ISD 2889

February 22, 2016

Approved Minutes

The regular February 22, 2016 Lake Park Audubon Board of Education meeting was called to order by Chair Vicky Grondahl at 7:00 PM in the LPA High School Media Center in Lake Park. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Roll call and guests:

Members present: Bryan Anderson, Cara Bjerken, Vicky Grondahl, Rich Veit, David O’Connell, Dale Binde

& Darrel Pederson

Absent: None

Administrators: Superintendent Dale Hogie, Principals Sam Skaaland & Kevin Ricke

Guests: Kathy Hamre

Board Calendar Dates: Board Meeting – March 28th - 7:00 PM – LPA Elementary Media Center – Audubon

M/S/CU (Binde/Grondahl) to approve the agenda as amended. Add 9.6 Approval of BMS Arbitration Fee

& Summary Report $3,625.36

Presentations/Reports included:

Ø  Buildings & Grounds – David O’Connell

Ø  Policy & Personnel – Rich Veit

Ø  Negotiations – Bryan Anderson

Ø  Principal’s – Kevin Ricke/Sam Skaaland

Ø  Superintendent – Dale Hogie

Consent Agenda items:

M/S/CU (Binde/Pederson) to accept/approve the following consent agenda items:

Payment of bills and claims in the following amounts: 01)$104,527.75, 02)$32,579.26, 04)$2,723.21, 08)$10,833.03 totaling $150,663.25 and the District Financial report.

Unfinished Business:

M/S/CU (Bjerken/Pederson) to approve Seniority list as presented.

M/S/CU (O’Connell/Pederson) to approve the pre-school student totals for the 2015 school census.

New Business:

M/S/CU (Veit/Binde) to approve the resignation/retirement of JoLeen Eklund from her position as

Elementary Instructor effective June 3, 2016.

M/S/CU (O’Connell/Binde) to approve negotiation of turf proposals with Team Lab for continued work on

high school athletic fields.

M/S/CU (Pederson/Grondahl) to approve Greg Olson as custodian at Class 3, Step 3 for up to 20 hours per week at the high school site.

M/S/CU (Binde/Bjerken) to approve purchase of a walk-behind pad scrubbing machine for the high school at a cost of $6,100 from Cole Papers.

M/S/CU (O’Connell/Bjerken) to approve Deb Foldesi, Bonnie Iverson and Rick Pechman to share the Indian Education Instructional positions at Class 6, Step 5 of the Support Staff Schedule.

M/S/CU (Grondahl/Pederson) to approve payment to BMS Arbitration in the amount of $3,625.36.

Discussion/Information items included:

Transportation Committee – March 2, 4:45 PM – Conference Room at the High School

Visitor’s Comments: None

Superintendent’s Evaluation:

M/S/CU (Pederson/Binde) to go into closed session.

M/S/CU (Binde/Bjerken) to re-open the meeting

M/S/CU (Grondahl/Pederson) to approve summary of superintendent’s evaluation

Adjourn: M/S/CU (Veit/O’Connell) 8:37 PM

Respectfully Submitted:


Kathy Hamre, District Clerk

LPA Board of Ed Minutes

February 22, 2016