Participants to the Expert Meeting: Returns and Transfers: International and European standards, procedures and safeguards for children
Riga 13th-14th May 2014
Speakers1 / Alice Farmer / Researcher - Children's Rights Division, Human Rights Watch, USA
2 / Andrea Vonkeman / Senior Policy Officer - UNHCR, Belgium
3 / Ann-Christin Cederborg / Head Professor - Department of Child and Youth Studies, University of Stockholm, Sweden
4 / Bente Oftedal Roli / Lawyer, Specialist in immigration law - The Roli Lawyers Company, Norway
5 / Christoph Braunschweig / Social Worker - Social and legal Department, International Social Service, Switzerland
6 / Emily Bowerman / Senior Programmes Officer - Refugee Support Network, UK
7 / Georgia Dimitropoulou / Seconded National Expert - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), Austria
8 / Germa Lourens / Social Worker - Nidos, Independent guardianship and (family) supervision agency, Netherlands
9 / Iara de Witte / Project officer - Defence for Children – ECPAT, Netherlands
10 / Igna Oomen / Lawyer - Law firm Hamerslag & Van Haren, Netherlands
11 / Irina Todorova / Regional Migrant Assistance Specialist - International Organization for Migration Regional Office for the EEA, EU and NATO, Belgium
12 / Jan Murk / Chrldren's Rights Advocacy Officer - UNICEF, Netherlands
13 / Odeta Tarvydienė / Director - State Child Protection and Adoption Service, Lithuania
14 / Rebecca O'Donnel / Founding Member - Child Circle
15 / Susanne Bäckstedt / Program Manager – European Return Platform for Unaccompanied Minors (ERPUM), Swedish Migration Board
16 / Agris Skudra / Head of Children Affairs Cooperation Division - Department of Judicial Cooperation, Ministry of Justice, Latvia
17 / Ajda Pretnar / Intern - International Organization for Migration (IOM), Latvia
18 / Anna Haruzika / Legal Adviser - Children's Rights Division of the Ombudsman’s Office, Latvia
19 / Anne Kristine Ivan / Senior Adviser - Save the Children, Norway
20 / Anni Valovirta / Senior Adviser - Asylum Unit, Finnish Immigration Service
21 / Daphné Bouteillet-Paquet / Senior Advocacy Officer - Save the Children EU Office, Belgium
22 / Egils Vidriks / Head of the Section for Prevention, Coordination and Statistics - Riga Municipal Police, Latvia
23 / Elizabeth Wanjiru / Senior Child Protection Social Work Practitioner & Business Development Director - International Recruitment for Social Work Practitioners, UK
24 / Evija Ivdra / Senior Inspector - The State Inspectorate for Protection of Children's Rights, Latvia
25 / Ida Hellrup / Child Rights Legal Advisor - The Children’s Rights Bureau, Sweden
26 / Ilmārs Mezs / Head of International Organization for Migration (IOM) Riga, Latvia
27 / Iluta Lāce / Board Member - Centre Marta, Resource Centre for Women, Latvia
28 / Imants Jurevičius / Manager - State Probation Service, Latvia
29 / Jari Kähkönen / Director - National Assistance System for Victims of Trafficking, Joutseno Reception Centre, Finland
30 / Katri Lyijynen / Senior Inspector - National Assistance System for Victims of Trafficking, Joutseno Reception Centre, Finland
31 / Laila Gravere / Head of Children's Rights Division - Ombudsman's Office, Latvia
32 / Larisa Abrickaja / Eastern Europe & Central Asia Regional Coordinator - Child Rights International Network (CRIN), UK
33 / Laura Celmale / Lawyer - Center Against Abuse "Dardedze", Latvia
34 / Lauris Neikens / Senior Expert - Children and Family Policy Department , Ministry of Welfare, Latvia
35 / Leemet Paulson / Counsellor - International Law Division, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Estonia
36 / Ligita Pēlmane / Inspector - Section for Prevention of Juvenile Offences of Riga Municipal Police, Latvia
37 / Marina Zyryanova / Project Coordinator - Department for cooperation in the Barents region, Regional Office for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufetat), Northern Norway
38 / Natālija Pilipa / Senior desk officer - Social Service Department, Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia
39 / Nina Hannemann / Special Consultant - Center Against Human Trafficking, Denmark
40 / Olga Dobroserdova / Senior Desk Officer - State Probation Service, Latvia
41 / Tõnu Poopuu / Director Children's Rights - Department of Children and Families, Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonia
42 / Vadims Nazarovs / Senior Inspector - Unit against Trafficking in Human Beings, Combating and Prevention of Organized Crime, Main Criminal Police Department of State Police, Latvia
Planning group
43 / Ann Flynn / Social Worker - Stockholm Social Emergency Authority, Sweden
44 / Ann-Mari Sundsten / Project Assistant - Council of the Baltic Sea States, Sweden
45 / Daja Wenke / Independent Child Rights Consultant
46 / Edgars Jakubauskis / Deputy Chief - Return and Asylum Seekers Service, Latvian State Border Guard
Odeta Tarvydienė / Director - State Child Protection and Adoption Service, Lithuania
47 / Turid Heiberg / Head of the Children's Unit/Senior Adviser - Council of the Baltic Sea States, Sweden