Tab 1. Clinical characteristics of 107 patients dying in the ICU after WLST.

Mean (range)
Age (years) / 69 (33-91)
Length of stay (days) / 8,9 (0-276)
Length of mech. ventilation (days) / 5,9 (0-29)
GCS / 4,3 (3-14)
PEEP (cm H2O) / 7,3 (0-18)
FiO2 (%) / 50 (21-100)
Heart rate / 95 (55-140)
MAP (mmHg) / 79 (45-119)
Norepinephrine dose (ug/kg/min) / 0,5 (0-3,5)
pH / 7,36 (7,05-7,63)
Lactate (mmol/l) / 4,7 (0,5-40)
Spontaneous resp.rate / 8 (0-30)
Creatinine (µmol/l) / 152 (4,7-521)
AST (µkat/l) / 6,1 (0,1-108)
ALT (µkat/l) / 3,9 (0,1-77)
Reasons for admission (%)
- post-cardiac arrest patients
- postoperative patients
-acute respiratory failure
- neurological impairment /coma
- shock, infection
- trauma / 34,6

Tab 2.

Clinical characteristics of death within 60 minutes versus death after 60 minutes after WLST.

Death within 60 minutes (n=20): median (range) / Death after 60 minutes (n=87): median (range) / p
Age (years) / 68,5 (42-91) / 70 (33-89) / 0,770
Length of stay (days) / 9 (4-22) / 7 (3-276) / 0,226
Length of mech. ventilation (days) / 9 (4-22) / 6,5 (3-19) / 0,495
GCS / 3 (3-8) / 3 (3-15) / 0.099
PEEP (cm H2O) / 10 (0-14) / 7 (0-18) / 0.004*
FiO2 (%) / 50 (35-70) / 40 (21-100) / 0.023*
Heart rate / 104 (82-140) / 90 (55-137) / 0.003*
MAP (mmHg) / 70 (47-119) / 80 (45-119) / 0,104
Norepinephrine dose (ug/kg/min) / 1 (0-3) / 0.12 (0-0.35) / <0.001*
pH / 7.3 (7.0-7.6) / 7.4 (7.08-7.56) / 0.011*
Lactate (mmol/l) / 4.5 (0.7-40) / 1.4 (0.5-27) / 0.003*
Spontaneous resp.rate / 0 (0-30) / 1(0-28) / 0.318
Creatinine (µmol/l) / 192 (73-372) / 109.35 (5.8-521) / 0.005*
CRP (mg/l) / 100.5 (3.4-291.1) / 106.2 (1.5-417.3) / 0.768
ALT (µkat/l) / 0.47 (0.1-76.95) / 0.68 (0.1-58.01) / 0.674
AST (µkat/l) / 1.16 (0.1-108.11) / 1.3 (0.25-67.67) / 0.854