Seattle Central Community College______

Health and Human Services

Course Syllabus 2011

Course: ITP 217: Professional Entry Preparation

Class Meets: 11:00-1:50 Tuesdays in BE#1148

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: ITP 260 passed with a 2.5 GPA or better, or equivalent skills with

permission of instructor.

Instructor: Brenda Aron

Office: BE 1123 Phone: 206-452-5097 VP Email:

Office Hours: by appointment

Course Description: This course prepares students for entry into the world of professional interpreting. Students will learn about the different kinds of interpreting, requirements and regulations of this job including local, state, and federal; accessing referral agencies and networking with future colleagues, the business side of interpreting such as developing business cards, resumes, and invoices. There will be guest presenters. In this class students are expected to complete their graduation portfolio and exit interview with a passing grade.

Student Outcomes:

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

1. Have created an interpreting portfolio which includes your course work, videos;

resume, business card and invoice etc.

2. Have created a business card, invoice; professional resume and cover letter.

3. Be able to access on the web information pertinent to the field of interpretation

4. Be well informed about the interpreting opportunities on a local, regional, and

national level.

5. Pass your exit interview including voice to sign and sign to voice final

component of your portfolio with a grade of 2.5 or above

Methods of Instruction:

This course is based on lectures, discussions and demonstrations.; we will have guest lecturers; and a final portfolio review.

Required Materials:

1. Current computer lab access & flash/thumb drive

2. Recommended student membership in WSRID

3. The Professional Sign Language Interpreter’s Handbook, 3rd edition

by Linda Humphreys

Student Assignments:

A. Business Portfolio: create a business portfolio which should include a

a. business card, b. invoice, c. resume, d. cover letter, e. Billing matrix, f. Develop an occupational resource notebook and g. create your own online contact information such as Twitter, Facebook and/or Linked-In 70 points

B. Graduate Portfolio: Create a portfolio that contains your work on videotape and/or online and materials developed for class as part of your graduation and pass your exit interview which includes answering questions related to knowledge about interpreting and interpreting ethics and complete simultaneous interpretation test with a passing grade. 100 points

C. Outside Activity:

1.  Network with peers and interpreting colleagues by attending a WSRID or

RID event &/or attend an event or workshop geared for interpreters at

least once this quarter. Write a one page paper or less outlining your

experience and a summary of what you have learned. 20 points

2. Culturally Respectful and Professional Behavior: (40 pts)

1.  Attend and participate in class; be prepared and prompt

2.  Use appropriate attire for when interacting in class and and in the Deaf community as a volunteer, be professional in your dress, demeanor and hygiene

3.  Work cooperatively with your peers and the instructor and adjust turn-taking as appropriate and sign at all times in class

4.  Be open to constructive feedback & implement suggestions from instructors

5.  Positively represent the ITP in the lab, to instructors, and staff in the college and to the community at large

Assessment and Grades:

Your grade is based on a) class participation, b) the successful completion of your assignments and final sign to voice and voice to sign with a grade of 2.5 or above.

Absence Policy:

As ASL is a visual language taught with a visual method, class attendance is essential to learning. Any absences can impede a student’s progress. However, some absences are unavoidable. Students who miss one class or less will not have their grade affected. Students missing more than 1 class period will have 25 points deducted from their final grade. Students missing over 4 classes will have 50 points deducted from their final grade. Students who frequently miss parts of the class may have those hours totaled to count as absences from class.

Students shall be responsible for gathering all notes, materials and information missed during an absence. Any missed in-class assignments may not be made up. Any missed homework or evaluation must be made up at the earliest date.


70 points for Business portfolio

100 points for Graduate Portfolio

40 points for culturally respectful behavior

20 points for attending an interpreting event/workshop

230 points

Your final grade will be reported as a decimal grade e.g. 3.7. Below is a conversion table, which shows how the points and percentage grades relate to letter and decimal grades.

Points: Percentage: Letter Grade: Decimal Points:

230 –207 = 90% + = A = 3.5- 4.0

206 –184 = 80%+ = B = 2.5 –3.4

183– 161 = 70% + = C = 1.5 - 2.4

160 –138 = 60% + = D = .5 – 1.4

137 -- 0 = 50% = F = 0- .4

Note: If you need reasonable accommodations based on a documented disability, have emergency information to share or require special arrangements in case of an emergency evacuation, please make a confidential appointment with me within the first two weeks of class.

Americans with Disabilities Act: If you are a student who is disabled as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act and require assistance or support services, please seek assistance through the Disability Support Services at 587-4183, room BE1147. A counselor will coordinate those services.

Course Withdrawal Policy

Students who are enrolled in Seattle Central Community College may withdraw without penalty until the midpoint of the semester. After that time, they may withdraw and receive a WF (withdrawn failing). An "F" will be averaged into their GPA.

Academic Honesty Policy:

Students who want to become professional interpreters need to develop competencies and gain knowledge. There are no shortcuts. Students found to be cheating or plagiarizing may receive a lowered grade on the material or in the course. For information on appeals consult the Seattle Central Community College Interpreting Training Program Handbook.

Cheating includes, but is not limited to 1) use of any unauthorized assistance, resource or materials in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations; or 2) dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized on writing papers, preparing reports or videotapes, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; or 3) the acquisition, without permission, of a test or other academic material belonging to Seattle Central Community College, to any department, or to any staff.

Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to 1) use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment, or 2) unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person; or 3) use of any agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials.

These guidelines apply to works of written or spoken English and sign language.

Equal Opportunity Statement: No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion, creed, national origin, age or disability, be excluded from employment or participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity conducted by Seattle Central Community College.

Affirmative Action Statement: Seattle Central Community College adheres to affirmative action policies designed to promote diversity and equal opportunity for all faculty and students.