St. Lawrence County DRAFT Services Committee

Board of Legislators Monday, January 14, 2013

Board Room 5:30 p.m.

Members Attending: Mr. Bunstone (arrived at 5:33 p.m.), Mr. Acres, Mr. Akins, Mr. Arquiett, Ms. Brothers, Mr. Burns (arrived at 6:22 p.m.), Mr. Lightfoot, Mr. MacKinnon, Mr. Morrill, Mr. Paquin, Mr. Parker, Mr. Peck, Mr. Putman, Mr. Putney, and Mr. Sutherland

Others Attending: Karen St. Hilaire, Ruth Doyle, Kelly Pearson, Mike Crowe, Chris Boulio, Kevin Felt, Nancy Robert, Chris Rediehs, Angela Doe, Bob Santamoor, LeAnn West of Wladis Law Firm, and Media Representative Martha Ellen of Watertown Daily Times.

1. CALL TO ORDER AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Chair Putney called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Mr. Peck moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Arquiett, and carried.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Mr. Arquiett moved to approve the August 20th minutes, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, and carried.

Mr. Bunstone arrived at 5:33 p.m.

3. MUNIS PRESENTATION – Mr. Zimmerman provided a presentation on the new financial system.


A. Modifying the PY12 Workforce Investment Act Budget (Res) – Mr. Putman moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Putney, and carried.

Mr. Lightfoot asked how the two new hires in the fraud unit were doing. Mr. Rediehs said they are doing well, and have now had months of excellent training. They are working and sharing a big case load. Mr. Lightfoot asked if there were any success stories. Mr. Rediehs said we are finding that because they are there, we are able to pursue referrals in a way we have not been able to before. The success that they have had is measured, not only in dollar amounts, but also in the prevention of committing fraud. Mr. Lightfoot asked if any of the cases have been presented to the District Attorney’s Office. Mr. Rediehs said yes, absolutely.


A. Authorizing the Chair to Sign a Contract Accepting the Traffic Safety Program Grant 2012-2013 for Community Services (Res) – Mr. Putney moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Peck and Mr. Putman. Ms. Doe said when they received approval from the New York State Governors Traffic Safety Council there was a discrepancy of $457. She said she decreased appropriation to reflect the appropriate decrease in revenue. Motion carried.


Ms. St. Hilaire said there is Veterans Diversion Bill, and this is a pilot program allowing veterans who have mental health issues or traumatic brain injury linked to their service to have their case held in a specialized court dealing with only Veterans’ issues. Mr. Parker asked who would be funding this court. Ms. St. Hilaire said it will be funded by the State.

Mr. Lightfoot asked if we would be required to provide space for this court. Ms. St. Hilaire said not to her knowledge.

Mr. Acres asked if this is unconstitutional, and asked why they would be allowed to have a special court. Ms. St. Hilaire said there are several different kinds of specialized courts such as Integrated Domestic Violence Court (IDV Court) and Judicial Diversion Program (JDP), which is drug court.

There will be letters sent to all County employees regarding the tobacco free policy.

Government Efficiency Grants came out this week, and we have scheduled a meeting to look at the potential for applying for funds for a consolidated dispatch center.

Office for the Aging applied for a small foundation grant, and received notification they would get $6,000 in support. It will be used for the Home Care Program.

Department of Social Services and Office of the Aging have agreed to have HEAP applications available in the office to enable senior citizens to get applications easily.

There are two Keyboard Specialist from CHHA have been transferred to Community Services.

The sales tax meeting with City of Ogdensburg went extremely well. She is asking the County Attorney to work with the City Attorney to draft an amendment to the existing contract and a resolution. The City of Ogdensburg said they would mirror that resolution. Mr. Putney said it was an extremely productive meeting. Mr. Acres asked if there was any feedback from the Towns Association on the plan. Ms. St. Hilaire said no.

There is a tribal meeting set for Thursday at 4 p.m.

There was a court decision regarding an apartment complex in the Town of Gouverneur. Mr. Crowe said the Judge awarded judgment in favor of the County to continue the tax foreclosure on the apartment complex. The deed will be transferred to the County.

Mr. MacKinnon asked if the County has assumed title to it. Mr. Crowe said we have received judgment ordering title.

Mr. Parker asked if payment will include payment and interest. Mr. Crowe said yes.

Mr. Morrill asked what the deadline was payment. Mr. Crowe said he can pay anytime.

Mr. Peck asked what would happen if we got the property back; would we have to hold it until the sale in October. Mr. Crowe said yes.

Ms. St. Hilaire said they had a good meeting with the Comptroller’s Office. LeAnn West from Wladis Law Firm is here to give an update of the meeting. Ms. West said the meeting was very productive, and the most interesting thing was that no other county in the State is going to them for advice. They commended the County on being proactive in coming to them. They had a number of audits, and came up with several recommendations for St. Lawrence County and what could be done for future cost savings.

