Task Description: / Persons involved: / 1.
Unit / Department: / 2. / 3.
Responsible Manager: / 4. / 5.
Location: / Date: / / - / /
Activity / Process / Hazard / Initial Risk / Control / Action / Residual Risk / Person
Name: / Position: / Department: / Signature: / Date:
Risk Matrix
  1. What is the Consequence ?
  2. What is the Likelihood ?
  3. Matrix = Risk Rating I L M S H
/ Consequence
Negligible / Low / Moderate / Major / Catastrophic
May occur in exceptional circumstances / Not expected to happen, but is possible / Possible Might occur at some time / Will probably occur in most circumstances / Will occur in most circumstances
= Risk / OHS / Identified hazard, report or action / Potential First Aid Injury / Potential Medical Treatment, No LTI / Potential LTI,
Non Permanent Disability / Potential Fatality,
Permanent Disability
Environment / No or little environmental impact / Minor environmental damage restricted to immediate area / Environmental damage restricted to local area / Damage to natural areas and ecosystem health / Major environmental disaster significantly affecting Council operations
RISK / High / Likelihood / Expected to occur / L / M / S / H / H
Significant / Regularly occurs / L / M / S / S / H
Moderate / May occur- next 5 yrs / I / L / M / S / S
Low / Very few recorded / I / L / L / M / M
Insignificant / Unknown incident / I / I / I / L / L
E = EXTREME RISK Immediate Action Required – STOP WORK/TAG OUT / H = HIGH RISK Senior Management Attention Needed
M = Moderate Risk Management Responsibility to be Allocated / L = LOW RISK Manage Through Usual/Routine Processes