Tennessee Academic Vocabulary – Kindergarten

Curriculum Area: Social Studies
automobile / usually four-wheeled vehicle with its own power system (as an internal combustion engine) designed for passenger transportation on streets and roadways
celebration / to observe in some special way (as by merrymaking or by staying away from work)
family / a group of individuals living under one roof and under one head;
a group of persons who come from the same ancestor
holiday / a day of freedom from work; especially: a day of celebration or remembrance fixed by law
honesty / the quality or state of being honest
human / relating to or characteristic of human beings; especially: showing qualities typical of human beings
job / piece of work; especially: one done at a specified rate; something produced by or as if by work
Leaders(i.e., leaders, George Washington, & Martin Luther King, Jr.) / a person that leads; commander
month / one of the 12 parts into which the year is divided
neighborhood / the people living near one another; a section lived in by people who consider themselves neighbors
privacy / the quality or state of being out of the sight and hearing of other people
rules / a guide or principle for conduct or action
seasons / one of the four quarters into which the year is commonly divided -- autumn, spring, summer , winter
today / at the present time
tomorrow / on or for the day after today
transportation / a means or method of transport
United States / country North America bordering on Atlantic, Pacific, & Arctic oceans & including Hawaii; capital, Washington
vote / a formal expression of opinion or will (as by ballot in an election)
week / seven days in a row; a period of seven days beginning with Sunday and ending with Saturday
year / the period of about 365 1/4 days required for the earth to make one complete trip around the sun
yesterday / the day before today