Sons of ShemPage 1

Christian Churches of God

No. 212A

Sons of Shem:

Part I

(Edition 1.1 20060224-20060225-20070416)

The birthright was passed to Shem, the youngest son of Noah, as priest of God in the order of Melchisedek. The descendants of Shem carried the priesthood down to Abraham and on into the lines of the descendants of Abraham. Shem produced a number of children and from them sprung a number of important nations of the world. The sons of Shem intermingled with the sons of Ham and Japheth and God’s promises to the world would be fulfilled in that mixing of nations.

Christian Churches of God



(Copyright 2007 Wade Cox)

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Sons of Shem: Part I

Sons of ShemPage 1


The Conversion of the Sons of Abraham

God established a covenant with Abraham and said He would make him the father of many nations. Through his offspring, who we call the Patriarchs, a number of nations were commenced and they were given birthright promises and were made part of an ongoing covenant between God and Abraham that they were expected to continue and fulfil.

In this series we will deal with the identities and ultimate destiny of these nations and their influence on the rest of the world.

Over the next time-cycle of 19 years and the final sequence of the Wars of the End arriving at the Jubilee of 2027, we will see these nations brought to repentance and conversion on a systematic and progressive basis.

Part I (No. 212A) deals with the Sons of Shem and their locations.

Part II (No. 212B) deals with the sons of Lot and also those of Esau and their identity, destiny and conversion.

Part III (No. 212C) deals with Ishmael and its destiny and conversion and place in the Kingdom of God.

Part IV (No. 212D) deals with the sons of Keturah and their identity, destiny and conversion.

Part V (No. 212E) will deal with the destiny of Judah and its conversion in the Last Days.

Part VI (No. 212F) will deal with Israel and its crisis and repentance.

Part VII (No. 212G) will be an Appendix for tables and charts

These six parts will explain what is required of the sons of Abraham and their place in the restoration of the world to the Laws of God.

The details of the covenant God made with Abraham and the legacy and priesthood established with him through Shem is also explained in the site


The purpose of this paper is to expand on the work on the Genetic Origin of the Nations (No. 265)and deal with the sons of Shem and then lead in to the sons of Arphaxad and the descendants of Abraham, and their place in history and prophecy and their current identities.

The sons of Shem are Elam and Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram.

We know for certain that the Elamites became the Persians, the sons of Asshur became the Assyrians, the sons of Arphaxad became the Hebrews, and Aram became the Syrians and the source of the name of the Aramaic language. They also later went north into Armenia.

From the modern DNA sampling of the Assyrian project, the modern Assyrians are L, G, J and some R1b1, but it seems that the R1b1 tested are English on the paternal side and Assyrian on the maternal side. Thus, northern Aram (in the area of Armenia and Georgia) and Asshur developed the G Haplogroup, which is where it is found in greatest percentages.

Josephus gives us a clear indication of the sons of Aram when he says that of the four sons of Aram, Uz founded Trachonitis and Damascus, which is the country between Palestine and Ceolesyria, Ul founded Armenia and Gather the Bactrians, and Mesa the Mesaneans now called Charax Spasini. From this record the Semitic G Haplogroup would appear to come from Aram and Asshur. Josephus records that Abraham first settled with an army in Damascus (ibid., Whiston tr., p. 32).

Josephus says that Joktan of the Hebrews had thirteen sons: Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera, Adoram, Aizel, Decla, Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Eulat, and Jobab. He says that these people inhabited Asia from the Indian River, Cophen, and the lands surrounding it. This is modern Kabul and the valley of its river. The land further towards the Indus is Bactria. Thus, if that is the fact of the matter they seemingly moved through the Arabian Peninsular and most went on to India. The result could be the composite groups of Joktan in what is Afghanistan, Gather in Bactria and then Lud in the Punjab. The Semitic Haplogroup H in India would then be derived from a mutation that occurred among the Hebrews of Joktan and the Semites of Lud. The golden wedge of Ophir refers to the lands of one of the sons of Joktan who settled in Afghanistan or India, and thus the area of Ophir may be from the Hindu Cush into India or perhaps, even more likely, Sri Lanka (Ceylon) (see also below).

Afghan and other Pashtun

The Wikipedia article on Pashtuns says they would appear to be primarily of Iranian origin, but have similarities with Persians, Kurds, Tajiks and Baluchis.

Pashto-speaking Pashtuns (or Pukhtuns, depending on dialect) and are found in southern and eastern Afghanistan and western Pakistan. These Pashtuns also became intermingled with others groups, such as the Ghilzai (who possibly mingled with Turkic tribes), the Durrani (who interacted with the Tajiks), and Pashtun tribes north of Peshawar (who mingled with Dardic groups).

