Victims Compensation Assistance Program Advisory Council
Tuesday March 16, 2010
1pm – 3:30 pm
Victims Compensation Assistance Program office
900 King Street, 4th Floor
Wilmington De. 19801
Barbara Brown welcomed the Advisory Council members to the new VCAP office. All council members who had not been to the office before were encouraged to take a tour and see the administrative offices and the Victims Resource Center.
The sign in sheet of members who attended the meeting is attached.
February 2, 2010 minutes were approved by the Advisory Council.
Old Business
1.9003 (d) the Council shall elect 1 of its members as Chairperson
Stephanie Hamilton was nominated to serve as the Chairperson. The Advisory Council unanaminously voted to for Stephanie Hamilton to serve as the Chair of the Victims’ Compensation Assistance Program Advisory Council.
2. Joint Sunset Committee Recommendations for the Advisory Council to review
Review and discussion of statutory proposals as follow up to Feb 2 Advisory Council meeting
Dirk Durstein lead the Council in a discussion of a draft document he prepared after the Advisory Council Feb 2 meeting based on their discussion and recommendations. He focused on the Joint Sunset Committee recommendations which were discussed by the Advisory Council as possible statutory changes. Dirk circulated a draft document to the Council which addressed several of the Joint Sunset Committee recommendations for legislative change. That document is attached to these minutes.
The first draft amendment would amend 9009 (10). The second draft amendment would amend 9010 (a) (4). The third draft amendment would amend 9002 (5) (f). The fourth draft amendment would amend 9011 (d) (e) and (f). The fifth draft amendment would amend 9010 (6) (7) (8).
Dirk agreed to circulate the draft to the members of the Advisory Council for final review. At the February meeting Debbie Puzzo, Executive Director of the Joint Sunset Committee explained the members of the Joint Sunset committee would be interested in helping to sponsor legislative amendments which come from the recommendations of the Joint Sunset committee.
3. SB 14
The Advisory Council discussed SB 14 and their concerns and the bill status.
New Business
Executive Director Report
The Director provided hand outs for the Advisory Council to review before the next meeting the handouts provide summary information of the medical payments, mental health payments and funeral benefits which are paid by each state. Barbara asked the Advisory Committee to review these documents in preparation for future discussions about these benefits and the compensation.
The Director also provided information on the claims volume and increased payments being awarded to crime victims due to the outreach and streamlined application process.
Proposed next meeting
May 2010