FIRST Robotics Team 378

What? We research, design, and build robot to compete in FIRST ( competitions.

Why? To involve students in real world time and resource constrained STEM focused activities. Along with the STEM benefits, there are also opportunites for marketing, sales, communications, and administration. Student lear teamwork, leadership, integrity, and respect. More importantly, it is FUN!!

How? Team 378 brings in engineering and nusiness mentors to work with youth team members. We are sponsored by Delphi, GM, and many other smaller companies. We have a kickoff meeting the first week in January which is when we learn what the game is. We have 6 weeks from this day to build, program, test, build a website, design team shirts, make travel arrangement, and many other tasks. Out side of the build and competition season, we are involved in community events such as parades, robot demos, and sponsor visits.

What do we expect from team member? This is as simple as we can make it – we expect you to participate and contribute to the success of the team. If you have a schedule that only allows you to participate part time, that is perfectly acceptable. We ask when you are working with the team; you do your best to contribute to our success.

When do we meet? We Monday-Friday 2:30pm-7pm during the build season. We also meet as need starting after the 6 weeks build season and the end of our last competition. Outside of the build and competition season, we try to meet once a week. These meetings will be shared using email and our Facebook private group.

Why should you commit to our team? First, you get to work on building a robot – how cool is this!!! You will receive hands on learning from mentors that are employed in fields you are interested in. They have real life engineering and business experience. If this still isn’t enough, it’s a STEM base program and is great to add to any college application. Still need more? How about $22 Million in scholarship money available to students who participate in FIRST?

Need more information? Check out,, or reach out to a current team member or mentor.

Welcome to Newfane Circuit Stompers!!!

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ...... 1

1.1. Mission ...... 2

1.2. History / Awards ...... 2

2. Basic Calendar/ Schedule...... 5

2.1. Preseason ...... 5

2.2. Build Season ...... 5

2.3. Competition ...... 5

2.4. Summer ...... 6

3. Student Expectations ...... 6

3.1. Student Commitment ...... 6

3.2 School Eligibility ...... 13

3.3 Team Rules ...... 14

4 Adult Member Expectations ...... 16

4.1 Mentor Roles and Responsibilities ...... 16

4.2 Parents/Guardians ...... 16

4.3 Teacher Roles/ Responsibilities ...... 17

4.4 College Student & Alumni Volunteers ...... 17

4.5 Team Alumni Involvement ...... 18

4.6 Chairman’s Team ...... 18

5 Team Structure ...... 19


Welcome to FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), the world's pre-eminent robotics competition for high school students. The message of FIRST is to inspire young people, their schools, and communities with an appreciation of science and technology. You’ll learn to perform high quality, well-informed work while learning and competing intensely, but treating one another with respect and kindness in the process – this is called “Gracious Professionalism.” As a member of the FIRST family, you will enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that you have acted with integrity and empathy. FIRST is not just about robots; it’s about ideas and people, too.

FIRST Origins

FIRST was started by inventor Dean Kamen, who saw a culture based solely around athletics and celebrity gossip. Kamen realized that there is more need for people in science and technology careers than there are sports and entertainment. He partnered with Woodie Flowers, an MIT professor, to create FIRST.

FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)

The FIRST Robotics Competition is an exciting, international competition that teams professionals and young people to solve an engineering design problem in an intense and competitive way. The program is a life-changing, career-molding experience—and a lot of fun! The competitions are high-tech spectator sporting events, the result of a lot of focused brainstorming, real-world teamwork, dedicated mentoring, project timelines and deadlines. There is more to FRC than building a robot. It’s a complex exercise in project management, which entails a lot of work that doesn’t require a technical background.

FIRST redefines “Winning.” Teams are rewarded for excellence in design, demonstrated team spirit, gracious professionalism, maturity, and ability to overcome obstacles. Scoring the most points is a secondary goal. “Winning” means learning, being inspired, and building partnerships that last.

Newfane Circuit Stompers isFIRST Robotics Team 378, in Newfane, New York. It was founded in 1999 by what is now Delphi Corporation in cooperation with the Newfane High School.

1.1. Mission

Team 1511 Mission Statement - “Inspiring students to become leaders through engineering and the fun of FIRST robotics.”

Team 378 Goals:

 To develop leadership within all of our students.

 To involve our team in the community, promote a sense of responsibility in our team members.

 To focus on organization and communication to make our team more efficient and effective.

