“Rapid Emergency Assistance to the TC Winston affected most Vulnerable Communities in Fiji Project”



August 2016

Survey conducted by ADRA in the Province of Cakaudrove. These areas were badly affected by TC Winston in February 2016.

Report prepared by Timaleti Ratu and data analysed by Ana Alburqueque- Project Manager (), Virginia Pycroft- Technical Advisor ADRA South Pacific () and Iliapi Tuwai- ADRA Fiji Country Director (); Reviewed by Anna Krikun- ADRA Germany Regional Coordinator for South East Asia and Pacific. Data collection by 3 volunteers.


1.Acronyms and Abbreviations

2.Project Background


4.Introduction and objectives of the monitoring

5.Methodology of data collection and analysis

6.Main Findings

7.Feedback and complaint mechanism

8.Suggestions/comments from the Households



  1. Acronyms and Abbreviations

ADRA / Adventist Development and Relief Agency
EU / European Union
FAO / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
NDMO / National Disaster Management Office
PDS / Post Distribution Survey
  1. Project Background

The “Rapid Emergency Assistance to the TC Winston affected most Vulnerable Communities in Fiji Project” funded by ECHO aims to respond to the immediate humanitarian needs of the TC Winston affected households withshelter, WASH and food assistance to enable quicker recovery of the vulnerable population. The project has been implemented from March to September 2016.

The overall project targets were:

Result 1: 1800 Households improved their living conditions by using the shelter kits to repair their houses.

Result 2: 1800 Households improved their quality of life by using the distributed WASH kits. The project will provide hygiene kits and sky hydrants (Improve the water sources).

Result 3: 1800 Households have sufficient food sources and improved food security after provision of food assistance. The project will provide Cash/Voucher Food and seeds.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) support the activities in Koro Island and Rakiraki through Seed packages and fertilizers.

The project location is Rakiraki District in Ra Province and in the Wainunu and Kubulau Districts in Bua Province, Savusavu and Navatu Districts in Cakaudrove Province, Koro Island and Vanuabalavu Island.

Province/ District / Shelter Kits / Hygiene Kits / Food Cash / Food Voucher / Seeds / Water System improved / TOTAL Households
Cakaudrove Province / 262 / 410 / 175 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 847
Bua (**) / 1955 / 0 / 484 / 0 / 281 / 4 Villages / 1,955
Ra Province / 1630 / 1390 / 0 / 1500 / 969 / 1,630
Vanuabalavu Island / 391 / 391
Koro Island / 500 / 550 / 550
Vanua Levu Island (**) / 576 / 576
Ba Province (**) / 1130 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1130
Taveuni Island (**) / 163 / 3 Villages / 163
Total HHS / 5716 / 1800 / 1550 / 1500 / 1800 / 7 Villages / 7,242

(**) Distributed in partnership with Habitat for Humanity, Live & Learn and CARE

  1. Summary

The post distribution survey of the ECHO project was implemented in Koro Island on August (1st-7th); the following are the main findings:

  • 60% of household mentioned that they bought food and 40% bought None Food Items.
  • The Household dietary diversity Score after the project intervention is 5 out of 12. However is important to remark that the beneficiaries are in process to harvest the vegetables and fruits that can impact positively the household dietary diversity score.
  • 80% of interviewees mentioned that the hygiene kit was very useful.
  1. Introduction and objectives of the monitoring

The Post Distribution Survey was conducted in the province of Cakudrove from the 3rd to 8th August. The main objective was to find out how beneficiaries are using the materials that have been given and their feedback on the distribution mechanism.

The project distributed:

  • Hygiene kits.
  • Food Cash.
  1. Methodology of data collection and analysis


The project staffs coordinated with assistance from the NDMO and Village’s head men in identifying the communities and identify the household who will participate in the interviews, focus group and life stories.

Methodology: The survey utilized quantitative methods to gather information on a sample of 15% of the total households that benefited by the project. The methods used to gather data is explained below:

a)Quantitative Methods and Tools: To gather efficient and accurate data on the project participants, ADRA Fiji gathered quantitative data utilizing Android smartphones with an electronic survey application (Kobo Toolbox). Given the tight timeline of the project, surveying project participants using smartphones and online services reduced the time that would be needed to enter the data into a database after the initial collection from 61 participants. The project team elaborated the questionnaire with the technical support of ADRA Germany and FAO Fiji team considering the baseline questionnaire and project indicators.

a)Qualitative Methods and Tools: ADRA Fiji gathered qualitative data through five focus groups and five life stories. Five focus groups were conducted in the following villages: NasinuVillage (31 participants), Viani (25 participants) Nagigi (15 participants), Kubuna Settlement (9 participants) 05 life stories. The project documented pictures and videos.

Sampling methods: The sample selected considers the vulnerable people (affected households, women, elderly, and people with disabilities). This was made possible by the Village Headman and community leader records.

Data analysis and Report Preparation: The quantitative data gathered from the surveys were analysed. The analysis of this data took the form of descriptive statistics and comparative analysis across gender and the vulnerable groups relevant to the project criteria.

