Sample Safety Audit Questions (short list)
- How does the criminal justice system respond when Native women report rape?
- How does the way we process cases involving domestic violence (e.g., take 911 calls, respond to the scene as law enforcement officers, book offenders into jail, issue and enforce civil protection orders, manage non-custodial parental visits at our visitation center, conduct child protection investigations) incorporate victim safety and offender accountability?
- How do U.S. legal systems (municipal, state, federal; civil vs. criminal) work for indigenous women? Do they create safety and accountability from an indigenous perspective?
- What is the current intersection between criminal justice practitioners and child protection workers in domestic violence cases? How can we best utilize child protection/advocacy to create safety for women and children, and accountability for batterers?
- How does the police respond to sexual violence in the context of intimate partner violence?
- How are batterer intervention programs linked to the courts in a way that creates safety and accountability? How do batterer intervention programs address a father’s violence and its impact on his children?
- How are protection orders accessible and effective in creating safety and accountability?
- How does the design of the visitation center account for the needs of Native American women, children, and families?
- How does the design or lack of services in the community make women of color more vulnerable to violence?
- How does implementation of the countywide Law Enforcement Domestic Violence Protocol enhance or diminish safety for battered women in cases involving dominant aggressor decisions and the provision of victim services?
- How do prosecution and probation recognize and respond to the complexities of risk and safety for all victims of domestic violence in our county?
- How is safety for victims of domestic violence in our city built into law enforcement response and the other community interventions initiated by a call to 911?
Audit Logistics GuideSample Safety Audit Questions (short list)
Praxis International, Inc.
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