Volunteer and Paid


So you want to be a Madrich/a??

We are delighted you are interested in participating in Temple Beth Or’s Religious School Madrichim program. This short booklet is designed to answer your questions on how to apply, rate of payment, basic policies and most importantly your responsibilities when serving in this leadership role at Temple Beth Or Religious School.

Madrichim Requirements

All Madrichim applicants must sign and submit to the Religious School Principal (hereinafter Principal) a completed Temple Beth Or Religious School application form, with one supporting reference (who are not related to you). In addition you must be enrolled and attending Confirmation, or Post-Confirmation Class on a regular basis to be considered for a position. (Teachers will designate what consistent attendance means and consult with the Principal regarding any concerns or excessive absences).

If you are applying to a madrich/a for the first time you must complete a volunteer “Apprentice Madrich/a” year before becoming eligible for a paid position. You will be offered a thirty, (30) week contract. Completing this “apprentice” year does not guarantee a paid position, but rather the selection will be performance based on your “apprentice” year. Because Temple Beth Or wants every Apprentice Madrich/a to be successful, your designated Teacher will provide ongoing support through constructive evaluation in the classroom. In addition there will be two formal individualized meetings, occurring one each semester, designed to provide feedback to you on what is going well and areas that may require improvement. You will be encouraged to self-evaluate in writing to prepare for these meetings.

What Are the Madrichim Job Duties?

Most importantly you are a role model in and out of the classroom, presenting appropriate behavior, dress and attitude at all times, treating each student, teacher and other faculty with respect and dignity. You will:

  • Prepare for classes as instructed by your designated Teacher and Principal
  • Be present in the classroom 15 minutes before the class begins
  • Assist with teaching , supervision and dismissal of students
  • Clean up the room after class including but not limited to; collecting trash, washing tables and sweeping the floor as needed
  • Attend services whenever your assigned grade is participating
  • Attend ongoing Madrichim training programs as well as staff and faculty meetings as directed

How much do I earn and when do I get paid?

When you are eligible and offered a paid position, (eligible meaning you have successfully completed the “Apprentice” year, are registered for Post Confirmation Class, and are in the eleventh grade) you shall be paid at the rate of $14.50 per session and shall be paid on the last day of each month with a check hand delivered to you by the Religious School Principal or in the event you are absent from work, the check shall be mailed to your home address on the next business day. Your contract shall be in effect for 30 weeks.

As in your previous year you will continue to receive constructive feedback on a regular basis and be expected to self-evaluate as well as participate in two formal individual meetings each semester to ensure you and your designated Teacher are functioning as a positive, productive team.

Upon completing a successful second year as Madrich you will be offered a position for your senior year of school. (Remember to remain eligible you must be regularly attending Post Con) Your pay rate shall increase to $16.00 per session. You will continue to be paid once a month on the last day of each month and your check will be hand delivered to you by the Religious School Principal unless you are absent, when it will be mailed to your home the next business day.

What Does Participating in Sunday School / Confirmation or Post Con Mean?

By accepting a position as Madrich/a, it means you have also chosen the responsibility of being a leader and role model within the Jewish community. Furthering your Jewish education is an integral part of the required self-growth to be a Madrich/a. Attending and actively participating in your religious education on an ongoing basis is both necessary and required. If you are unable to participate due to legitimate reasons you may submit a written request to the Principal asking that you be assigned a work-study project in lieu of classes. The project must be approved ahead of time and it is the exception rather than the rule.

What Time Do I need To Be At Work/ What if I am Sick or it Snows?

If you are assigned to work the first session you need to report to your classroom by 8:45am and to the second session by 11:00am. You should arrive ready to work with a positive attitude! Remember working with children can require a lot of energy so if you are assigned to both sessions you may want to consider bringing a quick snack to eat between sessions so you remain energized and at your best.

We understand everyone gets sick or unavoidable delays can happen. In the event you are sick and/ or unable to report to work as required, please notify the Principal and your designated Teacher as soon as you or your parents are able. Remember: Your attendance and participation is an integral piece to the success of the classroom and your absence can be a very real hardship for both your students and your designated Teacher!

