(Revised 09/10)

1. The departmental presentation should be arranged in the order and format prescribed in the current annual budget preparation instructions. Normally the format will follow the presentation of the latest Governor’s Budget. The budget spreadsheet should be transmitted through the Agency Secretary (if an Agency department) to Finance.

If the department is not assigned to an Agency, the budget spreadsheet should be forwarded directly to Finance.

2. Departmental estimates of expenditures and revenue in the Governor’s Budget should be based on existing law and policies. No consideration should be given in the budget presentation to proposed program changes in laws amd policies except for those approved by the Administration as part of the Governor’s Budget.

3. It is important that fund balance, revenue, expenditure, and other accounting data included in the past year presentation of the Governor's Budget agree in amount and classification with similar data published in the State Controller’s Budgetary/Legal Basis Annual Report. Therefore, departments will make certain that data included in budget schedules are identical with their year-end financial reports. Exceptions may be made where departments believe substantial adjustments require otherwise and Finance budget staff agrees in advance of departmental presentation of budget documents.

The following sections of SAM deal with departmental budget presentations. The first part deals with personal services, as the reconciliation of the personnel year base to the legislative authorizations typically is an initial task in building the next budget. Following are sections dealing with operating expenses and equipment, supplementary schedules, Expenditures by Category, Details of Appropriations and Adjustments, Fund Condition Statements, and Schedule 10s.


(Revised 09/10)

The category of Personal Services includes all payments for personal services except: (1) those obtained under contract; and (2) payments for health and welfare benefits for prevailing rate employees as authorized by Government Code Section 19831. The category contains two objects of expenditure: (1) salaries and wages, which include all direct payments for personal services; and (2) staff benefits, except for those services obtained under contract. See Government Code Section 19830 and SAM Section 6412.

Government Code Sections 19130-19134 provide criteria and procedures regarding the state’s use of personal service contracts. These provisions basically provide for personal services contracts to achieve savings when specific conditions are met and for the State Personnel Board to review the contracts for compliance with the specified standards.


(Revised 09/10)

The detailed presentation of Authorized Positions and Personnel Years information consists of two major parts: (1) the Salaries and Wages Supplement (Schedule 7A) which is presented as a separate publication; and (2) the Changes in Authorized Positions presentation in the Governor's Budget.

The instructions which follow are for the preparation of the Changes in Authorized Positions presentation. For examples, refer to departmental presentations in the Governor’s Budget. Position entries should be grouped under the appropriate organizational headings and subheadings as reported in the Salaries and Wages Supplement. Footnotes may be used to explain action taken for continuously vacant positions per Government Code section 12439, etc., or to document limited-term positions.

Authorized Positions

This line shows total position/personnel-year count and expenditures and will agree with the corresponding Totals, Authorized Positions shown in the Salaries and Wages Supplement (Schedule 7A). This total will not include those positions abolished as vacant by the State Controller per GC section 12439 unless re-established under specified criteria in the code. The number of positions must be reconciled to the number of positions approved in the final budget of the preceding year, less those positions abolished as vacant by the State Controller per GC section 12439, net of re-establishment. That is, the total number of authorized positions shown in the Expenditures by Category is to be reconciled with the total number of positions approved for the current year. Authorized positions may be established as individual positions or for certain blanket authorizations. See section 31.00 of the current Budget Act for restrictions on administratively established positions.

Workload and Administrative Adjustments

Under this major heading, list all administrative changes being made to the Totals, Authorized Positions described above.

1. Positions Established

Positions established as workload and administrative adjustments are limited-term positions and terminate by the end of the fiscal year per section 31.00 of the Budget Act. The date of termination should be noted if it is not June 30.

Administratively established positions which are proposed for continuation beyond June 30 may not be listed here but need to be included under Proposed New Positions as described below. Positions administratively established in the previous year may not be reestablished as workload adjustments in the following year.

2. Reduction in Authorized Positions

List by classification, authorized positions to be abolished. Note that for positions to be abolished during the current year, entries will be required in the columns for both the current and budget years because such positions have been included in the totals forwarded from Schedule 7A for both years. Do not list positions abolished by the State Controller under the provisions of GC section 12439 under this heading. Instead they will be listed as reconciling entries (in footnote format) at the end of the Salaries and Wages Supplement presentation.

3. Positions Reclassified

Change in Established Positions form, STD. 607, is used to reclassify positions. See SAM section 6527 for transactions requiring Finance approval. Section 31.00 of the Budget Act requires that all reclassifications of positions with a minimum monthly salary in excess of the amount specified must be approved by Finance. These positions do not necessarily have to be reported again under Changes in Authorized Positions unless they are major reclassifications. Most of these reclassifications will be minor and can merely be shown in the Salaries and Wages Supplement at their new classification.

Reclassifications should be considered "major" if any program redirection or organization change is involved, and should always be reported if the position is at all controversial.



(Revised 09/10)

4. Positions Transferred

If a position is to be transferred from one organizational unit to another within a department, the transfer may normally be shown in the Salaries and Wages Supplement. If, however, the position transfer is for a new function and/or legislative review is required, then the transfer should be reported in the Changes in Authorized Positions.

5. Totals, Workload, and Administrative Adjustments

Enter totals of the preceding items 1 through 4.