The article went on to say that from the first to the fifth century BCE huge migrations of peoples from Aryans, Persians, Sakas, Scythians, Kushans, Huns, and Greeks moved into the regions where the Pashtuns lived. Later invaders were Muslim Arabs, Central Asian Turkic tribes and Mongols.

The anthropological evidence that the Pashto-speaking Pashtuns are an Indo-European Caucasoid people, who are related to other Iranian groups and to speakers of the Kalasha and Nuristanis languages, is by no means conclusive. So far the testing has not shown any substantial connection between the Pashtun population sampled to the genetic markers found amongst most Greeks, Jews, or Arabs. The answer may be that Pashtuns have been slightly modified over time by various invaders and mixes as mentioned above. Yet they have kept their eastern Iranian base genetically overall.

There would thus also be Japhethitic R1a and R1b and Hamitic C YDNA present.

Many conclusions concerning the Semites come from the premise that the Semitic Haplogroups are all J as found among the three populations mentioned.

The Pashtun are classified as Iranian, which as we have seen is primarily Haplogroup I which is derived from the Semitic IJ Haplogroup (see below) but they vary as a typical Central Asian composite YDNA grouping. An attempt was made to classify the Pashtun in the 16th century as one of the Bani Israel, of the Lost Ten Tribes and as Joseph. This was debunked based on their Indo-Iranian affinities and language. However, it is an historical fact that the area of Khandahar,Kabul and Bactria also, on the other side of the Hindu Cush,were made provinces or satrapies of the Persian Empire and their languages are thus affected by that fact. The DNA similarities with Elam and their reported historical descent and affinity with Joktan indicate that the original DNA of the Semites, including the Joktan Hebrews,was not J but F and the primary Semitic derivative is I and the secondary derivatives are J, both derived from IJ (based on S2 and S22) and then H and G. All the Eastern Semites of Elam and Joktan were Hg. I, rather than J. Thus these mutations occurredover the second millennium BCE and the extended mathematical models of the evolutionists are wrong.

The Durrany and Galzay tribes are held to be direct descendants of the Ibrani or Hebrews and probably of the sons of Joktan. Some also hold the Rabbani, Shinwari, Levani, Deftali, and Jaji from Afghanistan, and the Efridi and Yusufzai from Pakistan to also be Hebrew tribes.


Lud is a source of uncertainty and there are two explanations for the identification of, and locations of the sons of Lud. We will return to this puzzle shortly.

Other Locations of the Hebrews

The origin and location of the Hebrews is identified with Abraham as coming out of Ur of Chaldea and the sons of Arphaxad are identified with the Akkadian groups in the Mesopotamian plain between the children of Asshur, or the Assyrians, and the sons of Elam, who were on the east of the Tigris basin to the Persian plateau.

The other group of the Medes, who were associated with the Persians and occupied the high country to the north of Elam and Gutea, are not basically Semite, but we will see they do contain Semites now from their exposure to the Arabs and perhaps earlier. The Kurds predominantly derived from the Medes, the sons of Madai, a Japhethite. We will return to them later. The Guteans or Guti may well also be associated with the Goths as part of the later Parthian or Scythian Horde. We will examine their movements in a later paper.

Professor Cyrus Gordon also holds the early Minoans to be Semites and their language Linear A as being Semitic. His work on Linear A has been met with controversy.

The sons of Arphaxad are: Salah and Eber (from where the name Hebrew is derived). His sons Peleg and Joktan saw the split in the Hebrews. The sons of Joktan were thirteen in number and occupied the entire eastern area of the Arabian peninsular (Gen. 10:21-32) but many went on into Afghanistan or Pakistan, as we see above. The sons of Abraham through Hagar and some of the sons of Keturah, such as Midian, later joined them. The line of Abraham through Peleg was to Reu, Serug, Nahor, Terah to Abraham, Nahor and Haran. Abraham was called out of Ur of Chaldee and sent into the land of Canaan.

It follows that the lineages of the Semitic countries will give us clues as to the distribution of Semitic Haplogroups and mutations. The original position was to say simply that Haplogroup J is the Semitic Haplogroup and all others are not Semitic, but that cannot be true given the distribution and mixtures of the nation groups; and we now know that to be false in regard to the IJ proto Haplogoup. From the historical reconstruction, a number of other groups are also Semitic, as we will see.

For example, in the genetic structure of the Persians or Elamites, Hg I is predominant. It exceeds J by some 10%, and has an element of F and G with it. Those groups constitute half the YDNA of the Persians. The Middle Eastern Arabs also have a significant amount of I and some G. Haplogroups G, I and J constitute half of the Georgians/Armenians and the Turks and F, G, I and J are half the Italians with I and J comprising half the YDNA of the Greeks. When we go into Europe the balance of I increases dramatically.

