Rubric for Professionalism
5 Professional (Major Tour - LPGA or PGA)
Student would never think of missing a class unless it is a true emergency or special event. Always makes arrangements ahead of time. Student is always on time for class (10 minutes early). Quality work is always turned in on time or ahead of time to be checked. Student is always prepared for class and goes the extra mile. Student actively participates and engages in class discussions. Student demonstrates leadership during group work and "plays nice" with others. Student asks pertinent, thoughtful and provoking questions. Student always volunteers to get work done with high quality. Student helps clean-up without being asked. (Keep up the great work, but remember, you need to let others work hard too - or you will burn out)! Exceptional work ethic is typical for the student. Student is a quality professional in all aspects. Principals will want to hire you.
4 Semi-Professional (Mini-tour i.e. Futures Golf Tour or Nike Tour)
Student misses one or two classes that are not necessarily an emergency or special event, but makes arrangements ahead of time. Student is late to class no more than 1 time. Vast majority of the work is quality work but "messes" up once in a while. When work is less than quality the student wants to edit and fix it. The work is always turned in on time. Student is prepared for topics, discussions, and presentations. Student actively participates and engages in class discussions. Student frequently demonstrates leadership qualities during group work and "plays nice" with others. Student asks thoughtful questions. Student may or may not volunteer to get work, but when asked, the student agrees to complete group work. The student is an independent learner and becoming a quality professional. Still needs to improve work ethic.
Below this level you will not make it as a professional teacher unless you begin changing and going beyond the minimum requirements. Professionals are just that - professionals. They do not have to be motivated to do their best work. They love their work and do quality work because of their internal drive. Do you have this ambition or drive?
3 University Scholarship Player (Amateur)
Student misses at least 3 classes and does not always make arrangements ahead of time. Student believes 3 misses is acceptable but is mistaken. The student is late to class more than 2 times or the quality of the work may be a little below professional expectations. Student appears to do the minimum requirements and no more. Student's gluteus maximus is in her or his seat but may "nod off", does not volunteer to do work and sometimes grumbles when asked. The student does not lead discussions or ask questions. This person "checks out" so to speak. S/he is here in body but not spirit. Tardiness or absenteeism may also be a concern. You need to greatly improve to become a true professional.
Well below standards set for this class
2 University Non-Scholarship Player (Amateur)
Student is late or absent too many time – quality of the work is not professional, barely acceptable or lacks work ethic or responsibility. This person always has excuses. This student does not prepare for class ahead of time. Seems to lack interest – and is just going through the motions. Are you motivated to join our profession and do the work necessary to contribute to the profession? If you don’t step up - you will not make it.
1 High School Player (Unpredictable)
Strongly encourage you to seek a different profession.