CCLHO-CHEAC Chronic Disease Prevention Leadership Project

Leadership Team Distribution List

Updated November 2014

Name and Contact Info / County / Position / Additional Affiliation
Tomas Aragon, MD

San Francisco Department of Public Health
Population Health & Prevention / San Francisco / Health Officer (HO)
Betsy Armstrong

County Health Executives Association of California (CHEAC) / California Health Executives Association of California (CHEAC) / Staff
Jan Babb, MSN, RN, PNP

Yolo County Health Department / Yolo / Director Public Health Nursing (PHN) and Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health (MCAH) / California Conference of Public Health Nursing Directors (CCPHND)
Wendel Brunner, MD

Contra Costa Health Services / Contra Costa / Public Health Director (PHD) / CCLHO chronic disease committee Co-Chair
Project Principal Investigator
Amy Buch, MA

Orange County Health Care Agency- Public Health Services / Orange / Division Manager, Health Promotion / CCLHO CD committee; California Conference of Directors of Health Education (CCLDHE) Executive Committee
Naomi Butler

Health and Human Services Agency
San Diego / San Diego / Nutrition Program Manager
Edith Cabuslay, MPH

San Mateo County Health Department / San Mateo / Chronic Disease (CD) Manager / CCLDHE, Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative (BARHII)
Curtis Chan, MD, MPH

San Francisco DPH / San Francisco / Medical Director, MCAH / Maternal Child and Adolescent Health (MCAH)
Lindsey Cox McDermid, MS

Maternal, Child and Family Health Services
Health and Human Services Agency
San Diego / San Diego / Program Director, Chronic Disease and Health Equity Unit
Ken Cutler, MD

Nevada County Health and Human Services / Nevada / HO / CCLHO Small Jurisdictions Committee Chair
Tracy Delaney PhD, RD

Public Health Alliance of Southern California / Collaboration project of 10 LHDs / Project Director
Terri Fields-Hosler, MPH, RD

Deputy Director
Health and Human Services Agency - Public Health, Shasta County / Shasta / PH Director
Kathleen Grassi, RD, MPH

Merced County Department of Public Health / Merced / Public Health Director / San Joaquin Valley Public Health Consortium
Krista Hanni, MS, PhD

Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Unit
Monterey County Health Department / Monterey / Planning and Evaluation Program Manager II / California Conference of Data Managers and Epidemiologists CCLDME) rep
Susan Harrington, MS, RD

Riverside County DPH / Riverside / Public Health Director / CHEAC Executive Committee
Public Health Alliance of Southern California
Maridet Ibanez, RD

County of Orange Health Care Agency Nutrition Services-WIC / Orange / WIC Nutrition Director / CCLDHN
Olivia Kasirye, MD, MS

Sacramento County, DHHS / Sacramento / Public Health Officer / CCLHO Chronic Disease Committee rep
Leah Northrup

California Conference of Local Health Officers
California Department of Public Health / State/CCLHO / Exec Admin to CCLHO / Staff to CCLHO and its chronic disease control committee
Ed Moreno, MD

Fresno County Health Department / Fresno / HO and PHD / CCLHO cd committee; Central California Region Obesity Prevention Project (CCROP)
Jessica Núñez de Ybarra, MD, MPH, FACPM

California Department of Public Health / CDPH/CCDPP / Project Director
Caroline Peck, MD, MPH, FACOGH

California Department of Public Health / State/CDPH / Chief Chronic Disease Control Branch
Dan Peddycord

Santa Clara County Public Health Dept. (PHD)
Alt: Aimee Reedy, EdD, MPH
Division Director-Programs
Santa Clara County PHD / Santa Clara / PHD
Division Director, Chronic Disease Programs / CHEAC President
Anaa Reese, DPA, MPH, RD

Community Collaborations
Community Health Services Division
Alameda County PHD / Alameda / Community Collab Admin / CCLHDN member; CCLHO chronic disease (cd) committee
Judith Reigel

County Health Executives Association of California (CHEAC) / CHEAC / Exec Admin to CHEAC / Staff to CHEAC
Paul Simon, MD, MPH

Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention
Los Angeles County DPH / Los Angeles / Director Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention / Public Health Alliance of Southern California
Michael Stacey, MD

Solano County Health and Social Services Department, Public Health Division / Solano / Chief Medical Officer,
Deputy HO / BARHII Co-Chair
Laurie Sumerhausen, MS, RD

Yolo County Health Department
/ Yolo / Director of Nutrition / CCLHDN President
Lara Weiss, MPH

Humboldt County Health and Human Services / Humboldt / Program Manager Health Education Division / CCLDHE Past President
Wilma Wooten, MD

San Diego Health and Human Services / San Diego / HO / Co-Chair, CCLHO chronic disease committee
CCLHO past President