Name:______Due Date:______

IB Psychology 12

Review Project

The IB Psychology exam that you will be taking at the end of this year will have three 8 mark and one 22 mark paper that focus on the material you learned last year.

Last year you explored the topics of: biological analysis, cognitive analysis, socio-cultural analysis, and abnormal psychology. In order to help you review those topics you will complete a “review project.” You will be placed in groups of 3 to 4 students. Each group will be assigned a topic: Sociocultural Analysis or Abnormal Psychology. Each group will be asked to create a Power-Point Presentation in which they discuss topics that are provided on an outline. You will be taking on the role of the teacher! Each group will “teach” or “review” their information with the rest of the class. If there is a topic that you either don’t remember, or found confusing, takes notes! If at the end of presentations you are still confused about a topic, we will review it in greater detail.

You will be allowed to use your notebooks from last year, internet sources, and the textbooks.

Each Presentation should include:

1)  AT LEAST 10 slides discussing the material (you can include more)

2)  A detailed explanation of the material in your section

3)  Presentations should be 10-15 minutes in length

The Categories Are:

1)  Sociocultural Analysis Group 1:______

2)  Abnormal Psychology Group 2:______

Sociocultural Analysis Group 1:

Modern psychologists recognize that one can only truly understand human behavior if they study and understand the social context in which the behavior occurs. One principle of sociocultural psychology is that human beings are social creatures with a basic need to “belong.” Their behaviors are affected by this need to feel that they are accepted as part of a group or whole. Sociocultural psychologists understand that culture will have an effect on the way in which a person behaves. Culture is simply the values and norms that define a society.

Because humans are social creatures, they have multiple identities. A person will have an individual identity as well as a “social self.” A person will not only recognize themselves as an individual but will also take on the characteristics of the group that they believe they belong to. This is the “social self.” A person’s behavior can be influenced by the actions of other in the group.

In your presentations please be sure to include:

1)  The research methods at the sociocultural level of analysis

2)  Situational and Dispositional factors of attribution

3)  The Attribution Theory and errors in attribution

a.  Fundamental attribution

b.  Self serving bias

c.  Modesty Bias

4)  Social identity theory

a.  Tajfel

b.  Sherif

5)  Social representations and stereotypes

a.  What factors cause on stereotype

b.  Studies that how effects of stereotyping

6)  Social learning theory

a.  Bandura

b.  Factors that make it likely one will “learn”

7)  Compliance Techniques

a.  Low balling

b.  Foot in the door

c.  Door-In-Face

8)  Conformity on group norms

a.  Sherif

b.  Asch Paradigm

9)  Factors influencing conformity

a.  Groupthink

b.  Minority influence

c.  Asch Paradigm

10) Definition of culture and how it influences behavior

11) Cultural dimensions of behavior

a.  Geert Hofstede-individual/collective, masculine/feminine

12) Etic and emic

Abnormal Psychology Group 2:

Abnormal Psychology explores psychological disorders. This is a difficult science because what is “normal” is subjective. There is no clear cut definition on what “normal” behavior is. To diagnose a person as having a psychological disorder, psychologists have created a series of tests to help add to the objectivity of diagnosis. Some of these tests measure intelligence and short term memory. The data is then placed in a bell curve, and the psychologist is able to see where the subject falls. Another way psychologists determine if a person is “abnormal,” is if their behavior violates the social norms. However, this can be problematic, because not all people share the same cultural social norms. Psychologists’ ideas of what define psychological disorders are ever changing.

In your presentations please be sure to include:

1)  Definition of normal vs abnormal

a.  Name and Name

2)  Validity/reliability of diagnosis

a.  Rosenthal Study

3)  Ethical considerations in diagnosis

4)  Cultural considerations in diagnosis

5)  Affective disorder: Depression

a.  Etiology – what are the biological, cognitive, and sociocultural triggers

b.  Cultural or gender differences in the disorder

c.  Treatments: Biomedical, group, individual

6)  How one diagnoses psychological disorders

7)  Anxiety disorder: PTSD

a.  Etiology – what are the biological, cognitive, and sociocultural triggers

8)  Eating disorder: Anorexia

a.  Etiology – what are the biological, cognitive, and sociocultural triggers

9)  Cultural or gender differences for each disorder

10) Treatments:

a.  Example: Biomedical, group, individual