I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee Notes

California State Polytechnic University Pomona

October 22, 2007

I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee Notes
California State Polytechnic University Pomona

Meeting Logistics

Title / I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee Meeting
Purpose / Review our programs and services to determine whether they should receive increased support, decreased support, level support, be restructured, discontinued, or initiated and assign budget accordingly for new projects and positions.
Date / Monday, October 22, 2007
Time / 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Location / 98-C5-5
Participants / Debra Brum, Mauricio Calderon, James Caplette, Curtis Clark, Dave Drivdahl, Stephanie Doda, Heather Fannin, Marcy Gates, JoAnn Karns, Gabe Kuri, Jerry Lerma, Bill Maris, Joe Matsumoto, April McKettrick, Denny Mosier, Hye Ok Park, Susan Reese, Janet Rice, Daniel Smith, Betty Wu and Abel Zamora


Topic / Meeting Outcomes / Time / Facilitator /
Topic 1: University P&R Update / Update on the University P&R Steering Committee’s review / 15 min. / Debra
Topic 2: Emergency Project Funding Requests
·  Oracle Consultant for Grid Project
·  Matrix Replacement
·  Studio D Video Switcher Replacement / Discuss requests for consultants and emergency equipment replacement. / 30 min. / Mauricio & Debra
Topic 3: Budget Calendar / Review budget calendar for year / 15 min. / Stephanie
Topic 4: Next Meeting - Monday, November 5, 2007 at 1:00 PM

Topic 1: University P&R Update (Debra)

Per Debra, fairly soon we will see announcements on public forums to discuss recommendations from the two University P&R Committees. The Support Programs Committee came up with 19 recommendations. The Academic Programs Committee came up with 63 recommendations. Academic Programs made their recommendations in two rounds. The first round is a high level reorganization of Academic Affairs. They then made some where near 100 recommendations in the academic programs area. They recommended that programs have more funding, less funding, discontinue programs, merge programs or leave programs as they are. Information on the announcements will be released through the P&R web page. The P&R Steering Committee is charged with looking at all these recommendations and deciding which ones to support going forth to the President. Then he makes the final decisions. On 1/31/08 some kind of a recommendation will be made to the President. The time line has on it an open meeting on 10/23 and 10/30. Debra does not think the 10/23 date will happen. There are at least three open meetings and then two meetings for department chairs. In addition to all these public meetings the steering committee wants each department that could be impacted by a recommendation to have the opportunity to meet and develop a position. Each department is permitted to send in its departments’ opinion on any of the recommendations. They can also send in opinions as individual members of the department. Department meetings should take place between 10/29 and 11/29. In I&IT we can have our discussions at a division or department level.

The committee decided to have a special division meeting to discuss the impact of P&R on some of the departments in I&IT. Per Stephanie, at the 10/29 division meeting we could mention to people where to find the recommendations so they will be informed when they come to the division P&R meeting.

Topic 2: Emergency Project Funding Requests (Mauricio & Debra)

Oracle Consultant for Grid Project

Handout: Consulting Services – Oracle Grid

Per Mauricio, the first year we bought the hardware in support of the Oracle Grid Project. We don’t need to buy the software because the state has a license for Oracle products. We have not been able to dedicate the resources needed to move forward with this project. Right now it doesn’t look like we will have the resources to get this pilot off the ground. So we would like to bring some consulting services on campus to put this together. This would be some one who has expertise and has done this before. It will take the consultants between 25-30 days for a cost of $71,000. You only pay for the days that you actually use. We can also have them do other DBA work. The original hardware cost for this project was $90,000. Mauricio will check with some of the other campuses to see if they are running an Oracle grid. The committee approves this recommendation to go to the VP, I&IT.

Matrix Replacement

Handout: Matrix Replacement

Per Debra, these next two items are not up for vote. We have made both of these purchases already. The purchases are for replacement of ageing systems. The matrix routes all the video an audio sources to their destinations. The equipment was about 15 years old and was failing approximately once a month. We made the purchase for about $22,000. This should have been done as refresh. We did not purchase a back up system. Per Stephanie, David did put this in his budget for this year. The committee is okay with this decision.

Studio D Video Switcher Replacement

Handout: Studio D Video Switcher Replacement

Per Debra, this is for a studio classroom and this failed during classes at least twice. The original was purchased in the late 80s. This came up as an emergency purchase. It is in part what allows you to do a blue screen. Debra will find out if this equipment and the Matrix Replacement equipment meet the guidelines for accessibility. Per Stephanie, they should both be on maintenance contracts. The committee accepted this.

Topic 3: Budget Calendar (Stephanie)

Handout: The Division of Instructional & Information Technology California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 2007-2008 Prioritization & Recovery Budget Calendar

Per Stephanie, every year we are starting the budget process too late. Debra asked her to put a calendar together. We need to stop holding so much money. This year we need to spend down to $300,000 which will be pretty tight. We need to be careful on how we spend our dollars.

Stephanie reviewed the calendar. At the 11/5/07 meeting Debra and Stephanie will present the budget and give a rough list of the projects that have been brought forward. We have $1.7 million in projects and about $1 million to spend. This includes positions. We cannot meet all of the budget requests.

From 10/17/07 through 10/24/07 Debra and Stephanie will meet with each director to review their budget requests.

On 11/5/07 Debra will submit the budget requests to the I&IT Division P&R Committee and Committee members will have the opportunity to provide feedback to Debra.

On 11/19/07 Debra will come back to the directors with her final decisions on the division budget and then make a presentation to the P&R Committee. The P&R Committee will review the first set of position and project budget requests and make recommendations to Debra.

On 11/30/07 we need to input our budget into the system. This is something Rita and Stephanie do.

On 12/3/07 Debra will make the final decisions on which projects will be funded and present the results to the P&R Committee.

In February 2008 the directors will have a second opportunity to request funding for new positions and projects over $5,000.

Per Stephanie, this year Procurement may hold off a little longer on closing the window to purchase. This decision will be made by Darwin. Susan will bring a timeline to this meeting for projects. Mauricio, Joe and Curtis will make their presentations on process definitions.

Per Debra, materials will be made available to the P&R committee by 11/2/07 so they can be reviewed by the P&R Committee in advance of the 11/5/07 meeting.

Topic 4: Next Meeting - Monday, November 5, 2007 at 1:00 PM