The safety of all our students and staff is a priority, so in the event of inclement weather Temple Beth Or shall have closing information on our website, voicemail and in addition an e-mail notification will be sent out to each family about the status of Sunday School.

Where Do I Park When I am at Work?

Madrichim should park in the lower lot of Temple Beth Or Religious School and are required to observe all the rules including but not limited to the 10 mile per hour speed limit. In addition you may not transport any students that are not your siblings without written permission from their parents.

What Should I Wear To Work?

Temple Beth Or respects your individual right to choose how you dress. After accepting a position as a Madrich/a it is important to remember that you are a role model for young children; sweat pants, pajamas or revealing clothes are not good choices. You may be involved in a variety of activities including physical so dress for comfort, be clean and neat. If your designated Teacher and Principal determine your clothes are not suitable for your position as Madrich/a or if you have “hickies” you may be asked to return home. If you are sent home you will not be paid for the sessions you miss.

What If A Problem Develops Between My Designated Teacher and me?

Temple Beth Or values working through personnel challenges in a way that promotes understanding, unity and personal growth. If issues arise between a teacher and Madrich/a, there are three steps that may be taken:

  1. Direct communication or meeting between the Teacher and Madrich/a
  2. Discussion with Principal regarding specifics of the issue, possible mediation to resolve them
  3. At the Principal’s discretion, reassignment may occur

What Kind of Behavior Would Cause Me to Lose My Position?

Maintaining a safe and respectful environment is the responsibility of every member of Temple Beth Or Religious School. With this in mind, Temple Beth Or observes a zero tolerance policy for being in the possession of or under the influence of drugs, alcohol and weapons, any criminal activity. In addition to the above inappropriate sexual behavior or any type of violence will be cause for immediate termination.

When communicating with students, staff or peers kind and encouraging words are the best choice- cursing, abusive, threatening and other forms of inappropriate language do not contribute to Temple Beth Or’s goals of a safe and respectful environment. This type of disrespectful behavior can be cause for immediate termination.

Taking pictures of any students and posting them on Facebook or other Internet sites is prohibited. This is a legal liability to you as their parents have not given permission for you to do so.

By accepting a Madrich/a position you have committed to being present each Sunday that Temple Beth Or Religious School is in session. This means you are an integral part of your assigned classroom; ongoing non-attendance without notice creates an extreme hardship for both your students and Teacher. Appropriate notice (two weeks) allows the Principal adequate time to secure a substitute Madrich/a, therefore three unexcused absences is cause for immediate termination.

What are the rules regarding Social Media?

  • TBO Teachers and Madrichim shall refrain from any proactive one-on- one communications with teens on social networking sites. They may accept invitations to profiles, groups, and events, but may not initiate any type of communication with teens. Responses to teen-initiated communications should be limited to those that are TBO-related.
  • Mass (one-to-many) communication from these sites is not prohibited provided that the content is appropriate and TBO-related.
  • TBO Teachers and Madrichim must recognize that they are role models for Jewish teens at all times, and should limit their public profile to information, comments, photos, etc. that are appropriate should a student or parent view them.
  • TBO Teachers and Madrichim agree to be respectful of TBO, its students and its policies in all postings in profiles, blogs and other mediums of Internet communications.
  • TBO Teachers and Madrichim agree not to use a social networking profile, group page, blog, or other Internet medium to discuss behavior that is prohibited by TBO policy, iincluding, but not limited to, alcohol or drug use, sexual behavior, delinquent behavior, etc.
  • Should TBO Teachers and Madrichim choose to maintain a virtual presence and see something on a students’s profile that is immoral and/or illegal, it is the responsibility of the adult to notify the Principal immediately. The Principal will provide guidance on any next steps (to possibly include notifying the online community, the student’s parents, appropriate state agency, and/or law enforcement). Representatives of TBOhave a legal and moral obligation to protect students and acts of omission, in this case, are considered far more detrimental than acts of commission.

Will I get a Warning or Help before I Lose My Position?