Proposed New Positions. Under this subheading show all additional positions established during the current year and proposed to continue through the budget year and all additional positions proposed for the budget year.

a. If proposing to increase the time for existing part-time positions, list the incremental change as a proposed new position. The increase in number of positions (converted to nearest 1/10) is counted as Proposed New Positions and the additional amount required to fund the positions.

b. List the increases or decreases in part-time seasonal or temporary help, overtime, or terminal-pay.

c. New positions are arranged in the same order as in the Salaries and Wages Supplement. Compute the cost of proposed new positions at the mid step of the salary range.

d. For positions authorized for a time period less than a full fiscal year, the position and dollars should reflect the net position count and dollars.

e. Establishing positions for a portion of a fiscal year is accommodated by the State Controller’s system. The SCO’s Employment History Database will reflect future effective dates and termination dates.

f. When departments prepare STD. 607s to establish or abolish positions, the effective date can be later than July 1 or the termination date can be earlier than June 30. For example, departments can prepare STD. 607s on July 1 with a future effective date of January 1. The SCO records will report ½ of the position or 0.5 position count.

g. Count each proposed part-time or part-salary position to the nearest 1/10 of a personnel-year.

h. Administratively established positions which meet the provisions of Section 31.00 of the Budget Act and which are to be continued into the budget year are to be listed with the other proposed new positions in descending salary order. The position count and expenditure data will be reported for the current year and budget year, as appropriate.

Totals, Proposed New Positions. Show totals for proposed new positions. Place a dash in the Column, headed Salary Range.

Totals, Salaries and Wages. Enter the totals of the Authorized Positions; Totals, Workload and Administrative Adjustments; and Proposed New Positions.

The Changes in Authorized Positions schedule is summarized in the Expenditures by Category. The following additional personnel data is also required in the Expenditures by Category.

Estimated Salary Savings. See SAM section 6409.

Net Totals, Salaries, and Wages. Subtract the Estimated Salary Savings from the Totals, Salaries, and Wages. Enter the balance here.

Staff Benefits. See SAM section 6412 and the Annual Price Letter.

Totals, Personal Services. Enter totals of Salaries and Wages, Estimated Salary Savings, and Staff Benefits.


(Revised 09/10)

The Totals, Personal Services entry in the Expenditure by Category shows the gross total of the positions and salaries of authorized positions. In practice, due to leaves of absence, vacancies, downward reclassifications, and turnover (inability to fill a position immediately and at the same step), it is generally not possible to keep all authorized positions filled at the budgeted level for the entire year.

The amount not expended and the number of personnel-years not used result in savings which are subtracted from the gross level to reflect the net levels of position usage and dollars that are likely to occur.

The position count shown with salary savings represents estimated vacant position levels only and does not necessarily have a direct relationship to the dollar amounts. Care should be exercised in computing the personnel-year counts and dollar amounts to avoid erroneous impressions of vacancies and levels of service.

The amount of savings should be estimated partly on the basis of the past year experience of departments. Factors to be considered include the experience in the past year in obtaining qualified personnel to fill vacancies, the turnover rate, and the employment conditions. Departments should also consider other factors that would affect current and budget years.

New positions for the budget year are reflected in the salaries and wages totals at the full salary level. A salary savings adjustment for new positions must be incorporated in the estimated salary savings entry based on the time each new position is expected to be vacant.

Five percent is generally acceptable as a minimum dollar value for salary savings on new positions if the position is to be authorized on July 1.

If a department is proposing additional funding in order to reduce an excessively high budgeted salary savings amount, they must submit a BCP to Finance to explain the basis for their request. Any BCP must meet the guidelines and policy provided by Finance through Budget Letters or other notification process. The justification should include documentation of turnover experience, leaves of absence, projected retirements, vacancies, levels of positions originally funded vs. current/projected levels of filled positions. and any other factors which are expected to have an impact on the departmental funding needs.


(Revised 09/10)

State contributions to the Public Employees' Retirement Fund, Old Age and Survivor Insurance, State Employees' Health Benefits, and Worker's Compensation for state officers and employees will be combined and entered immediately following "Net Totals, Salaries and Wages" in the "Expenditures by Category." The item will be entitled "Staff Benefits" and will show the total contributions by year. Estimates will be prepared in accordance with instructions in the Annual Price Letter and Budget Letters. For the past year, the amount of actual contributions may be taken from the appropriate allotment expenditure account.

1. The Public Employees' Retirement component includes all state contributions for state employees covered under the Public Employees' Retirement System (Government Code Sections 20000 through 21765). Estimates of the amount of contributions are prepared according to the Annual Price and Budget Letters.

2. The Old Age and Survivors' Insurance data include all state contributions for state employees covered under the Federal System (Government Code Sections 22000 through 22603). Estimates of the amount of contributions are prepared according to the Annual Price and Budget Letters.

3. The State Employees' Health Benefits component includes all state contributions for state employees enrolled under any approved health benefit plan (Government Code Sections 22750 through 22944). Costs of payments for health and welfare for nonpermanent, prevailing rate employees as authorized by Government Code Section 19830 will be applied as operating expenses. Estimates of the amount of contributions are prepared according to the Annual Price and Budget Letters.



STAFF BENEFITS 6412 (Cont. 1)

(Revised 09/10)

4. Workers’ Compensation for state officers and employees is budgeted as an item of Staff Benefits.

State entities that carry Workers’ Compensation policies with the State Compensation Insurance Fund will not budget additional funds for Workers’ Compensation benefits. They will continue to budget funds for payments of premiums that will be included as a part of Staff Benefits.

Because of the nature of this type of expense, some agencies may have to rely upon certain subjective factors in computing requirements. Departments should prepare estimates taking into consideration all pertinent factors, particularly those which might result in a difference in cost from that experienced in past years. Accident and injury experience loss rates, changes in working conditions affecting risk exposure, changes in number of employees and salary rates are examples of areas that can fluctuate yearly.

If a department is proposing additional funding for staff benefits, a BCP must be submitted to Finance. Any BCP must meet the guidelines and policy provided by Finance through Budget Letters or other notification process. If no variation is expected, the following method may be used in computing Workers' Compensation Insurance expense: