Reading Assignment 2015

Students are to complete 10 of the following questions from Act I-III sc.iii. Be sure to include specific evidence (quotes) from the text to support your answer.

Act I Questions(Answer any FIVE)

  1. What are two different functions served by the first scene? Explain.
  1. Although Macbeth doesn’t appear in scene ii, we learn a great deal about him. Complete a character sketch of Macbeth from this scene.
  1. Choose two metaphors from the “bleeding Sergeant’s” report to Duncan and fully explain the comparisons drawn. Be sure to explain why the metaphors are effective.
  1. Compare the reactions of Macbeth and Banquo to the witches’ prophecies. What do you discover about both of these characters in scene iii?
  1. By the end of scene iii, Macbeth decides not to kill Duncan. What does this emphasize about Macbeth’s character?
  1. Dramatic irony, when used effectively, can serve to reveal character. Provide examples of dramatic irony from scene iv. What is revealed about character through the use of this device?
  1. In the first half of scene v, Lady Macbeth provides the audience with more information about Macbeth’s character. What does she say about him? Is her estimation of Macbeth something the reader expects to learn about Macbeth? Explain.
  1. In scene vi show how the opening dialogue between Duncan and Banquo depends on dramatic irony for its effect.
  1. Lady Macbeth uses powerful language in her attempts to deal with her husband’s wavering. How does Lady Macbeth persuade her husband to go through with the plan? What do you learn about Lady Macbeth’s character in this scene?

Act II Questions (Answer any THREE)

  1. In scene i Banquo remarks on the night. This is an example of pathetic fallacy. What atmosphere is created through the use of this device in this scene? Be sure to explain the strange happenings in this scene.
  1. In this scene, Macbeth sees a dagger. Explain the significance of this for Macbeth.
  1. What sentiment does Macbeth express at the end of scene ii? What does this reveal about Macbeth’s character? Why is it necessary to emphasize this point?

13.Scene iii begins with what is commonly known as the porter scene. What two functions are served by this scene? Explain.

14.How does the night as described by Lennox in scene iii compare with the night experienced by the Macbeth’s in the previous scene? Explain fully. Compare how Macbeth behaves in this scene with his behavior in the previous scene. What do you learn about Macbeth?

15.Malcolm, at the end of this scene, suggests running away from Scotland. What are his concerns? How is this reflective of appearances and reality? Explain.

Act III up to scene iii – (Answer any TWO)

16.In scene i, what does Banquo’s soliloquy reveal about his character? Explain.

17.In scene ii, it is emphasized that the Macbeths are not happy after attaining the crown. What reasons are suggested for their unhappiness? Explain.

18.How does the planning of Banquo’s murder compare with that of Duncan’s murder? What change in Macbeth’s character does this emphasize? Explain.

*Note* This assignment, along with the literary terms sheet (up to the end of Act III, Sc iii), will be taken in for a grade.

Please review the Macbeth grading rubricon teacher websites before submitting this work.