  1. Main Findings

6.1 Interviewee’s Information

61 people were interviewed (Each people represent a household. Total households have 302 members) and have the following demographics:

Gender / Age 0 to 5 / Age 6 to 18 / Age 19 to 64 / 65 years +
Male / 10% / 14% / 22% / 2%
Female / 14% / 16% / 21% / 3%
Description / %
Disabled people (women) / 0.2 %
Disabled people (Men) / 0.2 %
Number of breastfeeding women / 4%
Number of pregnant women / 0%

6.2 Hygiene kits

Hygiene Items distributed were: 1 Water Container 20 L, 1 Laundry soap bar, 5 bathing soaps, 5 packets of Pads, 1 Sulu.. In Cakaudrove hygiene kits were distributed to 410 households.

a)80% of interviewees mentioned that the hygiene kit were very useful.

b)From the Focus Group 100% mentioned that all items were important.

c)100% mentioned they were satisfied with the distribution process.

d)80% mentioned the quality of the hygiene kit was good.

e)92% mentioned they are satisfied with the distribution mechanism.

f)100% mentioned they have used the Hygiene kit.

4.3 Food Cash

ADRA Fiji team hasdistributed cash for food (FJD40) to 1,550 households. In Cakaudrove food Cash was distributed to 175 households.

a)60% of household mentioned that they bought food and 40% bought Non Food Items.

b)From the focus group it was concluded that decisions about the use of the food cash was decided 70% by women /mother and 30% were decided by the man of the house.

c)During the Distribution 99% of those interviewed mentioned that they waited between 30 minutes – and 1 hour to receive the food cash.

d)98% of households mentioned that the distribution was on time and 2% mentioned it was too early.

e)Furthermore 55% mentioned that during the distribution there was special process (priority) for pregnant women, mothers with babies, disabled and old people.

f)100% of the people mentioned that they preferred food cash because they can buy some other things that they want to buy.

g)90% of the people interviewed mentioned that the food lasted for 2 weeks.

h)100% of households mentioned that the food cash was very useful.

The Household dietary diversity is the number of different food groups consumed over a given reference period. A more diversified diet is associated with a number of improved outcomes in areas such as birth weight, child anthropometric status, and improved hemoglobin concentrations.

The Household dietary diversity Score after the project intervention is 5 out of 12. However is important to remark that the beneficiaries are in process to harvest the vegetables and fruits that can impact positively the household dietary diversity score.

The household dietary diversity was:

3% of beneficiaries HHDS were 1 out of 12

2% of beneficiaries HHDS were 2 out of 12

26% of beneficiaries HHDS were 3 out of 12

3% of beneficiaries HHDS were 4 out of 12

15% of beneficiaries HHDS were 5 out of 12

23% of beneficiaries HHDS were 6 out of 12

15% of beneficiaries HHDS were 7 out of 12

8% of beneficiaries HHDS were 8 out of 12

5% of beneficiaries HHDS were 9 out of 12

“As for hygiene kit we really appreciate what we have received, we love each and every items we received they are so helpful and make us live in a healthy way of living. Since we have contaminated water, we use to sieve the water and poured into the water container to keep it safe for drinking”.

“We wish we can receive this every month, as we are not a social welfare beneficiary. We really appreciatethe food cash that was given to us. We request to receive the food cash every month so that it can cater our family need. And thank so much EU and ADRA for the great help, we are so happy and thankful for the food cash that we receive that really meet our need. Thank you so much EU and ADRA for helping our community”.

  1. Feedback and complaint mechanism

The households mentioned there was an identified person to whom complaint or give feedback on the distribution site.

  1. Suggestions/comments from the Households

Households request more water containers/water storage system, washing soap and first aid equipment.

  1. Conclusion

The communities are satisfied with the items that have been distributed. Cakaudrove needs support with water storage system.


Hi Bula vinaka, my name is Atelaite Rabuka of Nagigi village, I am a 30 year old single mother with 2 children, (1 is seven years old and the other one is 4 months old). I Just want to take this time to thank the EU and ADRA for the great help that was provide to our community and especially for me as a single mother. Before giving birth to our second child, my husband left us so I faced a lot of problems and was so thankful when I received the hygiene kit and food cash from EU and ADRA which really helped me a lot.
May the blessing of our Almighty Father within these two organisations. GOD BLESS.VINAKA VAKALEVU.
Bula I’m Helen Rauvi 70 years old of Nacavanadi Village, Province of Savusavu. My husband passed away 10 years ago, we have no children and I’m alone with a disability. At this moment I just want to thank these 2 organisations EU and ADRA for the great help and assistance that was provided to my community and mostly a widow like me. As my village are mostly affected by water problems, the water container that was given to us was very useful, likewise the soap, sulu and pads. As I’m staying alone the food cash was a great help for me that I managed to buy food for two weeks and pay for my bus fare to the hospital for my check up and medication.
Thank you very much EU and ADRA for helping me and my community.
Bula vinaka my name is KulinioTuqiri, I live inViani village. I wish to thank the two organisations the EU and ADRA for the great assistance to my family and also to the community. The water container which I use was very useful for storing clean water. The sulu which we wear has a lot of important information about healthy living also at the same time it reflects your support, Caring and love to us. May the good Lord bless your staff and the service provided.
My name is Teresiaand I am 40 years old from theKubuna Settlement and I would like to thank the EU and ADRA for hygienic kit and food cash that I received. I have two children and I used the food cash to buy food items for them. Now with the food cash the children are eating good food, fruit and vegetables which I do not usually buy due to the lack of funds. Since I am disabled I used to spend most of my money on medication.
Once again, thank you very much EU and ADRA for assisting us during the last months with the food cash.
My name is Ateca Ratu 69 years old from Nasinu village.
My husband passed away two years ago and I had to look after my daughter and her children.The food cash and hygienic kit really helped us,since we have contaminated water the water containers really help me and my families to keep water safe for my families to drink. From the food cash I bought healthy food for my family.
Thank you very much EU and ADRA for the great help.

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PDS Report Cakaudrove- August 2016