Mr. Burns arrived at 6:22 p.m.

Ms. St. Hilaire said in the State of the State address, the Governor mentioned the possibility of three casinos in upstate New York. She sent a memo to Senator Gillibrand and Senator Schumer asking for information to begin that process.

Ms. Brothers said she sent an email, and a decision should be made if we want to pursue this. It will open the door for income.

Mr. Morrill said this is economic development and tourism. All efforts should be made to include the IDA and Chamber of Commerce as they are the experts. Mr. Putney said he had a discussion with those agencies, and they are in the lead of the effort if the Board chooses to do this. Mr. Peck said he has also had contact with the IDA regarding this. He asked if there is a law or regulation with the Tribe that there cannot be a casino in this area. Ms. St. Hilaire said the NYSAC report said the Mohawks have said that the State has already broken its exclusivity by allowing Ganaoque to have a casino, and that is why they have not paid; they feel that contract has been broken. Mr. Peck said we should get an answer or opinion on before we proceed; we should see if it is feasible.

Ms. Brothers said we need to discuss this in executive session because it is a sensitive issue. Mr. Acres said he is not interested in spending County time or effort to promote a gambling operation. He said there are opportunities to promote other things in the County such as agriculture and biofuel, grain production, adversity of different crops, and animal production. He said as far as talking about this in executive session, even though it is sensitive, it needs to be discussed in open session. Mr. Bunstone said the tribal compact portion is what needs to be discussed in executive session, but said Mr. Acres is right that all other should be discussion in open session.

Mr. Arquiett said there is no funding to look into this; Economic Development should look into this to see if there are opportunities to move forward. Ms. Brothers said we have an Economic Enhancement Committee, and they should be involved with this. Mr. Putney said it is at an exploratory phase, and we should reach out. Mr. Burns said the more people we bring into this discussion, the better. The IDA will have to be included along with the Chamber of Commerce or whatever groups need to be tapped into for resources. The Governor has not been specific as to what we would need to do.

Mr. Mackinnon said like Fort Drum and a series of prisons coming into the area, there needs to be many people and groups to help pursue this.

There was a straw poll by a vote on whether to pursue options of a casino with twelve (12) yes votes, two (2) no votes (Acres and Akins), and one (1) absent (Paquin).


Mr. MacKinnon said the Trails Advisory Board has a series of subcommittees and the subcommittee on trail development met, and along with the Wladis Law Firm set up a lobbying effort in November, but got snowed out. The group would like to try again and plan a day in Albany to meet with downstate New York Assembly people who are on the committee regarding the side by sides. The Committee thought the Wladis Law Firm could set these meetings up. Mr. MacKinnon said he would like Ms. West to talk with Deb Christie, Trail Coordinator, as she is very well versed in the trails. Mr. MacKinnon said we are going to start to develop the trails this spring.

Mr. MacKinnon said he thinks the County logo needs to be updated. He said 2012 and 2013 will go down as a change in direction. We have solved some problems, and are now going in another direction. He hopes the Chair could appoint a committee.

Mr. Arquiett said he is in favor of Ms. Christie and Ms. West meeting and he would like to be a part of the meeting.

Ms. Brothers said she would like to have a discussion at Finance Committee of amending our rules of procedure to address the issue of a short agenda.

Mr. Burns asked what the status of the billings of the CHHA. Ms. St. Hilaire said we will give a report at the Finance Committee meeting.

Mr. Burns said he noticed a county car in parking lot at DMV in Ogdensburg that had not been moved or driven as it was piled with snow. He asked if the cars got started when they are not in use. Ms. St. Hilaire said it is her desire that they do not sit around, and they should be in circulation and used daily.

Mr. Morrill said he would support the idea of a new logo.

Mr. Acres said a public notice would have to be given if the meetings are canceled because of a short agenda, and asked how many days notice is needed. Ms. St. Hilaire said we would know well in advance, and could notify the media.

Mr. Putman moved to go to Executive Session at 6:50 p.m. to discuss negotiations, litigation, and appointments, seconded by Ms. Brothers, and carried.

There was a straw poll vote on whether Legislators should attend the meeting on Thursday with the Tribe with a vote of eight (8) yes votes, six (6) no votes (Acres, Akins, Brothers, Lightfoot, Morrill and Parker), and one (1) absent (Paquin).

Mr. Morrill moved to return to Open Session at 7:40 p.m., seconded by Mr. Putman and carried.

ADJOURNMENT – Chair Bunstone adjourned the January Services Committee at 7:41 p.m. as

there was no further business.