Daily Lesson Plan
Subject / Career Advisement / Instructor / 12th Grade AdvisorsTitle of Lesson / GAcollege411.org
Date / Wednesday, September 15, 2010 / Time Period / 45 minutes
Essential Question / What services are available from the Guidance Department?
What information is available on the GAcollege411 website which will assist me in making plans for after high school?
/ Lesson Plan – Guidance Scavenger hunt on backHandout: Student Worksheet – GACollege411.com /PLAN YOUR PATH Handout
3 ziplocks of puzzle pieces
/Topical Outline
/Instructional Aids/Strategies
2 Min. / Set Induction /Take Roll on SMAX
1. Read Morning Report4 Min. / Teacher Led Discussion / 1. Go over Guidance Services Poster. Inform students of what the guidance department offers.
8 min. / Teacher / Student Activity / 1. www.gacollege411.com (please take some time to go and visit this site BEFORE Advisement)
2. Tell students to go ahead and make a username and password to write on the sheet if they have not done this last year. They should have a worksheet with their username and password from last year. If not, have them complete a new user name and password sheet. If they do not have a sheet, but remember their set up information, have them fill out a new one. Account name: Use your first and last name initials along with your student IDnumber. Password: Use your student ID number. (Example: John Wells student ID number is 12345. So, his account/user name is jw12345 and his password is 12345.)* See bottom on back
3. The username and password also need to be written in their red folder. If they do not have an email, they can create one at GAcollege411.com.
4. If you have computers in your room, allow the students to set up their account and answer the questions on the worksheet. If there are not computers for each student, allow them to use your computer (if you are ok with that), and just set up their accounts. They will be responsible for filling out the rest of the worksheet on their own, have them jot down the questions and complete the remaining portion.
5. They need to return to you and place it in their red folders.
12 Min. / Student Activity / 1. Divide the group into 3 teams. Hand each group a zip-lock with puzzle pieces. Instruct them to use the next 5 minutes to read each piece and place the correct explanation next to each topic covered on GAcollege411.org.
2. Once they are done, handout the PLAN YOUR PATH handout. Then, choose different students to share 1 of the 7 different topics covered on GAcollege411.org. Be sure to discuss why each topic is important and how that information is beneficial to know (use your own examples of having or not having that information in and after high school). Have them place the handout in their portfolio.
3. Collect the puzzle pieces in the zip-lock baggies and return to Mrs. Lundy’s box, please. J
10 / Student Activity / 1. Agenda Scavenger hunt – (same way we played with the know your school game). (if you are assisting students in setting up accounts, choose a student to lead the game).
2. – Using the same 3 groups... Ask the questions – they can use their agenda to look up answers. The team with the most points wins.
9 min / Advisee Consultation / While students continue to set up the GAcollege411 accounts, call students up individually to meet with advisor.
Ask students how classes are going.
Do they need assistance with anything in their classes?
What are their interests? Are these interests the same things they are taking classes in, or do you need to look at changing classes for the future?
What are they looking to do in the future? Post-Secondary school? What do they want to do after graduation?
(Note: If time runs out and students do not set-up their GAcollege411 account, the sheet can be completed either at home and returned or completed during an upcoming advisement/activity period)
Guidance Scavenger Hunt
1. Where do you go for current guidelines for Georgia Scholars? Guidance Office
2. When are honor graduated determined? End of 1st Semester senior year
3. How many units to you need to graduate? 28
4. If you are pursuing a technical college preparatory program, what tests should you take?
5. What time in the guidance Office open? 8:00am – 4:00 pm
6. If your last name is Morris, which guidance counselor would you go to? Ms. Lord
7. If you wish to request peer mediation, where do you go for a request form? Guidance Office
8. What determines your rank in your class? Actual grade and weight factor
9. Who would you go to for a copy of your transcript? Ms. Tilley
10. What month do you order Graduation Announcements? And cap and gown? November/January
11. What is the date of graduation? May 20, 2011!
*(Alternative password: If your student number is already being used as a GACollege password, add your initials at the end of your student number for your password. For example: 12345jw)
Daily Lesson Plan Page 1