Greater Cincinnati OA Intergroup Meeting Minutes

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Meeting started at 4:05pm

Secretary – Tony needs to provide November minutes written by Mary for review and acceptance; will be done at January meeting

Treasurer – Tony provided report of November expenses and will provide 2016 closeout at January meeting

Audit/Bylaws – no report

Membership – no report

Delegates – no report

Special Events –

Ali E. gave feedback on 12th step workshop

- 2 skits and 3 speakers on the topic

-around 25 people in attendance

-the Trusted Servant document was discussed

Ali also presented an invitation to anyone interested in helping with future workshops, etc

Communications - Sharon H. submitted a written report.

Ways & Means- Joe B. - no report

Questions for committees -

Janet L asked when do we pay our yearly rent for IG space? Tony replied it was to be paid this month. $150/yearly amount

Janet L. asked when was the time to appoint an audit committee? Ali & Tony replied that it was to be the treasurer, chair and vice chair, along with anyone else interested in joining. This will be done in either January or February, 2017

Announcements -

-Keep on your radar the 2017 Region V Convention will be hosted by us. Question was posed to decide if we want to eliminate any special events, including Recovery Rally, and/or (Spring?) or Fall retreat


Joe B. discussed the potential for a permanent IG office, presented progress report in written submission. Pros & cons were discussed, as stated in the report.

IG members voted unanimously that there was enough interest in continuing to pursue this idea. There will be a proposal sent out to the fellowship via email and/or Survey Monkey for a short survey on whether the fellowship is interested in supporting the move. Janet L volunteered to assist in formulating questions to ask.

***Mary Ann S. note: just realized I took part in this vote, though I was technically a visitor to IG. IDK if anyone actually counted the vote; if so, reduce by one.****


Sharon H. presented the topic of adding a newcomers tab to our local website, siting Region V website as an example. Group agreed to do this so Jeannine and Maria volunteered to assist Sharon with development

December 2016 Intergroup Credentials
name / phone / email / meeting rep / committee chair / officer / delegate/alt / visitor
Mary Ann S / 513-338-7593 / / - / - / - / - / x
Tony A / 513-702-6803 / / - / bylaws / treasurer / del
Maria W / 513-846-0108 / / Mon pm. W. Chester / - / - / - / -
Jeannine F / 513-608-3363 / / Sat W. Chester / ? / - / - / -
Sharon H / 513-378-4541 / / communications?
Jackie C / 513-426-0354 / / Good sam
Janet L. / 513-381-1878 / / Good sam
Joe B / 513-231-9581 / / Ways & means
Ali E / 810-348-1082 / / chair / del
Janet S / 513-325-8078 / (I am not able to make this out-possible it is already on record?)