Abridged CV:

Name: / Prof SF (Sarel) Malan
Rank: / Professor
Telnr: / 018 299 2266
E-mail: /
Qualifications: /
  • BPharm
  • MSc
  • DTE
  • PhD

Experience (teaching and otherwise): /
  • Academic Pharmacy intern / PU for CHE - 1986 – 1987
  • Logistic Officer / Pharmacist / South African Defence Force - 1988 – 1989
  • Academic assistant / PU for CHE - 1990 – 1991
  • Lecturer – Full-time temporary / PU for CHE - 1991 – 1993
  • Lecturer – Permanent / PU for CHE - 1994 – 1997
  • Senior Lecturer / PU for CHE - 1998 – 2002
  • Visiting Scientist / Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands - 2000 – 2001
  • Associate Professor / PU for CHE - 2003 – 2004
  • Visiting Professor / LPTC, Bordeaux I University, France - 2004
  • Professor / NWU - 2005 -

Research area: /
  • Drug design and molecular modelling – novel entities with ion channel or neuroprotective activity, and pro-drugs.
  • Influence of chemical structure and conformation on physicochemical properties and membrane permeability of drugs.

Publications /
  • W.J. GELDENHUYS, S.F. MALAN, J. R. BLOOMQUIST, A.P. MARCHAND, AND C.J. VAN DER SCHYF. 2005. Pharmacology and Structure-activity Relationships of Bioactive Polycyclic Cage Compounds: A Focus on Pentacycloundecane Derivatives. Medicinal Research Reviews, 25(1):21-48.
  • DE VILLIERS, M.M., VAN EEDEN, C.M., MALAN, S.F., DEVARAKONDA, B., LIEBENBERG, W. & KOLLING, W.M. 2005. The relationship between surface adsorption and the hydrolysis of amitraz in anionic surfactant solutions. Journal of environmental science and health, Part B - Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes, 40(2):215-231.
  • K. DU TOIT, E.E. ELGORASHI, S.F. MALAN, S.E. DREWES, J. VAN STADEN, N.R. CROUCH AND D.A. MULHOLLAND. 2005. Anti-inflammatory activity and QSAR studies of compounds isolated from Hyacinthaceae species and Tachiadenus longiflorus Griseb.. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 13(7):2561-2568.
  • H.E. BADENHORST, D.S. MAHARAJ, S.F. MALAN, S. DAYA AND S. VAN DYK. 2005. Histamine 3 Receptor antagonists reduce superoxide anion generation and lipid peroxidation in rat brain homogenates. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 57:781-785
  • E.E. ELGORASHI, S.F. MALAN, G.I. STAFFORD AND J. VAN STADEN. 2006. Quantitative structure-activity relationship studies on acetylcholinestrase enzyme inhibitory effects of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids. South African Journal of Botany, 72(2):224-231.
  • E. GROBLER, A. GROBLER, C.J. VAN DER SCHYF AND S.F. MALAN. 2006. Effect of polycyclic cage amines on the transmembrane potential of neuronal cells. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 14(4):1176-1181.
  • N. VLOK, S.F. MALAN, J.J. BERGH, N. CASTAGNOLI JR. AND J.P. PETZER. 2006. Inhibition of Monoamine Oxidase B by Analogues of the Adenosine A2A Receptor Antagonist (E)-8-(3-chlorostyryl)caffeine (CSC). Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 14(10):3512-3521.
  • MALAN S.F. 2006. From a cage to a model – From the heart to the brain: Novel concepts in neuroprotection (ISBN 1-86822-509-7). Inaugural lecture. North-WestUniversity, Potchefstroom. 16 p.
  • W. J. GELDENHUYS, S. F. MALAN, J. R. BLOOMQUIST AND C. J. VAN DER SCHYF. 2007. Structure-activity Relationships of Pentacycloundecylamines at the N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 15(3):1525-1532
  • D. VAN DEN BERG, K.R. ZOELLNER, M.O. OGUNROMBI, S.F. MALAN, G. TERRE’BLANCHE, N. CASTAGNOLI JR., J.J. BERGH, AND J.P. PETZER. 2007. Inhibition of Monoamine Oxidase B by Selected Benzimidazole and Caffeine Analogues. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 15(11):3692-3702
  • W.J. GELDENHUYS, M. HAYES, S.F. MALAN, C.J. VAN DER SCHYF AND D.D. ALLEN. 2007. Receptor Surface Models in the Classroom: Introducing Molecular Modeling to Students in a 3D World. Journal of Chemical Education, 84(6):979-982.
  • K. DU TOIT, E.E. ELGORASHI, S.F. MALAN, S.E. DREWES, J. VAN STADEN, N.R. CROUCH AND D.A. MULHOLLAND. 2007. Antibacterial activity and QSAR of homoisoflavanones isolated from six Hyacinthaceae species. South African Journal of Botany, 73(2):236-241.
  • M.O. OGUNROMBI, S.F. MALAN, G. TERRE’BLANCHE, N. CASTAGNOLI, JR., J.J. BERGH, AND J.P. PETZER. 2007. Neurotoxicity Studies with the Monoamine oxidase B substrate 1-Methyl-3-Phenyl-3-Pyrroline. Life Sciences, 81(2007):458-467

Current projects: /
  • Drug design and molecular modelling – novel entities with ion channel or neuroprotective activity, and pro-drugs.
  • Influence of chemical structure and conformation on physicochemical properties and membrane permeability of drugs.

Collaborations: /
  • Executive Committee of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  • Executive Committee of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa.
  • Expert committee of the Medicines Control Council, Pharmaceutical/Bioavailability and Analytical.
  • Standards Generating Body (SGB) for Pharmacy.
  • NRF Advisory Panel – Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Technology.
  • WHO International Non-proprietary Name (INN) Expert Panel.