G, (M201), H (M69), I (M170, M258, and P19) and J (12f2.1) appear to be known Semitic lineages with K (M9), the root base for all the sons of Japheth. Hg. J decreases as it moves west in Europe, but Hg. I remains more or less highly significant as far west as the Anglo-Saxons and then decreases among the Basque, Welsh, Irish and Scots, but is nevertheless still found in quantities of up to 15% among these known Celts.

The Anglo-Saxons came in from the Middle East as part of the horde at the fall of the Parthian Empire from what is now the area of Iraq and the area north of it. That occurred at the end of the second century CE. They moved into the area of NW Europe and the horde split up in various waves. The Anglo-Saxons and Jutes and the associated tribes of Lombards, Danes, Norwegians, Saxons and Fris, split up but retained a similar diversity. The northern French are also from the Middle East. The Normans constitute one element and are predominantly R1b but they contain other DNA groups such as I. The others are Francs in two groups. These are the Riphathian Francs and the Salien Francs. The Salien Francs could inherit through the male line only but the Riphathian Francs could inherit through both.

As we know, Riphath was a son of Japheth and we know that the nobility of these people also claimed descent from Antenor I, King of the Cimmerians, and also from the Trojans. They were understood to be the offspring of the group that remained in the Middle East with the sons of Hector. They named their major city after Paris and Troyes. Many of these people settled across the Channel in Britain and those tribes (e.g. Parisii) were also R1b Celts. Over 35% of the northern French are Haplogroups I and J. Approximately 35% of the Anglo-Saxons are Middle East Hg. I with some small amount of J. Approximately 40% of English are Middle Eastern and seemingly Semites of I mutated from the IJ group. The majority of all NW Celts and Anglo-Saxons are R1b and part of the same genetic divisions as the known Japhethite tribes. The obvious exception is to the east where the Slavs are R1a, and the largest R1a divisions among the horde coming into the North West was among the Norwegians, at about 30%.


From the Bible, Torah and Qur’an, we learn that the Arabs are descendants of Shem, son of Noah. Some Arabs claim to trace their ancestry directly back to Noah and Adam.

Arab origin is divided into two major groups:

al-‘Āriba meaning, "Pure origin" and al-Musta’ribah meaning, "Arabised Arabs".

The Pure Arabs are considered to be descendants of Noah through his son Shem, through his sons Aram and Arphaxad, and are known as Qahtanite. The Qahtanite are considered to have originated from the South Arabians, according to Arab genealogies.

The term Arabised-Arabs can be used for three different groups:

1)For Arabs considered to be descendants of Abraham through Ishmael, through his son Adnan and known as Adanites.

2)For Arabs who spoke other Afro-Asiatic languages. As Arabic speakers they are regarded as Arabs in contemporary times.

3)For the "Mixed Arabs", between "Pure Arabs" and the Arabs from South Arabia.

The break-up of these groups will be discussed in the papers on Ishmael and Keturah.


While most Arabs are Muslim, a minority are Christians, and some are Jews. Muslims comprise Sunni, Shi’ite, Ibadhite, Alawite, Ismaili or Druze.

Before the introduction of Islam, most Arabs worshipped a number of deities while some converted to Christianity or Judiasm. The pagan deities were those such as Hubal, Wadd, Al-Lat, Manat and Uzza. A few hanifs favoured a vague form of monotheism. However, as Islam expanded more and more Arabs became Muslims and the old traditions disappeared.

Arab Christians generally follow one of the four main churches: Coptic, Maronite, Greek Orthodox, or Greek Catholic.

Gypsies or Roma

When the British explorer Richard Burton travelled throughout the Land of Midian in the late 19th century, he came upon a people known as the Hutaym (meaning broken). Although Muslims, they were a tribe of pariahs also found in Egypt.

The Arabs of Midian always compare the Hutaym with the Ghagar (Ghajar) or Gypsies of Egypt; and this is the point which gives the outcasts a passing interest. I have not yet had an opportunity of carefully studying the race; nor can I say whether it shows any traces of skill in metal-working. Meanwhile, we must inquire whether these Helots [slaves], now so dispersed, are not old immigrants of Indian descent, who have lost their Aryan language, like the Egyptian Ghajar. In that case they would represent the descendants of the wandering tribes who worked the most ancient ateliers [workshops]. Perhaps they may prove to be congeners of the men of the Bronze Age, and of the earliest waves of Gypsy-immigration into Europe. (Burton, Midian (Revisited), p. 119; emphasis added)

Burton goes on to say:

And I would here lay special stress upon my suspicion that the ancestors of the despised Hutaym may have been the Gypsy-caste that worked the metals in Midian. (ibid., p. 135).

The Hutayim he saw may have been simply the remnant of the true sons of Midian whose brother tribes had long since migrated into other areas of the Middle East and eventually into Europe, some perhaps via India.