 To promote education through the Newfane School system and through our team. Schoolwork is a priority and we will help every student succeed, in addition to providing them with education on robotics, science and technology.

 To put focus on the Engineering Design Process, and develop our team and build season around this process.

 To promote student growth, the growth of the team, and to build the sense of family and morale within our team.

 Raise funds to support our team and keep it self-sustained for many years to come.

 To have LOTS OF FUN! Our team is a family of friends and we all love to have fun together.


The Team Calendar is hosted on It is also shared via email and Facebook. The team meets year-round for different events and gatherings. We understand students have other interests and responsibilities. School is always our top priority.

2.1. Pre-season

- September to December

- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM on Mondays at Newfane High School

- Approximately 15 weekly team meetings

The pre-build season meeting are used to create/renew team management, complete administrative tasks, plan for the build season, and train.

2.2. The Build Season

First week in January lasting 6 weeks.

- Kickoff is a full day event on the first Saturday in January

- 2:30pm – 7:00pm Monday-Friday

- 9:00am – 2:00pm Saturdays

Team members are not required to attend every meeting, but all members are expected to put in productive time helping build and design the robot. The team will also attend at least one pre-season test and tune event. Usually this is the event at the Penfield High School.

2.3. Competition

March through April

- Along with the competition weekend, the team will meet before and between competition as needed to enhance the robot as rules allow.

- Typically we will attend the Finger Lakes Regional in Rochester NY. The second event can vary depending on schedule.

- If we qualify for World Championships in St. Louis by way of winning an event or receiving one of the prestigious awards, this is held late April.


Students on Team 378 should be actively involved with the team. Depending on school and extracurricular schedules, some students may be able to participate more fully than others. The level of participation determines whether or not a student’s trips will be paid for during competition season. Students are expected to show up on time for team meetings and events and remain for the duration of these.

Students will put priority on their grades over any team need. Grades are important. Students must complete school work before participating in team work sessions and activities. However, we do offer homework help, especially during build season when we are putting in long hours.

All members are encouraged to participate in community service, robot demonstrations and fundraising activities throughout the year. These activities are vital for the success of the team – and they’re a great way to have fun with your teammates!

3.1. Commitment !!

You get out of it what you put in!!

As many engineers put it “garbage in garbage out”. The robotics program requires significant time and energy. The efforts put into the robot will have a positive impact on every team members lives and education. We will not take attendance, however your team members and mentors are very aware of those who miss excessive meeting. It’s is the students responsibility to notify a mentor or fellow student if they can’t attend meeting. We want to know when you can’t attend and expect you there if we are not notified.

3.1.2 Community Service and Robot Demonstrations

FIRST is just not about robots!

Community events and spreading the ideas of FIRST are as important as building a successful robot. The most prestigious award at FIRST, it honors the team that best represents a model for other teams to emulate and best embodies the purpose and goals of FIRST. The award is not related to building or competing with the robot. It is given to teams who show gracious professionalism, community involvement, team spirit, volunteerism, and are involved in the FIRST community. Off Season Events

Team 378 may participate in community events. Included are the Pirates Festival Parade, AugustFest Parade, Apple Festivals, Middle/Elementary school demonstrations, sponsor demonstrations, and other events as they present themselves.

3.1.3 Fundraising

Fundraising is very important for the team. Our sponsors are very generous, but we wtill need a considerable amount of extra fundraising to pay for robot parts, lodging, travel, food, shirts, and other operational expenses. Every team member is required to work on 2 fundrasing events per year. These could be candy bar sales, flower sales, car washes, dinners, or any other event. Patron drive

Sponsorship from businesses is an easy way to raise money, and a great way to get out the word about Team 378 and FIRST robotics! Each new student will be expected to EITHER visit 2 businesses, OR get $100 in donations towards the patron book. Businesses will be assigned by a team mentor or parent to prevent doubling on patrons. If you have a preference, or a new business to visit, please address this with the mentor or parent in charge of the Patron Drive.

Students may work as teams, but each individual student must have a list of separate businesses or donations amounting to $100. For example, if two returning students go together, they will be expected TOGETHER to visit 4 businesses or obtain $200. The team will do its best to divide up donors from prior years, but students who obtained the sponsorships in prior years will be given preference. Organizing Fundraisers

Every student will be expected to help organize at least one fundraiser. Organization teams can be from 2-4 students, depending on the size of the event. The organization group will be responsible for all publicity, announcements, forms, estimates, sign-ups, etc.

