SUR 3323Visualization of Spatial Information
Templates and Paper Space Blocks
Objective: To explore and learn how to make and use templates and blocks. You will make a (1) saved template and (2) a bunch of paper space blocks in a block library. We will start a new drawing two ways: (1) using the template, and (2) inserting individual blocks.
1. Start a new drawing "from scratch", Switch to layout view with a 8 1/2 x 11 layout, paper space.
2. Make a template: place the following features on your template drawing. Put each on it's own layer. For text items, pick a variety of text styles other than default.
a. border – heavier line weight
b. title block with default text entries with line weight matching the border
c. 13 Standard features on each survey map. See list below. Each feature should be added to your template. Also review the scanned survey as an example. You may also use other examples that you have access to.
d. viewport – separate layer set as non plotting
Save your template as a *.dwt file, plot the template file
3. Now make a new drawing from your template: start a new drawing by loading your template (OPEN, pick template, SAVE AS), insert one of your former drawings (using the INSERT command) into the viewport, make at least one model space text entry so it will plot 1/8" tall, set the scale of the viewport to a convenient mapping scale. Adapt your scale and title block statements to match this drawing. Plot your drawing.
4. Make a block library -- make a block of each of the above paper space objects; write each block to a new directory, this directory will serve as your paper space block library
5. Make a second new drawing by inserting blocks from the library. . Start a new drawing from scratch, insert each block and a viewport, then insert your former drawing into the viewport, make a model space text entry that will plot 1/8" tall, change the viewport scale to the same as above, customize the title block and scale to match this drawing. Plot your drawing
Compare the two plots of #3 and #5. They should look about the same.
Turn in:
(1) A "talk to me" discussion of your process, successes, failures, problems, solutions, and observations typed into the comment box on the ELearning upload sheet. .
(2) Either one (not both) of your *.dwg drawings uploaded.
Standard Content on a Survey Map:
Content required by law/rule 61G17 – 6.003(2) Minimum Technical Standards for Surveys
1. Statement of Survey Type ("Boundary Survey", "Topographic Survey" etc)
(b) Each survey map and report shall state the type of survey it depicts consistent with the types of surveys defined in Rule 61G17-6.002(8)(a)-(k), F.A.C
2. Business entity name ("Sunnyside Surveying and Mapping, Inc."), Business entity certificate of authorization number ("LB 3322"), Business street address ("234 SW 34th Street, Gainesville, FL"), Business mail address (if different) ("P.O. Box 347, Micanopy, FL 34355)
(c) All survey maps and reports must bear the name, certificate of authorization number, and street and mailing address of the
business entity issuing the map and report, along with the name and license number of the surveyor and mapper in responsible
3. Responsible Surveyor and Mapper's Name ("Mary Ellen Forbes"), license number ("PSM 4455")
e. The name, license number, and street and mailing address of a surveyor and mapper practicing independent of any business
entity must be shown on each survey map and report.
4. Survey Date "Date of last field work 4/12/2006")
5. Dates of all graphic revisions "added north arrow 4/13/2006, etc"
(d) All survey maps must reflect a survey date, which is the date of the field survey. If the graphics of a map are revised, but the survey date stays the same, the map must list dates for all revisions.
6. Statement, "NOT VALID WITHOUT --- "
(e) The survey mapmust contain a statement indicating that the survey map and report or the copies thereof are not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida licensed surveyor and mapper
7. Insurance statement.
In addition, if neither the business entity nor the individual licensee has professional liability insurance, the map and the report, if there is a report, must contain the following printed statement in letters at least 1/8'' high: The survey depicted here is not covered by professional liability insurance.
8. Bearing reference, ("Bearings hereon are referenced to a value of N 90 E on the north line of Lot 5".
(g) A reference to all bearings shown on a survey map or report must be clearly stated.In all cases, the bearings used shall be referenced to some well-established and monumented line.
9. North arrow, Stated scale (Scale: 1" – 60 ft), Graphic scale ( a "bar scale" )
(h) A designated “north arrow” and either a stated scale or graphic scale of the map shall be prominently shown upon the
survey map
10. Legend of abbreviations used including symbols except for abbreviations used by the public.
(i) Abbreviations generally used by the public or in proper names that do not relate to matters of survey are excluded from the legend requirement.
1. Acceptable abbreviations on the face of survey maps are:N = North S = South E = East W = West or any combination such as NE, SW, etc.º = Degrees ´ = Minutes when used in a bearing ´´ = Seconds when used in a bearing ' = Feet when used in a distance '' = Inches when used in a distance
AC = Acres +/- = More or less (or Plus or Minus) metric notation Any other abbreviations relating to survey matters must be clearly shown within a legend or notes appearing on the face of the map or report.
11. Surveyor and Mapper's signature line or block
12. Surveyor and Mapper's seal (circle where seal's applied)
Customary Content (not required by statute/rule, but usually required by the client)
13. Survey Certification:"This survey is hereby certified as meeting or exceeding the Minimum Technical Standards as contained in Chapter 61G-17 - 6 of the Florida Administrative Code and is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief."