University Senate Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2013
3:00 - 5:00pm
Keystone Room
Roll Call
John Abbruzzese, Kwaku Adjei-Bohyen, Abdalla Aldras, Mary Beth Allen, Debra Ballinger, Nurun Begum, Kelly Boyd, Teri Burcroff, Sara Burfeind, Rudolph Clark, Robert D’Aversa, Kathleen Duguay, Ronald Eith, Johan Eliasson, John Freeman, Melissa Geiger, Michael Gray, Daniel Hagan, Shelia Handy, Patty Hannon, Jeffrey Hardy, Kelly Harrison, John Hauth, Peter Hawkes, Jeffrey Hotz, Chin Hu, Yi-hui Huang, Mike Jochen, Jonathan Keiter, John Kercsmar, Atiba Khan, Mark Kilker, Heon Kim, Pamela Kramer-Ertel, Donna Leitner, Amy Majani, David Mazure, Joe Miele, Gavin Moir, Bob Moses, Tasso Papadopoulo, Mary Frances Postupak, Frank Pulgiano, Van Reidhead, Matthew Simmons, Pat Smeaton, Mike Southwell, Richard Staneski, Mark Stewart, Yoshi Tanokura, Doreen Tobin, Nancy Van Arsdale, Marcia Welsh, Alla Wilson, Wenjie Yan, Myia Woodson, Lauren Zirkelbach, Rebecca Zirkelbach, Lorna Hunter
Todd Behr, Richard Connell, Esther Daganzo-Cantens, Dianne Devlin, Scott Dietrich, Susan Dilmuth-Miller, Otis French, Tom Gioglio, Beverlyn Grace-Odeleye, Patricia Graham, Liza LoMonaco, Carter McClure, Shawn Munford, Felicia Revero, Elaine Rogers, Jerry Sheska, Michelle Star, Lissette Vergara, Carl Wambold, Marilyn Wells, Jeff Wilson
Call to order
Approval of February 11, 2013 Minutes
Motioned; Passed
President's Report
· Introduction of Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management, Lorna Hunter
· New policy on handling student accounts
- Notice sent to all faculty, staff, parents, and students
· Campus safety training program is being implemented across campus
· Issues with the SILS program, and participating in graduation
- Being that they are not University students, they will not be participating in graduation
· Sexual Harassment Training notice was distributed today
- Please complete
· Vice President for Administration & Finance search is ongoing
- Airport interviews are taking place this week
- Campus interviews to follow, in April
· Enrollment Management Taskforce
- Update to technology system to better handle inquires
- Updates to workforce/assignments
· Academic Affairs Taskforce
- Same consultant will work to ensure our system is as organized as possible
· Basketball
- Saturday @ West Liberty College
· Inauguration
- Long list of events, for the week
- Celebration of students, faculty, staff, the University and the Community
- Please attend events
· Budget Hearings
- April 22, time and location: TBA; (9-11, Innovation Center)
- Funding will be cut, minimally, $3 million
President's Report (continued)
· Commencement Speaker
- Please nominate speakers (seasoned alumni, ideally)
- Deadline April 1
- Criteria will be outlined in forthcoming correspondence
- Dean Steinman will be a commencement speaker
- Billy Staples (alumni) will be speaking at commencement
· 35 new scholarships available (announced by Foundation)
- Searchable on their website
· Question: Can the budget meeting be videotaped/broadcast?
- Will be looked into, but no reason to be opposed
Approve Agenda
Motioned; Passed
Standing Committee Reports
· Technology (Bob D'Aversa): met on Friday, the 8th
- 4 year replacement cycle for computers (has been for labs, will now include faculty and staff computers)
· Student Affairs Committee (Dan Hagan):
- Students Against Destructive Decisions
§ Proposal for Smoke-free campus, this is unfeasible at this time
§ Student Senate Safe Ride Program looking to be expanded to include all students (not only students 21+)
Report from APSCUF
· Nancy Van Arsdale Reported:
- Faculty on all 14 campuses voted to ratify the proposed contract; will now go to the state
- Coaches contract was also ratified
- Thanks you’s to Ken Mash, Jeff Wilson, and Rick Staneski
- April Honors Convocation in April: Date/Time/Location; TBA
- March Membership Meeting held nominations for committees and officers - nominations are now open
Report from the Student Senate
· Lauren Zirkelbach Reported:
- Student Senate has been looking at better ways to utilize the Safe Ride Program(in conjunction w/SA Committee)
- Junior Rotary Club approved
- Budget reviews are ongoing, and will be finished prior to spring break
- ESU Summit
- Meeting with Kizzy about 'zero balance' policy
- Community on the Quad Reminder
Information about Inauguration Week – April 1-6
· John Hoth reported:
- Inauguration on Saturday will conclude the week
- Events are varied, check the website
- Encourage students, faculty and staff to participate
- Thanks to Harry Lee, Miguel, Caryn, and Marcy in the President's office
- All information is online, please RSVP as appropriate
- Approximately 400 people confirmed (so far) for inauguration ceremony
Update from the University Assessment Committee
· Van Reidhead reported:
- Mapping of learning outcomes for curriculum are coming in
- Jodi Levine Loftgraven will be here this Friday, meeting with assessment committee, oversight team, and deans
- Consulting team will be reaching out to departments
- Confirmed that minors will not be looked at - as looking at majors would cover them
ESU at the Lehigh Valley Center and at Philadelphia
· Jennifer Serowick reported:
- Update on Extended Learning, including organizational chart
- Focusing on adult learners and their needs
- Thomas O'Connor: Lehigh Valley Site Coordinator introduced
- Moving site into conference services model, working with Sarah Goodrich in Conference
- Admission recruiter Mille Roman-Buday introduced, working specifically with Lehigh Valley & Philadelphia Campuses
- Graduate programs are being offered
- PASSHE is directly involved, with the Philadelphia Center - Assumed the lease (like the Dixon Center) and it's being utilized by other PASSHE schools
- Technology has been upgraded
- Mar 18 - ribbon cutting at 701 Market St., Philadelphia location
- Launch dates for extended learning programs shared, along with programs offered
- Student updates shared for extended learning sites
- Coming Programs announced, with locations for each program
- Open to conversations about unique ways to serve this population
- St. Patrick's Day - Bergie will be in attendance at the Bethlehem location
Summer School Taskforce Report for Summer 2014 and Beyond
· Jack Truschel reported:
- Updated on configuration of committee
- Shared needs and factors to justify summer sessions
- Committee Charge, role of summer school, sub-committees/recommendations and credit hours offered shared
- Finding data is the biggest challenge
- Marketing data was shared
- Piloting 'Early Start' program including proposed courses and cost
- Realizing Academic Achievement (REACH) Program for assisting students in academic jeopardy
Information about Euroism
· Dr. Eliasson reported:
- International Event being hosted, April 4-7
- Student simulation of European Union
New Business
- Faculty ending their two year term, voting for new reps must be done by April 1
- Management ending their two year term, voting for new reps must be done by May 1
- Parking behind Rosenkrans, some spaces are currently being blocked - is there a way to free them up?
- Directed to Facilities Committee
- Student Research and Scholarly Research (Postmaster)
Motioned; Passed