Team shirts MUST be worn to ALL team events.

3.1.4 Parental Involvement

Parents are extremely important to the team. We have many students and activities. Parent volunteers help the team run smoothly and efficiently. We are required to maintain a 10:1 student to volunteer ratio at all time.

Parents/guardians need to:

 Attend a Parent Info Session at the beginning of the year (September)

 Attend mandatory pre-travel meetings (February/March)

 Attend one team activity during the year prior to competition (fundraiser, community service, demonstration, etc.)

 Attend at least one of the following “competition” events in the Rochester area: Ruckus (October), Rally (mid-February), or Finger Lakes Regional at RIT (March)

 Provide at least one meal during build season. We ask parenst to sign up to bring in lunch on one of the build season Saturdays. Parents can team up if needed.

3.1.5 Communication

Every student is required to register for the Team Forums at Chief Delphi forums at These serve as excellent inter-team communication tool.

3.2 School Eligibility

Success is an important part of FIRST and Team 378. It is not restricted to the robot, game performance, or how many trophies the team is awarded. Team members are successful only when they succeed in the classroom, and then participate in team activities. All team members are expected to make school work and individual academic performance a priority over any team event or activity. To implement this concept, every student will have to maintain eligibility through school rules. Please see the Student Handbook for more information on eligibility requirements. Students that fall below this minimum requirement will not be allowed to participate with the team, but will need to focus on improving their overall academic performance.

3.2.1 Ineligibility

Students that fail to meet the minimum grade requirement established by the school will be ineligible for one grading period. During the ineligibility period, the student will be expected to focus on improving their grades, and cannot attend any team events or participate in building the robot. Once the student establishes a new grade average that removes them from the ineligibility list, the student will then become eligible, and will be allowed to fully participate on the team again.

3.2.2 Help Available

Any student member of the team that is struggling with school work can seek help. The team and school will have resources available to help students with school work. You do not need to be ineligible or on probation to seek/receive help – just ask! If you don’t know who to ask, then talk to the lead mentor for guidance. Student members that are ineligible or on probation should expect to be offered help, as we want all of our students to succeed academically as well as on the team.

3.3 Team Rules

We ask that EVERYONE treat each member of the team with respect and treat others the way that they want to be treated. We also want EVERYONE to have fun!! The most important part of the team is learning while having fun.

Our team is large and has many tasks. We also travel to many areas around our local community and beyond. In an effort to be a fun, role model team and to keep everyone on our team safe and accounted for, we have several rules.

A. Buddy System – Students are not allowed to travel by themselves. Students must have a buddy with them at all times. However, you may not have a buddy of the opposite gender. If you do, then you must have a third buddy.

B. Be nice to everyone – At competitions, members of the FIRST community and judges are everywhere. In addition to the venue, they are on the street, in the same hotel as us, or eating at the same places as us. We ask that, as a general rule, everyone be respectful of everyone they meet. This means being quiet in the halls of the hotel, watching your language at all times, even among friends, and being polite and friendly to everyone you encounter.

C. No drama! – Everyone wants to have a good time and the best way to avoid that is by reducing the amount of drama. If you have a real issue, it is best to discuss it with a teacher or chaperone.

D. No working alone – Students are not allowed to be working in any rooms, especially the work shop, without an adult present.

E. Clean up after yourselves – No one wants to clean up your mess, so it’s your responsibility to do so. This includes throwing out your dishes after team meals, logging out of computers you’re working on, cleaning machines and sweeping the floor after working in the shop, and putting away any materials where you found them in our various storage areas.

3.3.1 Behavior

All school rules of conduct apply to our team. Each team member is ultimately responsible for his / her own behavior. However, how team members behave will reflect on the team, the school, and the sponsors. You are expected, at all times, to be polite and respectful of everyone, and to refrain from activities that are considered disruptive. We are all role models and our goal is to present an image that is positive and in the spirit of team building – not a phony image, but an authentic attitude of appreciation and professionalism. Negative behavior such as shoving, hitting, fighting, name calling, destructiveness, stealing, or constant griping and complaining are not helpful and will not be tolerated. Inappropriate behavior will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension from the team. Additionally, team members WILL NOT play computer games during meetings or times when they could be more productive. If students are disruptive or are not participating in the team-assigned activity, he / she will be sent home. We like to have fun, but also have cooperative, productive participants.