings.
  2. Each believeris to give.
  3. And as Godprospers.
  4. Without pulpit pressure.
  1. Second Corinthiansgives more detail so each believercan apply under this spiritualsacrificein a way pleasing to God.
  2. Paulalso gives instructions for delivering this potentially large offering to Jerusalem.
  1. He wants them to deliver it so they can apply doctrinein the selection of trustworthy men; so the churchvia their representatives can be brought in contact with royal familyin other areas for camaraderie.
  2. He sends letters in his name so they can secure lodging, etc. in local churchalong the way and treat them as being on an apostolicmission.
  1. Paulplans to go with them if his itinerary agrees with theirs.

ephesian ministry a present concern (verses8,9)


  1. These verseillustrate the burden on Paulfor the churches.
  2. Macedonia (Philippi), Corinth, and Ephesusare on Paul'sitinerary.
  3. Paul'sitinerary on the third journey with his writing of 1 Corinthians:
  1. First Corinthianswritten in early spring of 56 A.D.
  2. Departure from Ephesus(riot) first of May 56 A.D.
  3. Troas (May of 56 A.D.).
  4. Macedonia (the first of June 56 A.D.).
  5. Second Corinthianswritten September/October 56 A.D.
  6. Departure from Macedonia (middle of November 56 A.D.).
  7. Arrival at Corinth(last of November 56 A.D.).
  8. Romans written, winter 56/57 A.D.
  9. Departure from Corinth(last of February 57 A.D.).
  10. Philippi (April 6-14, 57 A.D.).
  11. Arrived in Jerusalemon May 27 (Pentecost) 57 A.D.
  1. Macedonia had to precede the Corinthian visit because it took priority. (The reason why is not known.)
  2. The Philippian churchwas in Macedonia.
  3. From his second journey on, he was aware of the positive volitionin that province (compareACTS 16:6-12).
  4. But Paulwas committed for now to Asia (Asia Minor; see ACTS 16:6).
  5. There was a lot of positive volitionthere in the face of a tremendous onslaught by the other side (compareACTS 19:8ff).
  6. When Paulsays there remains a wide door of effective service, he is referring to positive volitionas seen in Acts 19:1-20.
  7. He wanted to visit the Corinthiansfor an extended visit which wasout of the question just then.
  8. According to Acts 10:1,2 compare1 Corinthians16:8, he left Ephesuson the first of May 56 A.D.
  9. From September 53 A.D.to May 56 A.D.(two years, nine months), Pauland company established the Asian churches.
  10. After traveling through Macedonia (about seven months) he visited Corinthfor three months according to Acts 20:3. (See chart.)
  11. Paul'sstrenuous and extensive itinerary was under Divine direction and he was so oriented.

Paul'srelationship to other teachers


  1. Timothy was a young pastor-teacherwith a passive personality.
  2. He was intimidated by the Corinthians.
  3. He had doubts and fears about his ministry to them.
  4. Paulis sensitive to Timothy'sdisposition and encourages the churchto accept him.
  5. Paul'spurposeis to avoid discouraging his student.
  6. In the case of Apollos, we see Paul'srelationship to another teacher.
  7. Paulgreatly respectedApollos, knew he would be of help to the Corinthians, and wanted him to go also.
  8. But when Apollosrefused due to other commitments,Paulaccepted this.


  1. Five imperativesdeal with:
  1. Watchfulness in terms of false teachers, the indwelling STA, and prophetic fulfillment.
  2. Be unmoved in face of opposition to your position.
  3. Possess qualities of reliability, courage, resoluteness, nobility, patience, and level-headedness.
  4. To constantly build up the inner man via GAP.
  5. Maintain the filling of the Holy Spiritwhile executing the royal imperatives.


  1. Stephanas was Paul'sfirst convert in Achaia and a leader in the Corinthian church. (Perhaps he was saved at Athens.)
  2. From the beginning, this family was of great service to the church.
  3. This led to his promotion within the chain of command.
  4. He was positiveand was not being acknowledged by many in the church.
  5. They were aware of his standing but rejected his leadership.
  6. The two who traveled with him were possibly of his family. (Slaves?)
  7. This paragraphdocuments the chain of command.
  8. These three carried the letter to Pauldetailing the church’s problems and questions.
  9. They were instrumental in seeing that these questions came under Paul'sscrutiny. (This was done in face of opposition.)
  10. What was lacking” on the church’s credit side of the ledger is the informationin this epistle.
  11. Without their impetus, Paulwould not haveknown in time to avert further decline.
  12. Paulwas refreshed, not by the churchas a whole, but by the application of these three.
  13. Their spiritualhistorywas a source of encouragement to Paul.
  14. Their part in supplying “the deficiency” was:
  1. To lead in the struggle to draw up a letterto be sent to Paul.
  2. To hand deliver it.
  3. To hand deliver First Corinthians.
  1. This refreshed Paul.
  2. The churchwas to so acknowledge the contribution and rank of these men.


  1. Aquila and Prisca were with Paulat Ephesus(compareACTS 18:2).
  2. The greetings substantiate the legitimaterecognition of our brothers in various niches outside our church.
  3. As well as greeting one another.
  4. Paul'sfailing eyesight prevented him from writing the entire book.
  5. His signature via the last six verseswas to protect against forgery.
  6. Apolicy which he established with Second Thessalonians.
  7. To the extent that you reject Bible doctrine, to that degree you live under a curse.
  8. Slavery to the STA,Divine discipline, loss of SG3, and sin via mental attitude sinsand human viewpoint.
  9. Maranatha is the prayer of alladjusted believersin the Church Age.
  10. The Corinthiansmust orient to grace and move on to exploit it.
  11. Apastor’s love for hisflock is the content of his message day by day.
  12. Do you believe all the doctrines, principles, and exhortations of this epistle?