Southern Economic Development Council

Executive Committee Meeting

The Westin Hotel, Charlotte, NC

Saturday, August 19, 2017


An asterisk (*) indicates participants present below:

Officers: Chairman- Bob Leak- Winston- Salem, NC*
First Vice Chairman- Sam Powers, Asheville, NC*
Second Vice Chairman- Raul Peralta - Greensboro, NC *
Secretary/ Treasurer- Will Williams*
Immediate Past President- Chuck Whipple – Lexington, SC*
President- Gene Stinson, Atlanta, GA*

Elyse Davis – Southeast Regional Director *

Bob Helton –Mid-Atlantic Regional Director*

James O’Donnely -Western Regional Director*

Others present:Matthew Darius, Operations Manager*

Call to Order-Bob Leak,Chairman–

At 9am, Bob Leak calledthe meeting to order. Then he called for approval of the minutes from April 18, 2017. XX XX commented that the minutes need to be spell checked and typos cleaned up. With those stipulations agreed on upon., Bob Leak moved, Chuck seconded to approve, allwere in favor – approval granted at 9:01 AM


Chairman- Bob Leak

StateBook Proposal – Bob brought up a proposed alliance with StateBook. He then explained the feefor SEDC members and that SEDC receives a percentage of each sale. He then asked for Calandra to be at the full BoD meeting to make a presentation. Bob remarked that this will be a positive added membership benefit of SEDC. He said that there are no downsides, that the data they provide is excellent, and the overall product is great. Bob recommended to bring proposal to the full board – Raul moved, chuck 2nd, All in favor, approved 9:04 AM

EAIC Alliance agreement – Bob continued his report by introducing an agreement with EAIC. They are a marketing org that helps promote your community to European companies. They have a Hannover booth and make FDI trips. Part of the agreement is that SEDC Members can join as a member benefit. There are currently 60 members in the south and EAIC is 2 years old. EAIC has donated a 10k travel package for this year’s silent auction. Raul asked, “how do our members benefit?” Gene answered that members can come to their events for free and that membership in EAIC will be 10% off. Gene remarked that we will cross-promoteour events. Bob asked for a motion to bring to the BOD to consider analliance. Raul moved, chuck second, all in favor, approved 9:09 AM

President- Gene Stinson

Recent and Upcoming Travel

2020 Mid Atlantic site visits down to Alabama EDAA with Wiley and Matt and Local Conf committee

State Association Visits for Remainder of 2017

Tabled till BoD

Board Elections

Tabled till BoD

State Caucus Meetings

BoD interest forms will help caucus elections

Microphone Holders for MTC

Tabled till BoD

Silent Auction “Handbid” app

Stevie was instrumental in this wonderful app as staff time to run event is small. Each bidder’s CC is charged when theauction closes, and they can leave with their item immediately. The expense of 2200 is spread over two years, paid for by the foundation. Matthew then did an in-depth demo.

New Copy/MFP Machine

Our current RICOH hard drive, transport motor, and logic board are faulty.Bob Leek said toconsider leasing a machine. Sam or Will asked to send executive committeethebuy vs. lease options. Will motioned to approve $4,200 total expenditure to purchase or lease. Raul seconded. All in favor – approved 9:43 AM.

Committee Reports

Finance & Administration Division- Will Williams

Treasurer’s Report-Will Williams

Financials – The profit & loss, budget vs. actual and balance sheet statements were provided to the committee and Will covered the highlights of the reports. He mentioned that renewals are hurting our bottom line. Audit – Will noted that everything looks proper. No Concerns. Bob Leak asked if they gave us a FASB15 to which Will responded, “no.” Will then motioned to approve and Elyse seconded. The motion was approved at 9:45 AM. Investment Policy – Will recommended to bring it to the full Board.

SEDC NMTC, LLC- Chuck Whipple/Gene Stinson

Chuck stated that he does not have anything to report and will be refocusing after the HLM awards. Research being a conduit for partners for investment??

Past Chairman- Chuck Whipple

Chuck showed the Executive Committee the HLM video presentation.

Long Range Planning- Sam Powers

Fall Planning Retreat/Board Meeting –Sam explained to the Executive Committee that they have settled on the dates of November 11-15th, 2017. The Executive Committee will start on November 13th, with the rest of the board coming in on Monday and working allday Tuesday. Sam said that they have settled on Ft. Lauderdale and the Westin. The rooms will be $179 + $45 a day resort fee, plus taxes. Bob Leak stated that$169-$179 per night range is ideal for the board retreat. Bob then asked if we need to go to Florida or if we want to consider someplace more central with better rates? Sam, in response, stated thatcompetitive airfare will be the decision maker.

Membership Division- Raul Peralta

Recruitment & Retention Committee- Peralta/Robbie Morris

Raul remarked that renewals are low, but we are at 1111 members which completed our road to 1100 program. Raul re-emphasized that the directors should be calling those who are about to be dropped or haven’t renewed yet from the membership report each month.

State Associations Committee- Gene Stinson

Tabled untilfull BoD meeting.

Young Professionals Committee- Garrett Owens (Absent)

Bob Leak informed the Executive Committee that Garrettwill be leaving the industry. He has done an amazing job and has created a fantastic YP track at the Conference. YP MTC – November 1 & 2, Palmer House Chicago. Bob encouraged development of YP programs at the State Level.

Professional Development Division- Wiley Blankenship – not in attendance

Education Committee- Kevin Johnson

Tabled untilfull BoD meeting.

2017 Capital Connections- Bob Leak

Adams and Reese will again be hosting us for a reception in early October or early December.

Annual Conferences

2017-Bob Leak, Jr.(Charlotte, August 20-22)

Bob remarked, “We are here, 327 registrants, great program this year.” Bob then remarked that Ronnie Bryant has been working hard to make sure this is a success. Eclipse – sessions ending early and we are offering an extended break until 3:45 PM then reconvening. He then reminded everyone that the Eclipse is NOT SEDC sanctioned and we are not offering glasses.

2018- Sam Powers (Mobile, July 29-31)

Sam said that the committee is looking at nationally known speakers and that fundraising going well.

2019-Raul Peralta(New Orleans, August 4-6)

Raul reported that they had a conference call, things are progressing, and they are identifying sponsors.

2020- Will Williams (Mid-Atlantic Region, TBD)

Will visited Nashville and Norfolk with Gene. Both cities have positives and negatives. Nashville is the #1 choice of the membership, but Norfolk will be far cheaper and will treat us better.We aren’t ready to decide yet, however, we feel good about Norfolk but it's on the fringes and we are worried about people getting there.

Communications Division–TBD

Communications Committee- Amy Lopp

Amy Lopp was not present.

Legislative Affairs- Eric Miller

Eric Miller was not present.

Old/New Business

Bob Helton reported that KY state association director, Hal Goode, has resigned.

James O’Donnley thanked Matthew for all the help and support.


Bob Leak called to adjourn the meeting at 11:11 AM