Personal Relationships



Overview / 1
2Further Information
5Review / 1
Key Information / 2
3Personal Relations
4Scope of Possible Conflict
5Relationships between Staff and Learners
6Abuse of Trust
6Relationships between Staff
7Relationships between Governors and Staff or Learners
8Relationships between Staff or Governors and Third Party Providers and Clients / 2
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May 2014 / Ref:POL0007

Personal Relationships




This document contains guidance for staff and Governors on the management of personal relationships with colleagues, learners, Governors and clients.

2Further Information

Deputy Principal

Clerk to the Corporation

UCU Branch Officer

Unison Shop Steward


This document replaces the ‘consensual relations between staff and learners’ document approved in 2000.


The policy will be reviewed annually by the Deputy Principal. 

May 2014 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0007

Personal Relationships


Key Information


This policy is designed to avoid the conferring of unfair advantage or disadvantage onlearners, staff, Governors or other individuals by providing guidance for those who might experience a conflict of interest and to place themselves above suspicion in their day to day contacts.


NorthLindseyCollege recognises that in a healthy working environment, staff, learners and Governors form mutually rewarding relationships. Sometimes those professional relationships overlap with familiar sexual, marital, romantic or emotional relationships (whether heterosexual or same sex).

It is not the intention of the College to infringe personal freedoms, nor to intrude on the privacy of individuals. However, the College has an obligation to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of all those affected by its operation and activities.

NorthLindseyCollege seeks to protect the integrity of all staff, learners andGovernors from allegations of actual or perceived conflicts of interest and complaints of harassment or grievance which can occur when professional and personal relationships overlap and in doing so to preserve the integrity of NorthLindseyCollege.

3Personal Relations

These include:

  • Close friendships/social relationships
  • Family relationships
  • Intimate relationships (toinclude marital, sexual, romantic, emotional)
  • Financial/Business relationships.

These relationships may be in place at the commencement of the contact with NorthLindseyCollege or arise during the period of engagement.

4Scope of Possible Conflict

Conflict of interest caused by personal relationships may arise in the following areas:

  • Management and supervision of staff
  • Involvement in decision making relating to career progression
  • Deployment of budgets and resources
  • Teaching and learning (including assessment)
  • Contractual obligations (grievance, discipline, salary)
  • Allocation of duties
  • Financial provision (funding, services)
  • Access to information. 

May 2014 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0007

Personal Relationships


Key Information

5Relationships between Staff and Learners

Should a relationship exist or develop between a member of staff and learner for whom they have responsibility due toassessment, teaching, pastoral care; it is the responsibility of the member of staff to disclose the existence of the relationship to their Assistant Principal/Head. The Assistant Principal/Head will then consider the appropriate action necessary to protect the integrity of the process involved.

Staff members should conduct themselves at all times in a professional and ethical manner to protect the interests of all learners within their responsibility (not only the learner in the relationship). It would be best not to enter into a relationship with a learner for whom they have responsibility (teaching, assessment, selection, pastoral care) as such relationships can lead to perceived or actual conflict of interests which can have a detrimental effect on the larger group. The College takes cognisance of the requirements detailed in the DfES guidance document “Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education” which came into force on 1 January 2007. Keeping children and young people safe is paramount thereby ensuring children and young people are safeguarded from harm, especially from those in positions of trust, care or authority.

6Abuse of Trust

All education staff need to know that inappropriate behaviour with or towards children is unacceptable. In particular, under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 it is an offence for a person over 18 (eg teacher, youth worker) to have a sexual relationship with a child under 18 where that person is in a position of trust in respect of that child, even if the relationship is consensual. This applies where the child is in full-time education and the person works in the same establishment as the child, even if s/he does not teach the child.

7Relationships between Staff

Where a relationship exists or develops between members of staff, one of whom has management or supervisory responsibility for the other, it should be declared to their Assistant Principal/Head or to the Principal (in the case of the Principal – to the Chair of the Corporation).

Where such a relationship exists, the staff should not be involved in decisions relating to appointment, promotion, development, review, or other processes where an unfair advantage might be perceived by others.

Where a personal relationship exists or develops between staff who are peers or ceases between the two and causes an adverse effect on the health, safety or welfare of either party or other colleagues, the College may need to investigate and take appropriate action to minimize the adverse effect.

8Relationships between Governors and Staff or Learners

Where a personal relationship exists or develops between a member of the Corporation and a member of staff or a learner, the Corporation member should declare this relationship to the Chair of Corporation (or Vice Chair in their absence) or the Clerk to the Corporation.

In such circumstances, the Governor should not be involved in appointment, discipline, appeal, salary review or any relevant reserved business items or other such processes where it might be perceived that an unfair advantage could occur. 

May 2014 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0007

Personal Relationships


Key Information

9Relationship between Staff or Governors and Third Party Providers and Clients

Should a relationship exist or develop between a member of staff/Governor and a supplier of funding, goods, services, to the College, the staff/Governor should declare that interest to their Assistant Principal/Head or the Clerk to the Corporation. They will not participate in tendering processes, allocation of business or negotiation.

The College expects that all staff and Governors will behave professionally and with integrity in all aspects of their role within NorthLindseyCollege and to accept responsibility to declare any relationships according to this policy.

Where failure to do so results in adverse perception, or effect on others, appropriate action will be taken, (which might be disciplinary and may lead to dismissal).

Any member of staff or learner believing themselves to be disadvantaged due to another’s personal relationship, should take action via the grievance procedures. This will be handled and investigated by the College as sensitively as possible. 

May 2014 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0007