Our Mission: “With a finger on the community pulse and an eye on the future, the SoCAN collaborative works to continually improve the quality of life for seniors and adults with disabilities.”
Our Vision: “Older adults and adults with disabilities will be living healthy, safe and independent lives thereby engaging with and enhancing the quality of life of the community.”
General Meeting
July 25, 2006
1:15-2:45 p.m.
San Diego County Library
Bonita-Sunnyside Branch
4375 Bonita Rd., Bonita 91902
Attendees: (from sign-in sheet)
Burton Disner, Northcoast HHP Bob Maass, AIS-RSVP
Glenn Allison Doris Steinman, Older Women’s League
Cordelia Larry, Older Women’s League Denise Alonso, CCHEA
Angelica Herrera, Loma Linda Univ. Janice Pope, SD Regional Center
Marilyn Driscoll, AIS-Ombudsman Liz Reinhofer, Guardian Angel’s Program
Pilar Velasco, HHSA South Region Reynaldo Vargas, UCSD
Romalyn Galacgac, AIS-Health Promotions Sallie Knowlton, Pacific Pointe
Ted Kennedy Tony Potter, AIS-Health Promotions
Anabel Kuykendall, AIS-O&E
Education Program
“Lawyer in Blue Jeans”
Jeff Isaac presented at the general meeting. He is a lawyer currently on TALK RADIO 760 KFMB AM in San Diego and with the KUSI-TV 9 News team of legal experts providing viewers with legal expectations, interpretations and perspective on legal issues and topics that affect their everyday lives. His trademark down-to-earth “Blue Jeans Law” style offers San Diegans a refreshing view of the legal system with the common man’s interest at heart. He focused on the importance of having a living trust and how it makes a big difference in someone’s life. He discussed the process of probate and how one can avoid going through all this by simply having a living trust prepared and for loved ones to really know the benefits of having one (i.e. flexibility, control, privacy, access, etc.) Jeff is also an accomplished author and has written numerous books and several news publications. If you would like to receive more information about the services they offer, please contact Jeff Isaac at 619-683-2545 or you can go to this website, www.legalimpact.com
Agency Spotlight
“Assertive Home Care”
Craig May from Assertive Home Care provided the refreshments for the July meeting. His agency provides the following:
· Serves all areas of San Diego County
· Agency consists of caregivers, CNA’s and Nurses Aides
· Rates; $170 for live-in OR $17/hour
· First day of service is FREE
If you need more specific information or would like to inquire about their service, please call 619-466-6890. Thanks again for the great refreshments!
Transportation Update:
Emily Gardiola from Caring Neighbors provided the following information:
§ For the month of June, they served 67 seniors
§ They have 11 active volunteer drivers
§ Remaining balance from funds +/- $700.00. Cecelia Burch is in the process of requesting the rest of the funds from the Fullerton office. She is expecting to have it by the end of July ’06. The remaining balance will be used towards purchasing more gas cards so volunteers can get reimbursed for mileage.
Committee Updates:
Disaster Preparedness
Chen-Marie Pronoble, Americorps volunteer from Southwestern College was unable to attend the meeting today. She is currently finishing her training and once completed, will start contacting the various mobile home parks in South Bay to schedule the presentations. The rest of the committee members are willing to assist her in the future once the dates and times are confirmed.
South Bay Intergenerational Games
Tony Potter met with the rest of the committee members and provided an update for the upcoming scheduled event. Other partners will be invited to join this group such as Chula Vista Elementary School District, City of Chula Vista Recreation Department, South Bay YMCA, etc. We certainly welcome donations and sponsorships from any agency/organizations willing to provide support for this event. Our Action Network’s main focus is to recruit active seniors to participate. The actual date of the event is November 15th at the Olympic Training Center in Chula Vista. The flyer needs to be updated so the subcommittee can start promoting the event and recruit active older adults. Members would like to approach various sites to get as many seniors residing in South Bay to sign up early for the event. The SoCAN group will look into repeating the same process that was done last year to encourage member participation. In lieu of the general meeting, we are considering on attending the South Bay IG Games on November 15th and provide support and assistance during the actual day of the event (i.e. set-up, breakdown, staffing the various workstations, lunch, etc.) We are going to discuss this further at the August meeting. We are hoping to get the rest of the key partners to attend so we can discuss and prioritize action items that need to be addressed.
Elderfriendly Business Certification & Adults with Disabilities
Doris Steinman provided some information to the group. She provided written materials through the internet and shared it to the rest of the committee. Members felt that they need to establish criteria for businesses in the area. The goal is to make it broad but “specific” enough so they can develop an action plan that is realistic and achievable.
SoCAN Website
Ongoing updates are taking place at the website. Members are encouraged to visit the website and post their information as a means to inform providers and consumers of what is going on in the County. Feedback is always appreciated so please check out this website when you get a chance:
Please submit your ideas and suggestions to Anabel Kuykendall at or Liz Reinhofer at
Membership/Monthly Speaker’s
Continue to invite and bring a colleague or friend to our monthly meetings. We want everyone to be represented and have the opportunity to join our Action Network. Any special topic of interest or suggestion for a future guest speaker, please contact either Anabel Kuykendall or Liz Reinhofer via email so we can make the necessary arrangements to line-up the speakers and allow us time to accommodate your request in all of our future meetings.
Before the meeting concluded, several members made announcements and distributed handouts at the end of the meeting.
Reminder: If you are interested in providing refreshments and would like to be one of our agency spotlight speaker for the upcoming meetings, please contact Anabel Kuykendall at 619-476-6142. Don’t forget to bring your own agency brochures/pamphlets and upcoming event flyers. We have a resource area right next to the registration table. This is your opportunity to share information and network with the other members.
Next general meeting, Tuesday, August 22nd at 1:15 p.m.
Don’t forget to bring a friend or colleague!