Temple Beth Or Religious School is committed to you becoming a successful Madrich/a; with this in mind we have designed and implemented a system to provide a fair, clear and useful tool for correcting and improving performance and personal conduct issues. Any corrective action taken in accordance with this policy must be for one of the following reasons:

  • Unsatisfactory job performance
  • Unacceptable personal conduct

Work Performance Issue Process

Your designated Teacher will provide ongoing feedback to you as opportunities for learning present themselves. If an issue is addressed twice by the teacher (which they will document in writing), the next step will be a counseling session between the Teacher, Principal, and Madrich/a. This counseling session will generate a written warning.

Suspension / Work Without Pay

Any Madrich/a maybe suspended without pay as a corrective measure either after the receipt of at least two prior corrective actions (unsatisfactory job performance), or without prior warning (unacceptable personal conduct), depending on the nature of the unacceptable behavior. If you are suspended from work it shall be without pay. There may be times that, in order to rebuild trust with Temple Beth Or Religious School, you maybe asked to “donate “ your time and continue to work without pay. The work without pay corrective action may not be imposed without your written acceptance of the conditions and maybe offered in lieu of dismissal.

Pre-Dismissal Conference

While Temple Beth Or Religious School is a supportive employer if it is no longer productive or safe for the school and students to have Madrich/a with ongoing performance or unacceptable personal conduct in the work place. A Madrich/a maybe dismissed as a corrective measure either after the receipt of at least two prior corrective actions (counseling, written warning) for unsatisfactory job performance, or without corrective action for unacceptable personal conduct, depending on the nature of the unacceptable behavior.

The designated Teacher recommending dismissal must consult with the Principal and one Rabbi, upon their approval the Teacher and the Principal shall meet with the Madrich/a and discuss the specific reasons for the proposed dismissal and provide a summary of the facts supporting the dismissal recommendation.

You will be allowed an opportunity to provide reasons why the dismissal should not be imposed and offer facts that are different from those presented by the Teacher. The Teacher and the Principal will review and consider your response in making the decision on the recommended dismissal. Unless an additional investigation is required based on the presented information the Principal shall notify you of their decision within 48 hours of the Pre Dismissal Conference.

If you are dismissed, it shall be effective immediately and you will be mailed your final paycheck at the end of the normal pay cycle.

If you are not dismissed a plan will be developed that includes how the behavior in question will be addressed and any consequences imposed.

Can I Bring My Parents To My Corrective Action Conferences/ Sessions?

If you are under sixteen years of age your parents may be present for a Pre-Dismissal Conference. If you are sixteen or older; the only individuals who may attend are you, your Designated Teacher, the Principal and at your or the Principal’s request one of the Rabbis.

A Madrich/a’s failure to appear at any scheduled Corrective Action Conference / Session will be considered a Voluntary resignation.

Work Performance Issue Process:
A. Ongoing evaluation and guidance is offered verbally by teacher to Madrich/a
B. Any corrective action identified will be verbally shared with Madrich/a and noted in attendance file/ personnel record, and are categorized as “warnings”
C. At the 3rd warning (or is it AFTER the 2nd warning?), a Counseling Session will be scheduled between Mardrich/a, teacher and principal, and a written warning will be generated. The written warning shall outline specific corrective action to be taken by Madrich/a in order to maintain employment in good standing.
D. “Pre-Dismissal Conference” will be scheduled should the behavior appear following a written warning. This meeting will be to notify Madrich/a of their termination. Madrich/a will have an opportunity to document a plan of corrective action for review and possible reinstatement as a Madrich/a.

Will Serving as Madrich/a Count Toward School Community Services Hours?

VolunteerMadrich hours will count toward school or Honor Society community service projects. The Principal will sign or provide any supporting documentation required by your school or extracurricular organization to ensure you get the credit for your volunteer service to Temple Beth Or Religious School.

Can My Designated Teacher and / or The Principal Serve As a Reference for Me On College or Job Applications?

Yes! Being a madrich/a is an honor, a privilege and is a real job. Your designated Teacher and the Principal maybe willing to serve as a reference for you in many different settings. Your request will need to be made to them individually and will be based on your relationship and job performance during your time at Temple Beth Or Religious School.

Again, we are so excited to have you on board for the upcoming school year. The role of a Madrich/a in our Religious School is a vital one to its success!



Emilia Diamant, Principal


Adam Nitkin, Religious School Committee Chair