FEIT Research Seed Funding Grant Series 2016
Application closing date:21 March 2016
THE FEIT PHD POST THESISPUBLICATION SCHOLARSHIP was a new Faculty competitive grant in 2016 offered to all FEIT PhDstudents whose theses are under examination and who are yet to graduate from UTS. The grant aims to:
1)Increase FEIT Higher Degree Research (HDR) productivity;
2)Improve FEIT research outcomes.
THE SCHOLARSHIP is worth $2,000per month for up tothree (3) months (maximum). It will support PhD candidates preparing their papers to get published in high quality journals*. The Scholarship will be offered 5-6 times a year. The Faculty will form a review panel to assess the Scholarship applications in line with the University HDR scholarship and candidature policies.
Applicants must meet all of the following eligibility requirements:
1)Applicants must have submitted theirPhD thesis to the Graduate Research School for examination;
2)Applicants are yet to have submitted their final bound thesis binding;
3)Applicants are yet to graduate from UTS;
4)Successful Scholarship applicants must have a demonstrated strong track record during PhD candidature at UTS;
5)Publications produced during the Scholarship periodmust have the applicantas the first author;
6)Publications produced during the Scholarship period must be fully attributed to FEIT UTS.
Successful Scholarship applicantsand their supervisors must prepare a short reportat the conclusion of the scholarship. The Associate Dean Research may request an outcome report.
* High quality journals are represented by ERA Tier A & A* journals or top 20% of journals ranked by JCR (Journal Citation Reports).
PhD Candidate Name______Student Number ______
Research Centre ______School______
Contact Phone ______Email ______
Principal Supervisor Nameand Email______
Is your thesis currently under examination by nominated examiners as recommended Graduate Research School (Yes or No) ______
Indicate when you submitted your thesis (dd/mm/yyyy) ______
Month and Year you started your PhD candidature______
Total no. of paperspublishedas the first author during your PhD candidature ______including ______journal papers, and ______ERA tier A/A* journal papers
List all the publicationsduring your PhD candidatureat UTS below (please indicate whether they are published, accepted, or submitted; you may need to attach a separate list for this if the space below is not enough)
SECTION C: Signatures and Approval
Applicant Signature:
- I certify that to the best of my/our knowledge all the details on this application form are correct and complete and I meet the above requirements for eligibility;
- I understand and agree that research must be carried out in accordance with the Guidelines laid down in the appropriate code of practice; I must produce an outcome report at the end of the scholarship; and
- I understand and agree that any publications resulting from the scholarship will be wholly attributed to UTS.
Principal SupervisorConfirmation and Signature:
As principal supervisor, are you confident this student can produce a high quality journal paper during the scholarship period? (Yes/No)______if “yes” please provide your reasons below:
- I certify that the applicant meets the eligibility requirements to the best of my knowledge.
- I certify that I support and approve the named PhDstudents getting the plan paper(s) published.
- I agree that I will be responsible for producing the scholarship outcome report if the student has graduated from UTS.
SupervisorName: ______Signature: ______Date:______
Associate Dean (Research)
Approve OR Reject(please circle one)
Amount approved: ______
Signature: ______Date:______
1 / Please submit your application to by 21 March 2016