What is the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)?
The RCIA is a gradual process for initiating unbaptized adults and children over the age of 7 who desire baptism, confirmation and Eucharist as well as adults who have been baptized in another faith tradition. The entire RCIA process takes place within the community of the faithful (RCIA #4) and is most evident in the liturgical rites.
The period of Inquiry is a time of introduction to the gospels and how it impacts on one’s life. When a person is ready to move to the next phase, the liturgical Rites of Acceptance and Welcome are celebrated within the community. It is here that the community welcomes the catechumens and candidates into the household of faith.
During the period of the Catechumenate, the catechumens and candidates along with the whole community celebrate the liturgy of the Word at Mass each Sunday. They are dismissed at the homily to break open the sacred Word with their catechists. During this period of prayer and study, the catechumens also receive anointings, participate in prayers of exorcisms and blessings as well as take part in the mission of the church. When a person is ready to move on to the next part of the process another liturgical rite is celebrated, the Rite of Election. At this liturgy, the bishop formally acknowledges the readiness of the catechumens and candidates and calls them to the Easter sacraments of initiation. They are now called the elect.
During the period of the Purification and Enlightenment usually during Lent, the elect enter into an intense preparation for initiation. The elect and the community focus on conversion, scrutinize their lives and celebrate the presentations of the Creed and Lord’s Prayer.
The Sacraments of Initiation are usually celebrated at the Easter Vigil where the elect become full members of the Catholic Church. It is after the reception of sacraments that the neophytes enter the final phase of the process known as the period of Mystagogy. It usually coincides with the Easter season where the neophytes ponder the experience and meaning of the sacraments and participate with the faithful in the Eucharistic life and mission of the church. This period lasts for one about year.
For more information on how to become a Catholic, there are pamphlets in the reading racks on How Does a Person Become a Catholic? or you can contact Our Lady of the Fields Church at 410-923-7025.
May Our Lady of the Fields be found as a place where all are welcome!