34 Part 2 (text) 35 Part 2 (DE)


Reading Questions

Hitler’s Belligerency and U.S. Neutrality

1 Who is the leader of the USSR-Soviet Union-Russia during WW2?

2 What two (2) nations sign a Non-Aggression Pact in 1939 that SHOCKS THE WORLD?

3 What Nation does Hitler now demand for “lebensraum” and will after his invasion September 1, 1939 begin WW2 in Europe---and mark the end of “appeasement?”

4 Copy the quote from Hitler here:

5 The country demanded by Hitler is attacked by Germany on September 1, 1938 and falls in just three weeks---What other nation attacks this same country September 17th and is just as vicious?

6 Events will bring the USA into WW2—But it is a slow process due to the reluctance of our People to see the dangers or perhaps due to the dangers evident---Isolationism is the belief of a majority of our citizens---up until December 7, 1941--- Does the USA (FDR-Congress-People) stay firmly “NEUTRAL” during these events as they unfold? YES - NO

7 Name the series of Acts passed by Congress in 1935, 36, and 37 that attempted to legislate us out of war by forbidding the actions that took us to war in 1917 (WW1)?

8 How is the ACT passed in 1939 and named similarly to the three acts mentioned above DIFFERENT?

9 What is the “nickname” of the 1939 act—it also describes a key difference?

The Fall of France***one of the two most shocking events to take place in the world before December 7th, 1941

10 What are the months following the beginning of WWII in Europe called due to the inactivity and silence?

11 The period mentioned above ends quickly and dramatically as Hitler’s forces crush many nations in the next few months which gives him a stranglehold on continental Europe----name the 5 nations attacked by Hitler and taken by Germany by the end of June 1940--- giving him a “Fortress Europe?”






12 One of the most interesting and courageous stories of WWII –is the rescue of British, French, and Belgian forces, amazingly over 340, 000 are saved (about 70,000 die here) off the beaches by regular people working with the British navy---using whatever could float and saving one-two-three soldiers at a time--- What is this rescue called---also the name of the beach/place?

13 What nation is part of the 5 above that falls to Hitler by the end of June 1940 AND DRAMATICALLY SHOCKS THE USA INTO ACTION—EASILY THE MOST INFLUENTIAL ON OUR POV ---AND LEADS US TO BECOMING LESS “NEUTRAL?”

14 How much does the US Congress spend to build a two-ocean Navy and a huge fleet of tanks-airplanes etc --immediately following the fall of the country mentioned in question 13? (it is a lot) (and is “evidence” of our neutrality changing due to events that we do not control occurring around the world)

15 What bill is passed by Congress September 6, 1940 (5 days after War begins in Europe) again evidence of the USA responding to worldwide events--- This is the 1st time in our history (but not the last) that we pass a bill REQUIRING/mandating/forcing – our citizens to do this----WHAT DOES THIS BILL REQUIRE OUR MALE CITIZENS TO DO?

16 The Havana Conference that takes place in 1940 –after the events mentioned above--- seems to be less significant looking at the BIG PICTURE--- HOWEVER---FOR US TODAY---WE COULD NOT BE MORE WRONG  --What former US Foreign Policy statement do ALL 21 Countries in Latin America pledge to defend strenuously at the Havana Conference---that keeps the Western Hemisphere safe from European Dictators who may have thought they could come into our hemisphere at take possession of colonies that were owned previously by countries they now control---and possibly build bases from which to attack throughout the western hemisphere?

17 Are there any land battles in the Western Hemisphere during WW2? (Beside Alaska?)

18 What are FDR (and America’s) two choices of policy that they must choose from at this point?

19 Name the group that forms to defend Position #1—and who is their most famous spokesperson?

20 Name the group that forms to defend Position #2?

21 Due to FDR’s actions that are taken consistently from this point forward does he support position #1 or position #2?

22 What “deal” does FDR make with Winston Churchill (British PM) in which de does not ask Congress or anyone else—about before making the deal—he takes EXECUTIVE ACTION ---?

23 How many bases does the USA receive from Britain for 99 years---and in which hemisphere are all of these bases?

24 Do the American people support FDR’s actions according to Newspaper Polls?

FDR Shatters the Two-Term Tradition (election of 1940)

25 Whom doe FDR defeat in the Election of 1940?

26 Why is the Election of 1940 significant in US History?

Bill # 1776 Lend-Lease “An Act Further to Promote the Defense of the United States”

27Which act of Congress is illustrated by the Map in my notes?

28 The Bill above transforms the United States into the ______.

29 Copy FDR quote here:

30 Was this an “Executive Action” of FDR or does Congress and the American People debate this Bill?

31 How much in aid does the USA send around the World during WWII because of this bill?

32 Would this act be used as evidence for an Isolationist or Interventionist/Internationalist POV?

33 What is the “incidental” result or effect of the above bill---still very significant?

Hitler’s Assault on the Soviet Union---spawns the Atlantic Charter

34 What is the result/statement given after the 1st of the meetings between FDR & Churchill called?

35 What are the two (2) globe-shaking events that occur before Pearl Harbor?

36 What was considered to be Hitler’s first major mistake?

37 How do Americans react to “Operation Barbarossa,” specifically Senator (and future President when FDR dies before the end of WWII) Harry Truman?

38 On which side –the Allies or the Axis does USSR fight during WWII?

39 How much in aid does the US send the USSR?

40 Where is Hitler’s Army stopped in the USSR? What famous Military leader made the same mistake that Hitler does and the consequences are similar?

41 There are 8 parts to the “Atlantic Charter,” copy #’s 1,2,3 and 8.





42 What forms after WWII whose idea is originated by the Atlantic Charter?

43 Which of the 8 provisions agreed to in the Atlantic Charter brings a more free world to some extent after WWII due to the decolonization which takes place on the continents of Africa and Asia?

U.S. Destroyers and Hitler’s U-Boats

44 What was the “wolfpack?”

45 What order does FDR give the navy as it concerned Lend-Lease aid traveling to Britain?

46 Why would Hitler give the order he does?

47 How many US Naval ships are mentioned that participate in battles with Germans before we enter WWII?

48 What happens on December 7, 1941 and who is the aggressor?

49 “A date which will live in infamy” --Who said this? What is the date of this comment?

50 Name the places that were attacked simultaneously?







51 Name the four (4) goods that the USA sells to the Japanese that were necessary for the Japanese to continue their expansion?

52 What action(s) (2) does FDR and Congress take against Japan in mid-1941 that could potentially cripple their war machine and forces them to make a decision?

53 What were Japan’s two (2) potential actions?



54 How did the USA know of Japan’s decision before their actions made it apparent?

55 Why is the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor controversial today?

56 IF FDR did know—did he do the right thing? Explain***(no credit for the whole assignment without explanation

The Damage at Pearl Harbor

57 What were the Japanese ambassadors in DC doing when their forces attack Pearl Harbor?

58 How many waves of attacks were there?

59 From where do the Japanese planes take off from?

60 How many Americans die during the Attack on Pearl Harbor?

61 Where were our 3 Aircraft Carriers?

62 Which member of the House of Representatives was THE ONLY vote AGAINST WAR WITH JAPAN?

63 What very significant act occurs on December 11th, 1941***could be the main reason we won?

America’s Transformation from Bystander to Belligerent

64 What effect did the attack on Pearl Harbor have on American Public Opinion about entering WW2?

65 Up till the day before Pearl Harbor, despite the world’s difficulties, What was the majority of the American People’s opinion about entering WW2?

66 What event seems to be pivotal and after which our neutrality is less and less clearly favoring Great Britain and preparing for War?

67 What was the most vital question now?