Chapter 5 Language Review Topics
Key Issue 1: Where are languages distributed?
- Classification of languages.
- Distribution of Language families
What is a Language?
Define Official language and give examples- pg. 143
Ethnologue is the most authoritative sources of languages, what is the number of languages today? Pg. 143
The world’s languages can be organized into language families (Trunks), branches (branches of languages from original family-Trunk), and groups(collection/group of languages that share a common origin in recent past-similar in grammar and spelling, and since evolved into individual languages, Individual languages (Leaves).P 144-145
Describe what the size of the Trunks, branches and leaves represent:
What’s a super family?
Study the Pie Chart below-
What is the largest spoken Language family?
Define Isolated Language? Give an example.
What are the two largest language families?
Define Logograms?
Study Various Languages (A-M) from Study Guide
Language family encompassing the languages of the People’s Republic of China?
Key Issue 2: Why is English related to other languages?
- Distribution of Indo-European Branches
- Origin and Diffusion of Language Families
Distribution of Indo-European Branches
What is the four most widely spoken Indo-European Branches?
Determine the differences of all four branches-see Reading Guide
BALTO-SLAVIC and ROMANCE Branches of Indo-European
Slavic was once a single language. What differences developed in the seventh Century AD Pg. 152
As a result of these events, what happened to this branch of languages? Pg. 152
Know East Slavic and Baltic Groups
West and South Slavic Groups
Romance Language Branch
Roman Languages evolved from?
Four most widely contemporary Roman languages are?
What’s the 5th most widely used Romance Language?
Origin and diffusion of Language Families
What are the three factors that led to diffusion of the English language?
What three Germanic Tribes invaded the British Isles that brought the beginnings of English language?
English people that trace their cultural heritage back to England are called?
What describes the language differences of English with other Germanic languages when reconstructed? Pg. 154
Name two other peoples that Invaded England
How did the Norman Invasion Impact the English Language
Diffusion of English To North America
How Did English diffuse to North America?
What Countries did the British Control (Colonize) that contributed to spread of the English Language?
Origin and Diffusion of the Romance languages
Why is the Romance Languages part of the same Branch of languages?
What events contributed to the Diffusion of Latin?
Describe Vulgar Latin-
How did Latin Decline?
How distinct languages evolve after the eighth Century? Pg 155
Origin and Diffusion of Indo-European
Explain Proto-Indo-European Language (PIE)?
What do Linguists and Anthropologist accept and not accept about (PIE)?
Not Accept:
Know Nomadic Warrior Hypothesis
Know Sedentary Farmer Hypothesis