Monday, November 20, 2017
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Mon. 5:15PM Mary Lou Torgerson
Tues. 7:00AM Frank & Mary Anne Risavy
Weds. 5:15PM Tom & Corrine Lonergan
Thurs. 9:00AM Joe Kersting
Fri 5:15PM Martha Frowein
Sat. 5:15PM Larry Jameson
Sun. 8:00AM People of the Parish
10:30AM Irene Dillavou
COLLECTIONSIncome needed Fiscal YTD
(7/1/17-11/12/17) / $166,768.00
Offertory received Fiscal YTD / $142,377.68
Offertory needed each week / $8,777.00
Offertory / $7,658.00
Roof Fund / $47.00
Building Fund / $464.00
Cemetery Fund / $.00
(Includes Online Giving)
Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
1st Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17
2nd Reading: I Corinthians 15:20-26, 28
Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46
Calendar of Upcoming EventsSunday / 2PM / Pray the Rosary
Friday / 3PM / Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet
Saturday / Before Mass / Pray the Rosary
Thursday / Nov 23, at 9:00AM / Thanksgiving Mass
Nov 25&26
ALL Masses / Fr. Sebastian Birthday
Food Drive
Saturday / Dec 2, 8AM – 2PM / Cookie Walk
Wednesday / Dec 13, 7:00PM / St. Paul School Christmas Program
Sunday / March 4, 2018 / Decorate-A-Table
BULLETIN DEADLINE is Tuesday by 10:00AM
The Parish Office will be closed Nov. 21 through Nov. 24.
Thanksgiving Day Mass is Thursday, November 23rd at 9:00 AM
WELCOME TO NEW VISITORS: Visitors are always welcome. If you would like to register as a member of St. Paul Parish, please fill out a registration form at the entrance table and place in the collection basket or register with the parish secretary, Sharon Hoffbeck, at 309-833-2496 or . In advance, we welcome you and your family to our parish family.
Honor Father Sebastian on his Birthday!
Bring an item for the Loaves and Fishes food pantry to Mass next weekend,Nov. 25-26. Your sharing will honor Father Sebastian on his birthdayNovember 27. Please join us for birthday celebration at Gelsosomo’s on Nov 27th at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The St. Paul Boy Scout Troop 332 is taking a trip to Pearl Harbor and we need your help! If you use Schwan’s home delivery service between
November 1, 2017 and March 15, 2018and place your order on-line, using the instructions located below, Schwan’s will donate 20% of every purchase you make to the troop! It costs you nothing but it will make a big difference to the scouts.
When you go to make your order, use this web address:
Click, “Shop Now” and you’ll be redirected to a page where there is a button that says “support the campaign only.” Click that button and you will then see the normal login screen for Schwan’
Login and place your normal order!
Thank you for help!
Troop 332
Thank You
Thank you for all who helped in any way with set-up, food preparation, serving and clean-up for the Dave Dunn Family funeral dinner. Your helpfulness was very much appreciated.
Prayer shawls are available for you to give to someone you know in need of prayers and who would be comforted by having one. Often they are given to those recovering from surgery, dealing with illness, or those who have lost a loved one. If you know of someone in need who would benefit, please contact Sue Corey at 833-2337 or e-mail her . The shawl is given with a prayer card enclosed. Anyone that knits or crochets, we would love to have you come - beginners are welcome. We also make blankets and booties for Birthright, and scarves for WIRC.
Call Sue Corey for more info.
To help families in need at Christmas
The Giving Tree will be upNov. 18- Dec 4.
Take a card from the Giving Tree.
Instructions are in attached envelopes.
Financial donations of any amount are welcomed.
Donations will be used to help St. Paul families first, with the remainder going to Catholic Charity families.
Put donations in the envelope provided andadd it to theSundaycollection the weekends ofNov. 18 to Dec. 4.
Use the card for a decoration or gift tag as a reminder of the generosity and love of the Christ Child for all to be shared.
Hy-Vee and Walmart gift cards will be available after mass on Dec. 2nd and 3rd. During the school year, the cards are also available in the school office from 8 am until 3 pm Monday through Friday.
Scrip gift card ordering is BACK! Time to stock up for Christmas gifts! Information and order forms can be found on the school website or check out the flyer enclosed in this bulletin or on the bulletin stand. Next order will be December11! Thank you for shopping to support St. Paul School!
Colorful variety packs of five handcrafted greeting cards will be offered at all masses the weekend of Dec. 2/3. Specially priced at $10 per packet and tied with a Christmas Ribbon, these make perfect stocking stuffers. Also available are packs of five unique Christmas cards for only $10. The St. Paul Women’s Guild sponsors this project. All money raised goes to Project Santa to provide Christmas gifts to area children.
Cookie Walk Update
Cookie Walk 2017 is only a couple of weeks away. This is the 10thyear for this festive event. Hopefully you decided what delicious, homemade Christmas treat(s) you plan donate and have signed up to work. If not, there’s still time to get both done! If you’d like to volunteer, please contact Cheryl McGowan:309-333-4198or Sally Adams:773-299-0003.
Your homemade goodies need to be brought to Taylor Hall onFri. 12/2from4-6:30pm. Cookies or candies (at least 4 dozen and packaged in bulk, disposable containers); breads & pies (no custard; wrapped securely in saran wrap and labeled.) Cookies and candies are priced per pound ($6.00); all other items are priced individually. Shoppers purchase as many items as they want. Full trays may also be purchased for your holiday parties.
If you can’t provide bakery, a cash donation would help defray expenses. Please send your check to Donella Anderson,15765 N 1150th Rd, Macomb, IL.
This year as a special thank you to all of our customers, there will be a raffle to win a free bakery item. A prize will be drawn every hour. You do not need to be present to win.Please be sure to tell your friends and neighbors about this wonderful event.
The Tuesday Morning Book Group will beginVibrant Paradoxesby Bishop Robert Barron on Tuesday, December 12 at 8:15 the Religious Ed. house. Join us for coffee and conversation! For more information, contact Donella Anderson at 255-7717.
Church Decorator Needed
Do you like to decorate? St. Paul Church is looking for you. We have materials to be used for decorating but need someone to oversee the beautification of our worship space with the seasons. You would not need to do this alone. We do have a group of parishioners who would be willing to assist in time of decorating. Call the parish office, 309-833-2496, if interested.